Electrictric field due to changing uniform magnetic field

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the electric field in a system with changing magnetic field. It is determined that the solution requires a second equation, in addition to the Maxwell-Faraday equation, to determine the unique solution. The third solution, which has rotational symmetry around the z axis, is suggested as the most appropriate solution.
  • #1
How does look like electric field lines due to change of the uniform magnetic field?
Suppose we have a magnetic field between two infunite plates with surface current $i$ which is lineary change with time. Then [itex]B[/itex]-filel is ([itex]x[/itex] - perpendicular to plates, [itex]z[/itex] and [itex]y[/itex] along plates)
B_z = \frac{4\pi}{c} i
and from Maxwell equation [itex]curl E = -\frac{1}{c}\frac{\partial B}{\partial t}[/itex] we get:
\frac{\partial E_y}{\partial x} - \frac{\partial E_x}{\partial y} = -\frac{1}{c}\frac{\partial B_z}{\partial t}

How can I find [itex]E[/itex] -field?
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  • #2
Is this a homework problem? If so you should use the homework template.

If ##i## is changing linearly with time then how would you write the time dependent form of the current and hence the magnetic field?

Once you find ##B_{z}## you can find the right hand side of the Maxwell-Faraday equation. Since you have two unkowns, ##E_{y}## and ##E_{x}##, you need a second equation to guarantee a unique solution. This is Gauss's law

With this it is fairly simple to guess the correct form of ##\mathbf{E}## which satisfies both equations.
  • #3
Is this a homework problem? If so you should use the homework template.
No, it is not a homework. This problem is of interest to me.

I don't think the [itex]\nabla\cdot E = 0[/itex] would be enaught. Let's solve this problem in a different way (usingvector potential). As we know, for a uniform magnetic field, 1) [itex]A_x=0, A_y = xB, A_z = 0[/itex] 2) [itex]A_x=-yB, A_y = 0, A_z = 0[/itex] 3) [itex]A_x=-\frac12 yB, A_y = \frac12 xB, A_z = 0[/itex].
and for defining electric field we should to use [itex]E = -\frac{1}{c} \frac{\partial A}{\partial t}[/itex].
Suppose [itex]i = kt[/itex]. And [itex]B = \frac{4\pi}{c} kt[/itex].
Thus we have three possibilities:
1) [itex]E_x=0, E_y = x\frac{4\pi}{c} k, E_z = 0[/itex]
2) [itex]E_x=-y\frac{4\pi}{c} k, E_y = 0, E_z = 0[/itex]
3) [itex]E_x=-\frac12 y\frac{4\pi}{c} k, E_y = \frac12 x\frac{4\pi}{c} k, E_z = 0[/itex]

All three fields satisfy equations [itex]\nabla\times E = -\frac{1}{c} \frac{\partial B}{\partial t}[/itex] and [itex]\nabla\cdot E = 0[/itex].
But which one possibility of three I should to choose as solution? Obviously, I need something else. I need boundary conditions, which is not obvious for me in this case.
  • #4
I see. I would choose the third solution because of the symmetry of the problem. If you rotate the system around the z axis the magnetic field looks the same and thus the electric field should also look the same. The first two solutions do not have this property. The third solution has rotational symmetry around the z axis.

Related to Electrictric field due to changing uniform magnetic field

1. What is an electric field due to a changing uniform magnetic field?

The electric field due to a changing uniform magnetic field, also known as Faraday's Law, is a phenomenon where an electric field is induced by a changing magnetic field. It is one of the fundamental principles of electromagnetism.

2. How is the electric field strength determined in this scenario?

The electric field strength is determined by the rate of change of the magnetic field and the distance from the source of the changing magnetic field. The stronger the rate of change and the closer the distance, the stronger the electric field will be.

3. What are some real-life applications of this concept?

This concept is used in various technologies such as generators, transformers, and electric motors. It is also the principle behind induction charging in devices like electric toothbrushes and smartphones.

4. Can the electric field due to a changing magnetic field be manipulated?

Yes, the electric field can be manipulated by changing the rate of change of the magnetic field or by altering the distance from the source of the magnetic field. This is how devices like transformers and generators are able to control the flow of electricity.

5. Are there any safety concerns related to this phenomenon?

There are potential safety concerns when dealing with strong electric fields due to changing magnetic fields. It is important to take proper precautions and have a good understanding of the principles involved when working with high voltage equipment.
