Electroless nickel plating - surface preparation

In summary, the electroless nickel plating of brass is not as successful as it could be because the substrate material is not the best. The best substrate material to use is lead free brass. The nickel plating process usually works better if you first flash copper onto the substrate.
  • #1

I am conducting the experiments with the electroless nickel plating of the brass (CZ121).
I have read a lot of the literature about this process prior to the lab tests.

All brass surface cleaning procedures that I have came across involve the electroless cleaning (I understand why). However, I wonder whether some recepture could be recommended for CZ121 brass which does not involve electroless cleaning. My main target is not the excellent quality of the Ni-P plating but to get the process working with simplified cleaning to proof the specific concepts (rapid prototyping).
P.S. The regular Ni-P coating providers cannot ensure their service due to novel aspects of the tested concepts.

Please help.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #3
@jim hardy
Thank you for yuor answer.
Yes, I have also asked my question there (it is not posted yet, admin needs to approve it).
  • #4
I'd like to learn a little about plating myself, will watch your thread. I hope you'll share how it's done.
My experiments just made black goo on the surface.
  • #5
Acid dip . Very weak acids will work . Even citric acid or vinegar .

CZ121 is not the best substrate material for any kind of plating . Ideally choose a lead free brass .

Nickel plating usually works better if you flash Copper plate the substrate material first .
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  • #6
@jim hardy
I have obtained same results so far. The surface was covered with something like dark grey easy to scratch coating.
The industrial procedures for the brass surface cleaning prior to Ni-P coating are complex. As I have outlined earlier my goal is to get the process working, even if Ni plating would not be of the best quality and test then some novel concepts of the Ni-P solution flow through specific substrate geometries. Therefore, I am hoping to find some simplified cleaning procedure which would make my work significantly simplier.
I have came across a few brass cleaning procedures such as this one outlined in the file 1 sent attached.

@jim hardy, @Nidum
I need to stay with brass CZ121. I have no choice.
Unfortunatelly, my brass samples are not 'virgin brass'.
My brass samples are chopped small pieces coming from the tool which is used in the machine (tool working temperature is 200degC, it is in contact with molten polymer). For some reasons I cannot use new brass.
The tool is chopped on small pieces, cleaned on the hot plate from remaining polymer and then cleaned in ultrasonic bath.
Then I apply my cleaning procedure prior to Ni-P coating, which has been so far:
- Etching with use of the mild acid solution (obtained from the company which uses it for the brass etching before the electroplating). Solution tempretature 20degC.
- Rinsing in DI water, for approx. 2 minutes. Water temperature 90degC (this temperature provides pre-heat of the brass prior to coating).
The brass sample surface after cleaning is not shiny, it is still brown, looks somewhat dirty.

P.S. The same brass samples were forwarded to the Ni-P coating company and the achieved coating quality was excellent (most important coating process was successfully kicked off). Unfortunatelly, none of the coating suppliers can do my experiments with coating.
The company which provided coated samples also applied the electrocleaning process.

Thank you Nidum for your advice in regards to the acids. I will try them.
I am also going to heat up my mild acid solution (tried earlier) to 90degC. Hopefully, it will be more efficient then.


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Related to Electroless nickel plating - surface preparation

What is electroless nickel plating?

Electroless nickel plating is a process in which a layer of nickel is deposited onto a surface using an autocatalytic chemical reaction. This process does not require electricity and results in a uniform layer of nickel with high corrosion resistance and wear resistance.

What are the benefits of electroless nickel plating?

The benefits of electroless nickel plating include improved corrosion resistance, increased hardness and wear resistance, improved solderability, and enhanced lubricity. It can also be used to provide a smooth and uniform finish on complex or irregularly shaped objects.

What are the steps involved in preparing a surface for electroless nickel plating?

The surface preparation for electroless nickel plating typically involves cleaning, degreasing, and activating the surface. This can be done through various methods such as sandblasting, chemical etching, or mechanical abrasion. The surface must also be thoroughly rinsed and dried before the plating process.

What factors can affect the quality of electroless nickel plating?

The quality of electroless nickel plating can be affected by various factors such as the composition and condition of the base material, the cleanliness of the surface, the temperature and concentration of the plating solution, and the agitation of the plating bath. Proper control and monitoring of these factors are crucial for achieving a high-quality plating finish.

Can electroless nickel plating be applied to all types of materials?

Electroless nickel plating can be applied to a wide range of materials including metals, plastics, and even non-conductive materials such as ceramic or glass. However, the surface must be properly prepared and activated to ensure adhesion and a uniform plating result.

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