Electrolysis and reduced mass of a metal bar

In summary, when a bar of copper with a weight of m grams is inserted into a solution of HCl and H2O, it will lose weight and become m_1 grams. This is due to the process of electrolysis, where the copper reacts with the solution and forms new compounds on the electrode. The general formula to find m_1 is not provided, but can be determined by understanding the reactions that take place during electrolysis. This information can be found in the Cu and Electrolysis chapter.
  • #1
1. Insert a bar of copper of m(gram) into (HCl + H2O). After a while, its weight become m_1 (gram) which is smaller than m. Explain why and give a general formula to find m_1

2. None

3. I keep thinking how that becomes possible, because I learn that Cu can't react with HCl+H2O
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Question states "electrolysis", you are thinking in terms of dissolution.
  • #3
Borek said:
Question states "electrolysis", you are thinking in terms of dissolution.

my exercise is in Cu and Electrolysis chapter, I don't know how to explain why Cu's weight is lost over a short time.
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  • #4
Then read the chapter, it explains what reactions take place on the electrode during electrolysis.
  • #5

1. The reduced mass of the copper bar is due to the process of electrolysis. When the copper bar is immersed in the HCl + H2O solution, a chemical reaction takes place at the surface of the bar. This reaction causes the copper atoms to lose electrons, forming positively charged ions. These ions then migrate towards the negative electrode, where they gain electrons and become neutral copper atoms again. This process of losing and gaining electrons results in the reduction of the mass of the copper bar.

The general formula to find m_1 would be: m_1 = m - (n * e), where m is the initial mass of the copper bar, n is the number of electrons lost by each copper atom, and e is the mass of one electron.

2. It is not possible for Cu to react with HCl + H2O. The electrolysis process does not involve a direct reaction between the copper and the solution. Instead, it involves the movement of ions within the solution and the transfer of electrons between the electrodes. Therefore, the copper bar remains unchanged chemically, but its mass is reduced due to the loss of electrons.

3. It is important to understand that electrolysis is a process that involves the movement of charged particles (ions) and the transfer of electrons, rather than a direct chemical reaction between the metal and the solution. This is a common misconception about electrolysis. The reduction in mass of the copper bar is a result of the transfer of electrons and not a chemical reaction.

FAQ: Electrolysis and reduced mass of a metal bar

1. How does electrolysis work?

Electrolysis is a process in which an electric current is used to drive a chemical reaction. In the case of a metal bar, the electric current causes the metal atoms to lose electrons, which then form positive ions. These ions are then attracted to the negative electrode, where they gain electrons and become neutral atoms again. This process continues until all the metal atoms in the bar have been reduced to positive ions.

2. What is the purpose of electrolysis in reducing the mass of a metal bar?

The purpose of electrolysis in reducing the mass of a metal bar is to separate the metal atoms from their original form in order to purify the metal. This is achieved by removing impurities and other elements that may be present in the metal bar, resulting in a more pure and lightweight metal.

3. How is the reduced mass of a metal bar determined through electrolysis?

The reduced mass of a metal bar is determined by measuring the change in mass of the bar before and after electrolysis. The initial mass of the bar is recorded, and then the mass is measured again after electrolysis has been completed. The difference between the two measurements is the reduced mass of the metal bar.

4. What factors can affect the reduced mass of a metal bar during electrolysis?

The reduced mass of a metal bar can be affected by several factors. These include the type of metal being used, the concentration and type of electrolyte solution, the strength of the electric current, and the duration of the electrolysis process. Other factors such as temperature and pH levels can also have an impact on the reduced mass of the metal bar.

5. Can electrolysis be used to reduce the mass of any type of metal bar?

Yes, electrolysis can be used to reduce the mass of any type of metal bar. However, the effectiveness of the process may vary depending on the properties of the metal and the conditions of the electrolysis. It is important to consider the factors that can affect the reduced mass of the metal bar and adjust the process accordingly for best results.

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