Electromagnatics Disperate Help

In summary, the speaker is struggling to understand the concepts of electric charges and electric fields in their AP Physics class. They are seeking resources and assistance with understanding these topics and solving problems. The conversation also includes a discussion on Coulomb's Law and finding the initial charges of two identical conducting spheres. The speaker also mentions difficulties with applying the concepts to problems involving electric fields and a question about a specific problem involving oil drops and electric fields.
  • #1
Hi i am in ap physics and we just finished the electric charges and electric fields chapter but i am completely clueless. I haven't been keeping up with the problems and haven't been to a lot of classes and now it has come back to haunt me. Any good sites out there or can anyone answer some of my questions about these topics? I don't really get these chapters at all.

For example: 2 indentical conducting spheres, fixed in place, attract each other with an electrostatic force of .108 N when separated 50cm. The spheres are then connected by a thin conducting wire. When the wire is removed, the spheres repel each other with an electorstatic force of .0360 N. What were the initial charges on the spheres? Answer is -1 and 3 mirco columbs but i don't know how to get it.

This is the easiest question out of all of my set and i hope if i can understand this the rest will click 2. Also, any good resources on Electirc field due to point, line, disk, charges? thanks in advance
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  • #2
Berg said:
For example: 2 indentical conducting spheres, fixed in place, attract each other with an electrostatic force of .108 N when separated 50cm. The spheres are then connected by a thin conducting wire. When the wire is removed, the spheres repel each other with an electorstatic force of .0360 N. What were the initial charges on the spheres? Answer is -1 and 3 mirco columbs but i don't know how to get it.

Assume the charges are Q1 and Q2. Write the equation for the force between two charges (Coulomb's Law).

The effect of connecting the spheres by a wire is that this allows the charges to uniformly ditribute themselves, so that the charges on both spheres will now be equal. Since the total charge (Q1 + Q2) is conserved, each sphere must get half this total.

Now again write the force equation with the new charges.

You have 2 equations in 2 unknowns. Solve to find Q1 and Q2.

As far as study resources, your textbook is often better than most online resources. Nevertheless, I believe there's a thread at the top of this forum, listing useful online resources.
  • #3
Try googling HyperPhysics, that site should help.
  • #4
Thx for the help guys, I understand charges and Columbs law but i still don't see how it applys to electric fields :confused: For example:

Two point charges q1= -5q and q2= +2q are separated by distance d. Locate the point (or points) at which the electirc field due to the charges is zeo. Sketch the electric field lines.

I do 2 Field due to point Charges equations and set them equal with each other because they both equal 0 and then can equal each other but the 1/4pieo and d2 cancel out and i just end up with -5q=+2q... ?? hmm i don't get it.

Another one that's been really bothering me is...
In Millikan's experiment, an oil drop of radius 1.64 micro meters and density 0.851g/cm^3 is suspended in chamber C when a downward pointing electric field of 1.92 x10^5 N/C is applied. Find the charge on the drop in terms of e

Errr would this be a point charge?
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  • #5
well i figured out the milken experient but for that other charge one all my charges end up canceling out still i don't quite get it :confused: why can't i set them equal to each other?

FAQ: Electromagnatics Disperate Help

1) What is Electromagnetics Disperate Help?

Electromagnetics Disperate Help is a field of science that studies the relationship between electricity and magnetism, and how they interact with matter and energy.

2) What are some practical applications of Electromagnetics Disperate Help?

Electromagnetics Disperate Help has many practical applications, such as in the development of new technologies like electric motors and generators, wireless communication systems, and medical imaging devices.

3) How does Electromagnetics Disperate Help relate to other branches of science?

Electromagnetics Disperate Help is closely related to other branches of science, such as physics, engineering, and computer science, as it provides the foundation for understanding and designing many modern technologies.

4) What are some key concepts in Electromagnetics Disperate Help?

Some key concepts in Electromagnetics Disperate Help include electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic induction, and the laws of electromagnetism.

5) How is Electromagnetics Disperate Help studied and researched?

Electromagnetics Disperate Help is studied and researched through a combination of theoretical and experimental methods, using mathematical models and physical experiments to understand and test the principles of electromagnetism.

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