Electromagnetic Energy: Existence, Measurability & More

In summary: The space elevator is a proposed means of extracting energy from outer space, using a pole or tower extending from the Earth's surface. The idea was first proposed by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in the early 20th century and has been explored by various scientists since. Theoretically, the energy could be harvested from the ambient space-time curvature through the use of a large, rotating magnet.
  • #1
We are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic energy, right?
In what way does this energy exist? Is it measurable? Is there much of it?

Side thought, hypothetically, with a pole extended from Earth to outside Earth's atmosphere, couldn't the friction on the pole from "space" be converted into energy?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
satelliteguy said:
We are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic energy, right?
In what way does this energy exist? Is it measurable? Is there much of it?


You might want to bookmark the whole hyperphysics webpage if you haven't discovered it already. There's a good possibility that some of your upcoming questions are covered in there already.

  • #3
Short Answer: Cost-vs-Benefit.

Long Answer: Sure, there are many available sources whereby energy could be extracted and converted to humanly useful purposes.
From the most mundane to the exotic, they are available. But, how much does it cost to do this?
If one spends a billion dollars to set-up a scenario that produces $1,000 worth of electricity per day, it would take 1 million days to pay for itself.

The science is not wrong, but economics must play a significant role.

Edit: Not talking about solar cells or wind energy here, rather more exotic approaches.
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  • #4
Well, before you even get to cost/benefit, you have to ask if a proposal is even possible. Extending a pole/tower into space is not currently possible.
  • #5
More of a theory, just wondering if even possible theoretically. If space is a vacuum, then is there anything to apply friction?
  • #6
The most simple example of using eletromagnetic energy I can remenber now is the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_radio" , an ancient radio receiver that needs no battery. Its power source comes from the eletromagnetics waves received from a long wire antenna, It was very popular in the early days of radio.
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  • #8
TY dalespam, exactly the thought I came up w/ after posting my first thought of a pole. Maybe not feasible right now, but...
Next idea that followed, and is not practical, but a track made of copper, wrapping around an entire globe, laid out in relation to the moon revolving around the planet, and a giant tether coming from the track, and bolted to the moon. As the moon goes around the planet, it drags the tether w/ magnetic end and thus, produces constant energy. Not sure on the #'s for the math, but would certainly be an insane amount of energy.
May be feasible on a planet w/ few weather disturbances and a close moon w/ a quick planetary revolution. Now hook it up to a HUGE tesla coil, and voila, electricity for the solar system.

Or is that too far out for you guys.
  • #9
russ_watters said:
Well, before you even get to cost/benefit, you have to ask if a proposal is even possible. Extending a pole/tower into space is not currently possible.

Exactly. Many things are possible yet not practical. Perhaps I had not expressed myself correctly. My post stands with corrected interpretation.
  • #10
satelliteguy said:
Side thought, hypothetically, with a pole extended from Earth to outside Earth's atmosphere, couldn't the friction on the pole from "space" be converted into energy?

satelliteguy said:
More of a theory, just wondering if even possible theoretically. If space is a vacuum, then is there anything to apply friction?

Well, I'm not quite sure I'd use the word friction, but there is the planet's magnetic field through which satellites pass. Even without the ability to build a beanstalk, there's some energy there for the taking. A number of real experiments have been done in orbit.

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FAQ: Electromagnetic Energy: Existence, Measurability & More

1. What is electromagnetic energy?

Electromagnetic energy is a type of energy that is generated by the movement of electrically charged particles. It includes visible light, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays, among others.

2. How does electromagnetic energy exist?

Electromagnetic energy exists as both a particle and a wave. It is made up of photons, which are the building blocks of light, and can travel through space as a wave, carrying energy with it.

3. Can electromagnetic energy be measured?

Yes, electromagnetic energy can be measured using a variety of instruments such as spectrometers, photometers, and oscilloscopes. These instruments can measure the intensity, frequency, and wavelength of electromagnetic waves.

4. How is electromagnetic energy used in everyday life?

Electromagnetic energy is used in various ways in our daily lives. It is used for communication through radio waves, television signals, and cell phone signals. It is also used for cooking through microwaves and for medical imaging through X-rays.

5. Can electromagnetic energy be harmful to humans?

High levels of electromagnetic energy, such as ultraviolet rays and X-rays, can be harmful to humans. However, most forms of electromagnetic energy in everyday life, such as visible light and radio waves, are not harmful to humans.
