Electromagnetic Force: Where Does Virtual Photon Get Its Energy?

In summary: Everything will be okay. In summary, virtual photons get energy from the electron or proton depending on the diagram. Virtual photons are tools in perturbation theory and they exist for a finite period of time. Energy conservation is still upheld even when virtual photons are created.
  • #1
Suppose we take there are one electron and one proton, they attract each other by exchange of virtual photon of energy ∆E and it exists for ∆t. From where virtual photon gets energy ∆E? Is it from electron or proton?if it gets energy from electron or proton, will the energy of electron and proton also change?
There are so many electrons and protons in this universe and every electron and proton interact with every other electron and proton so there are many virtual photons floating here and there in the universe. Is this true? if so then, there would be almost infinite energy going with these virtual photons? from where these virtual photons getting energy?
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  • #2
There are two diagrams, in one of them the electron emits the photon and proton receives it. In the second the process is opposite. Each diagram contributes to the total process of electron - proton scattering.

Well, yes and no. Virtual particles are tools in perturbation theory, it is hard to tell wheter they exists or not and we must raise the question on a philosophical level on what existence really means. But anyway, in the language of virtual particle exhange, an electron emits and absorbs vritual photons all the time. One feynman diagram is that the electron emits a virtual photon at time t_1 and then absorbs it at latter time t_2. And so on and so on.
  • #3
malawi_glenn said:
There are two diagrams, in one of them the electron emits the photon and proton receives it. In the second the process is opposite. Each diagram contributes to the total process of electron - proton scattering.

Well, yes and no. Virtual particles are tools in perturbation theory, it is hard to tell wheter they exists or not and we must raise the question on a philosophical level on what existence really means. But anyway, in the language of virtual particle exhange, an electron emits and absorbs vritual photons all the time. One feynman diagram is that the electron emits a virtual photon at time t_1 and then absorbs it at latter time t_2. And so on and so on.

So if electron emits virtual photon,then its energy decreases and since there are so many electrons and protons in this universe,hence this electron interacts with all of them and emits many virtual photons for each interaction and so its energy will be decreasing and decreasing and it will vanish..isn't it? this is strange.
  • #4
no in total the energy is conserved. When you construct a diagram, you impose momentum and energy conservation. Then between ingoing and outgoing states, things can happen such as mass off shell particles (the one we call virtual).

You are mixing these things up with "spontaneous" pair creation out of the vacuum, where a pair of particles,antiparticles are excited from the vacuum to again annihilate and thus preserving energy conservation.

Also you think that interaction MUST take place, but there is a probability for a process to occur.

Stop worrying.

FAQ: Electromagnetic Force: Where Does Virtual Photon Get Its Energy?

1. What is electromagnetic force and how does it work?

Electromagnetic force is one of the fundamental forces of nature that is responsible for the interactions between electrically charged particles. It is mediated by virtual particles called photons, which are constantly exchanged between charged particles. These exchanges create a force that attracts or repels charged particles based on their charges.

2. Where does virtual photon get its energy?

The energy of virtual photons is not derived from a specific source. They are considered to be excitations of the electromagnetic field, which is present everywhere in space. Therefore, the energy of virtual photons is inherent in the electromagnetic field itself.

3. How is the energy of virtual photon related to the strength of electromagnetic force?

The energy of virtual photons is directly related to the strength of electromagnetic force. This means that the stronger the force between two charged particles, the higher the energy of the virtual photons being exchanged between them. Conversely, a weaker force would result in lower energy virtual photons being exchanged.

4. Can virtual photons be observed or measured?

No, virtual photons cannot be observed or measured directly. They are considered to be virtual because they exist only as mathematical entities that describe the interactions between charged particles. However, their effects can be observed and measured through experiments and calculations.

5. How does the concept of virtual photons contribute to our understanding of electromagnetic force?

The concept of virtual photons helps us understand the mechanism of electromagnetic force and how it is transmitted between charged particles. It also explains why this force can act over long distances, as the virtual photons are constantly being exchanged between particles. Additionally, the concept of virtual photons is essential in understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level and in developing theories such as quantum electrodynamics.

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