Electron bound to proton by gravity

  • #1
Homework Statement
Suppose an electron were bound to a proton not by the electrical force, but by gravity. What would be the radius and energy of Bohr's first orbit?
Relevant Equations
##F_G = \frac{G\cdot m_1 m_2}{r^2}##
##F_C = m_e r \omega^2##
Hello everyone,
I have the problem above. I chose to put ##F_G = F_Z## to solve it and end up with a radius ##r = 1.04\cdot 10^{-7}##m.
Solutions on the internet choose to put the gravitational force equal to the centrifugal force and obviously end up with a completely different solution. I can kind of understand both ways, but for me my way is the solution to the above statement, and to put ##F_G## equal to the coulomb force would just show how big the radius has to be to equal the Coulomb force. Which of course is valid because this is how the electron is bound to the proton. But in the problem we think about, how it is, when the Coulomb force is not there.
Which way would you think is correct to solve what is asked?
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  • #2
Why do you think the gravitational force between the proton and electron has to equal the electrical force?

In a normal hydrogen atom, the sum  of the gravitational and electrical forces between the proton and electron provides the centripetal force on the electron. You can neglect the gravitational force as it is  much  weaker than the electric force.

But if there is no electric force, the centripetal force on the electron has to be provided entirely by the gravitational force.

Does that make sense?
  • #3
Hello, thank you for your answer. I was just about to delete this post, since I got the right solution by using my method. I was wondering anyway, that if the Coulomb force was set equal to the centrifugal force and the gravitational force was set equal to the centrifugal force, that the Coulomb and the gravitational force had to be equal. And that is what I got now. I think I made som e major mistakes in the way I calculated my first solutions.
  • #4
Juli said:
I was just about to delete this post, since I got the right solution by using my method.
What answers (radius and energy) did you get? Hopefully the radius was very (and I mean very!) large.

Juli said:
I was wondering anyway, that if the Coulomb force was set equal to the centrifugal force and the gravitational force was set equal to the centrifugal force, that the Coulomb and the gravitational force had to be equal. And that is what I got now. I think I made som e major mistakes in the way I calculated my first solutions.
You mean centripetal, not centrifugal.

You shouldn't set the Coulomb and gravitational forces equal here; it's wrong. The 1st Bohr orbit is determined by ensuring that the electron's angular momentum is the required value.

Related to Electron bound to proton by gravity

What is the concept of an electron bound to a proton by gravity?

In classical physics, gravity is the force of attraction between masses. However, for subatomic particles like electrons and protons, the gravitational force is extremely weak compared to the electromagnetic force. The concept of an electron bound to a proton by gravity is more of a theoretical curiosity, as in practice, the electromagnetic force overwhelmingly dominates the interaction between these particles.

Why is gravity negligible compared to electromagnetic force for an electron-proton system?

The gravitational force between an electron and a proton is many orders of magnitude weaker than the electromagnetic force. The electromagnetic force between a proton and an electron is given by Coulomb's law, which is significantly stronger due to the charges involved. In contrast, the gravitational force is given by Newton's law of gravitation, which is extremely weak because the masses of the electron and proton are so small.

Can gravity play any significant role in the interaction between an electron and a proton?

In practical terms, gravity plays no significant role in the interaction between an electron and a proton. The electromagnetic force is so much stronger that it completely overshadows any gravitational effects. Gravity only becomes significant in systems with much larger masses, such as stars, planets, and galaxies.

Is there any scenario where gravity could bind an electron to a proton?

In the realm of standard physics, there is no realistic scenario where gravity could bind an electron to a proton in the presence of electromagnetic forces. The only theoretical context where gravity might play a role would be in extremely speculative and exotic conditions, such as in the vicinity of a black hole or in hypothetical higher-dimensional theories of gravity.

How do quantum mechanics and general relativity address the interaction between an electron and a proton?

Quantum mechanics primarily deals with the behavior of subatomic particles, including the interaction between electrons and protons through the electromagnetic force. General relativity, on the other hand, describes the gravitational interaction between masses. In the context of an electron and a proton, quantum mechanics is the dominant framework, as the effects of general relativity are negligible due to the extremely small masses involved.

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