Electron flow in live and neutral wires

In summary, the direction of current in an AC circuit is reversed every half cycle due to the changing polarity of the supply. In the UK, the live wire delivers power from the grid while the neutral wire serves as the return wire. Both wires experience a reversal of current every half cycle, and this is due to the fact that power is transmitted as a traveling wave, with the phase carrying power in and the neutral carrying it out. The neutral is at roughly Earth voltage, but it is not as safe as ground because a high current from a single house can create a significant voltage on nearby sections of the neutral. Additionally, in a three phase suburban supply, the oscillations on the neutral cancel out as each house receives a different phase of the
  • #1
Our Physics teacher used to tell us that in an ac circuit the current and hence the flow of electrons is reversed every half cycle as the polarity of the supply changes every half cycle. However I am still puzzled about the following. In the UK, the live is the wire that delivers electrical power from the power grid while the neutral is the return wire.

If this is so does it mean that the flow of electrons is reversed in BOTH live and neutral wires every half cycle?

Why does the direction of the current change if the live remains live while the neutral remains neutral all the time? Is there a good analogy to explain this concept better?


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  • #2
"Neutral" and "phase" are names for the roles - the phase is used for the reference voltage.
Power is transmitted to your house as a traveling wave. It comes in the phase and out the neutral. Current goes back and forth in both.

iirc. many countries ground the neutral wire - which is why the phase is considered "live".
But the neutral side of the light bulb must still carry power - while the bulb is lit - proved by adding another bulb in series. This is similar to the negative lead in DC circuits. You can get a shock off neutral is your body provides a better ground than the fusebox.

There's lots of info online about how homes are wired and why.
  • #3
In principle, the neutral is at roughly Earth voltage, yet electrons do indeed alternate in direction along it just as they do along the line (or live). In a three phase suburban supply, all houses get the same neutral connection but different phases of the live. So if three successive houses are taking the same current from their three different phases, the oscillations on the neutral cancel out. However the neutral should not be considered as safe as ground because a high current drawn by a single house (maybe during a short) could produce a significant voltage on nearby sections of the neutral.
The US 2 phase domestic supply works on the same principle.

FAQ: Electron flow in live and neutral wires

1. What is the purpose of live and neutral wires in electron flow?

The live and neutral wires are used to carry electrical current from the power source to the electrical devices in a circuit. The live wire carries the current into the device, while the neutral wire carries it back to the power source.

2. How does electron flow differ in live and neutral wires?

In live wires, the electrons flow from the power source towards the electrical device, while in neutral wires, the electrons flow from the device back to the power source. This creates a complete circuit and allows for the flow of electricity.

3. Why is it important to have both live and neutral wires in a circuit?

Having both live and neutral wires in a circuit ensures the safe and efficient flow of electricity. The live wire supplies the necessary energy for the devices to function, and the neutral wire provides a return path for the electrons.

4. Can the direction of electron flow in live and neutral wires be reversed?

Yes, the direction of electron flow in live and neutral wires can be reversed. In AC (alternating current) circuits, the direction of electron flow constantly changes, while in DC (direct current) circuits, the direction remains constant.

5. What happens if the live and neutral wires are connected incorrectly?

If the live and neutral wires are connected incorrectly, it can cause a short circuit or damage to the electrical devices. This can also pose a safety hazard, as it can lead to electric shocks or fires. It is important to always follow proper wiring instructions when setting up an electrical circuit.

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