Electron held up against force of gravity

Set this equal to the force from Coulombs law and solve for R.In summary, the distance between the electron and the fixed proton can be solved for by setting the force from Coulomb's Law equal to the force of gravity and solving for R. This requires using the K constant, the charge of the electron, and the mass of the electron in the equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

an electron is held up against the force of gravity by the attraction of a fixed proton some distance above it. How far above the electron is the proton?

Homework Equations

F= ((K)(Q1)(Q2))/R^2

Qe = 1.6x10^-19

The Attempt at a Solution

Using the formula for Coulombs Law I used the K constant of 9x10^9 and Qe for Q1 and Q2. This is all divided by R^2 (I'm solving for R). The problem is I don't know if there is a gravitational constant for Force or what I'm missing. What's the next step?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Write F = mg where m is the mass of the electron.
  • #3

Thank you for your question. I would approach this problem by first considering the forces acting on the electron. The two main forces at play here are the electrostatic force between the proton and electron, and the force of gravity due to the Earth's gravitational field.

To determine the distance between the proton and electron, we can set the two forces equal to each other and solve for the distance (R). However, as you mentioned, we need to consider the gravitational force as well. The formula for gravitational force is F = (G)(m1)(m2)/R^2, where G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and R is the distance between them.

So, the next step would be to set the electrostatic force (using Coulomb's Law) equal to the gravitational force and solve for R. This will give us the distance between the proton and electron. We can then compare this distance to the known size of an atom (approximately 10^-10 meters) to see if it is a reasonable result.

It is also worth noting that in this scenario, the force of gravity is likely negligible compared to the electrostatic force, since the mass of an electron is much smaller than the mass of a proton. However, it is still important to consider both forces in our calculations. I hope this helps.

FAQ: Electron held up against force of gravity

1. What is the force of gravity acting on an electron?

The force of gravity acting on an electron is extremely small, approximately 9.8 x 10^-40 Newtons. This is due to the extremely small mass of an electron and the fact that it has a negative charge.

2. How is an electron held up against the force of gravity?

An electron is not actually held up against the force of gravity. Instead, it moves in a constant state of motion called an orbit around an atom's nucleus. This motion is balanced by the attractive force between the positive charge of the nucleus and the negative charge of the electron, known as the electromagnetic force.

3. Can the force of gravity affect an electron's motion?

Yes, the force of gravity can affect an electron's motion in certain situations. For example, when an electron is in a strong gravitational field, such as near a black hole, its motion may be affected. However, in most everyday situations, the force of gravity is insignificant compared to the electromagnetic force.

4. How does the gravitational force on an electron compare to the force of other fundamental particles?

The gravitational force acting on an electron is much weaker than the forces acting on other fundamental particles. For example, the electromagnetic force is approximately 10^36 times stronger than the force of gravity. The strong nuclear force, which holds protons and neutrons together in an atom's nucleus, is even stronger than the electromagnetic force.

5. Can an electron's mass affect the force of gravity acting on it?

Yes, an electron's mass does affect the force of gravity acting on it. According to Newton's law of gravitation, the force of gravity is directly proportional to the mass of an object. However, since an electron's mass is extremely small, the effect of gravity on it is negligible in most situations.

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