Electron in 1D Box: classical or quantum at different temps

In summary, the conversation discusses calculating thermal energy at different temperatures and comparing it to the lowest state energy of a particle in a box. The approach suggested involves comparing the n=1 energy to the thermal energy to determine if the system behaves quantum mechanically or classically. The next step is to calculate the speed of the electron and the deBroglie wavelength to further compare with the length of the box.
  • #1
Hi, I'm working on a problem that requires me to calculate thermal energy (kT) at different temperatures and compare those values to the lowest state energy of a particle in box (1D) of varying lengths.

I've calculated the ground-state energies of the electron in all of these different sized boxes. I have also evaluated kT for several temperatures ranging from near-zero K to 1000 K. Now I have to compare these values to determine if each system behaves either quantum mechanically or classically, and I'm not really sure how to do that.

My thought process at the moment is that at the lower temperatures the lack of thermal energy means that the electron will remain in n=1, and so will behave quantum mechanically. However, at sufficiently high temperatures it will behave classically. So my thought is that if the n=1 energy is higher than the thermal energy, the electron will be in the QM realm. But if the n=1 energy is lower than the thermal energy, there is a chance that the electron will behave classically, as n will be going towards infinity.

My next step, I think, is calculating the speed of the electron at each of the different temperatures and finding the deBroglie wavelength, then comparing this to the length of the box.

So I suppose my question is: is my train of thought correct so far? If so, how do I calculate the total energy of the electron as a result of the increased temperature?
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  • #2
Your approach is good and sufficient to give an answer. The classical approach works as soon as the energy levels are so close you don't see the differences any more. The thermal energy should correspond to a very large n (10, 100, something like that) to ignore quantum mechanics.

psyklon said:
My next step, I think, is calculating the speed of the electron at each of the different temperatures and finding the deBroglie wavelength, then comparing this to the length of the box.
That won't tell you anything new because it compares the same things.

FAQ: Electron in 1D Box: classical or quantum at different temps

What is the "electron in 1D box" experiment?

The "electron in 1D box" experiment is a theoretical experiment used to understand the behavior of particles, specifically electrons, confined to a one-dimensional space. In this experiment, the electron is considered to be a particle in a box, where it can only move back and forth within the boundaries of the box.

What is the difference between classical and quantum behavior in this experiment?

In classical physics, the behavior of particles can be predicted using classical mechanics, which follows Newton's laws of motion. In this experiment, the electron would behave like a tiny ball bouncing back and forth within the box. In contrast, quantum mechanics describes the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level, where particles can exhibit wave-like behavior and exist in multiple states at the same time.

How does temperature affect the behavior of the electron in this experiment?

At lower temperatures, the electron will have less energy and will be confined to the lower energy levels within the box. As the temperature increases, the electron will have more energy and can occupy higher energy levels, leading to a more spread out probability distribution. This is known as thermal broadening and is a characteristic of quantum behavior.

Can the electron switch between classical and quantum behavior at different temperatures?

No, the behavior of the electron in this experiment is always governed by quantum mechanics. However, at higher temperatures, the electron's behavior may start to resemble classical behavior because the electron has enough energy to occupy multiple energy levels at once, leading to a more spread out probability distribution.

What other factors besides temperature can affect the behavior of the electron in this experiment?

The size of the box and the potential energy barrier at the boundaries can also affect the behavior of the electron. Additionally, the presence of other particles or external forces can also influence the electron's behavior, leading to more complex quantum effects such as tunneling and interference.

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