Electron Oscillations in a Plasma - trouble with electric fields

This equation shows that the electric field is directly proportional to the perturbation in density, with a negative sign indicating that the electric field acts opposite to the perturbation in density. In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of electrons in a cold plasma and the equations that describe this behavior. The linearized versions of the conservation of mass and momentum equations are presented, along with a relationship between electric field and perturbation in density.
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Homework Statement

In a cold plasma (neglecting thermal pressure) the background medium is motionless and uniform

for the electrons:

[itex]\rho_e = \rho_{e0} + \rho_{e1}[/itex]
[itex]v_e = v_{e1}\hat{z}[/itex]

where ρ is electron density and v is velocity. Subscript 0 denotes a constant value and 1 denotes a small pertubation due to the wave. Small quantities are zero to second order.
all variables depend only on z and t

the electrons experience a drag force/vol equal to [itex]-\alpha\rho_ev_e[/itex]

(a) what is the linear conservation equation for mass?
(b) what is the linear momentum equation for the electrons including a term responsible for force/volume due to electric fields
(c) what equation relates the electric field to the prtubation in density?

Homework Equations

conservation of mass
[itex]\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} + \nabla (\rho v) = 0[/itex]

conservation of momentum
[itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left[\rho v\right] + \nabla \left(\rho v^2\right) + \nabla P = f_{other}[/itex]

where [itex]f_{other}[/itex] are force/vol due to other sources than pressure.

The Attempt at a Solution

a is straight forward:

[itex]\frac{\partial \rho_{e1}}{\partial t} + \rho_{e0} \frac{\partial v_{e1}}{\partial z} = 0[/itex]

i have the solution to b also, by taking the force per vol due to electric fields to be

[itex]f_e = -\frac{e\rho_e}{m_e}E[/itex]

[itex]\rho_{e0}\frac{\partial v_{e1}}{\partial t} + \frac{e\rho_e}{m_e}E + \alpha\rho_ev_e = 0[/itex]

part c is where I am stuck. i have the answer but I am not sure how to get there, it's supposed to be:

[itex]\frac{\partial E}{\partial z} = -\frac{e\rho_{e1}}{\epsilon_0 m_e}[/itex]

does anyone know where to start to derive this relationship?

Physics news on Phys.org
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for your help!To derive the relationship between electric field and perturbation in density, we can start with the linearized version of the Poisson's equation:

\nabla^2 \phi = -\frac{\rho_{e1}}{\epsilon_0}

where \phi is the electric potential and \epsilon_0 is the permittivity of free space. We can then use the relation between electric field and potential:

E = -\nabla \phi

to rewrite the Poisson's equation as:

\nabla \cdot E = -\frac{\rho_{e1}}{\epsilon_0}

Now, using the definition of electric field in terms of perturbation in density and the fact that all variables depend only on z and t, we can rewrite the above equation as:

\frac{\partial E}{\partial z} = -\frac{\rho_{e1}}{\epsilon_0}

which is the desired relationship.

FAQ: Electron Oscillations in a Plasma - trouble with electric fields

1. What are electron oscillations in a plasma?

Electron oscillations in a plasma refer to the back and forth movement of electrons within a plasma, which is a state of matter consisting of ionized gas. These oscillations occur due to the presence of electric fields within the plasma.

2. Why do electric fields cause trouble in plasma?

Electric fields can cause trouble in plasma because they can disrupt the stability of the plasma and lead to instabilities such as turbulence and heating. This can affect the behavior and properties of the plasma and impact any applications that rely on it.

3. How are electron oscillations in a plasma studied?

Electron oscillations in a plasma are studied using various experimental and theoretical techniques. This includes using specialized instruments such as Langmuir probes and interferometers, as well as simulations and mathematical models.

4. What factors affect the behavior of electron oscillations in a plasma?

The behavior of electron oscillations in a plasma is affected by various factors such as the density and temperature of the plasma, the strength and direction of the electric field, and the presence of other particles or fields such as ions or magnetic fields.

5. How are electron oscillations in a plasma relevant to real-world applications?

Electron oscillations in a plasma have numerous applications in fields such as energy production, space science, and materials processing. Understanding and controlling these oscillations is crucial for improving the efficiency and stability of these applications.
