Electron positron helicities and gamma-5

In summary: A Course in Modern Physics" of angular momentum in terms of left-handed and right-handed particles. They suggest that the weak force only interacts with particles that have the same handedness as the particle that mediates the interaction.
  • #1
Hi all,

I've read that in the QED process [itex]e^+e^- \to \mu^+\mu^-[/itex], terms in the scattering amplitude coming from electrons and muons of the same helicity do not contribute.

I don't understand why this is the case. Is this not true if the interaction is mediated by the weak force?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
EM propagator is [tex]\gamma^{\mu}[/tex]

Weak propagator is [tex]\gamma^{\mu}(1-\gamma^5)[/tex]

(neglecting prefactors) You should find that for a spinor U:

[tex]U_{left}= \overline{U}(1+\gamma^5)[/tex]
[tex]U_{right}= (1-\gamma^5)U[/tex] (CHECK THESE; they may be incorrect)

Using the left and right helicity spinors and their adjoints you should find that the EM interation only involves certain helicity state combinations.

ie input [tex]U_{left}[/tex] & [tex]U_{right}[/tex] into the interaction term [tex]\overline{U}\gamma^{\mu}U[/tex] for the EM amplitude and into [tex]\overline{U}\gamma^{\mu}(1-\gamma^5)U[/tex] for the weak amplitude.

I think this is the proof that the weak interaction only involves left chiral particles and right chiral antiparticles where: [tex] U_{L.chirality} = \sqrt[2]{\frac{1+\beta}{2}}U_{L.Helicity}+\sqrt[2]{\frac{1-\beta}{2}}U_{R.Helicity}[/tex] and right chiral state is opposite signed

I can't remeber much else off the top of my head, but that is the general idea
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  • #3
So the em only allows interaction of fermions with specific helicity combinations? Interesting. This was never really apparent to me when taking spin sums of Feynman amplitudes in QED.

Helicity projection operators are defined by [itex]\Pi^{\pm} = \frac{1}{2}(1\pm h_p)[/itex] where [itex]h_p = \hat{p}\cdot\Sigma[/itex] is the helicity operator ([itex]\Sigma^i = (\mathrm{i}/2)\epsilon^{ijk}\gamma_j\gamma_k[/itex]), of which the Dirac spinors are chosen to be eigenstates.

Clearly the helicity projection operator has the opposite effect on Dirac spinors corresponding to particles and antiparticles.

In the ultrarelativistic limit [itex]\Pi^\pm = (1/2)(1\pm \gamma_5)[/itex] so it can be moved through [itex]\gamma^\mu[/itex]'s changing + to -.

If we're interested in a process involving the a positive helicity electron and a positive helicity positron at the same vertex, then a possible bilinear covariant would be [itex]\bar{v}_1\gamma^\mu u_1[/itex]. This is equivalent to [itex]\bar{v} \gamma^\mu \Pi^+ u_1 = v^\dag_1 \gamma^0 \Pi^-\gamma^\mu u_1 = v^\dag_1 \Pi^+\gamma^0 \gamma^\mu u_1[/itex]. But this is zero since [itex]\Pi^+ v_1 = 0 \implies v_1^\dag \Pi^+ = 0[/itex].

What about the weak force?

The bilinear covariants in this case are of the form [itex]\bar{w}\gamma^\mu \Pi^-y[/itex]. where w and y can be either u or v. If y is a particle, this will vanish unless y has negative helicity ie it is left-handed. If y is an antiparticle this will vanish unless y has positive helicity. Similarly for w. Do you think this explains why the weak interaction couples only to left-handed particles and right-handed anti-particles?
  • #4
Yeah, QED conserves chirality.

[tex] \overline{U}\gamma^{\mu}U = \overline{U_{L}}\gamma^{\mu}U_{L} + \overline{U_{R}}\gamma^{\mu}U_{R}+\overline{U_{R}}\gamma^{\mu}U_{L} + \overline{U_{L}}\gamma^{\mu}U_{R} = \overline{U_{L}}\gamma^{\mu}U_{L} + \overline{U_{R}}\gamma^{\mu}U_{R}[/tex]

as [tex]\overline{U_{L}}\gamma^{\mu}U_{R}=0[/tex]

So in general expect 50/50 mix of R/L interacting particles.

And yes, for the reason you gave the weak force only involves left chiral particles, and right chiral antiparticles, which is the only rationale I know which accounts for their being no observed right-handed neutrinos.
  • #5
Think about this in terms of conservation of angular momentum...

Peskin&Schroeder has a good physically intuitive description in Chap. 1

FAQ: Electron positron helicities and gamma-5

1. What is the significance of electron positron helicities?

The helicity of a particle refers to its spin direction relative to its momentum. In the case of electrons and positrons, their helicities are always opposite, with electrons having a left-handed helicity and positrons having a right-handed helicity. This is a fundamental property of these particles and is important in understanding their behaviors and interactions.

2. How is the helicity of a particle determined?

The helicity of a particle is determined by the direction of its spin relative to its momentum. This can be measured experimentally using techniques such as polarized scattering, where the polarization of a beam of particles is used to determine the helicity of the scattered particles.

3. What is the role of gamma-5 in electron positron helicities?

Gamma-5 is a mathematical operator used in the field of quantum field theory to describe the chiral properties of particles, including electrons and positrons. It plays a key role in determining the helicities of these particles and their interactions with other particles.

4. How does electron-positron annihilation relate to helicities?

Electron-positron annihilation is a process in which an electron and a positron collide and release energy in the form of photons. The helicities of the electron and positron are conserved in this process, as the resulting photons have opposite helicities, with one being left-handed and the other being right-handed.

5. Can the helicity of a particle be changed?

In general, the helicity of a particle is a conserved property and cannot be changed. However, in certain physical processes, such as weak interactions, the helicity of a particle may flip, resulting in a change in its spin direction relative to its momentum.

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