Electron Spin: 360 Degrees or 720? Understand the Difference

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of electron spin and the difference between states represented by |a> and -|a>. The article mentioned a rotation of 360 degrees resulting in a minus factor of the state ket, and in order to return to the original state, a rotation of 720 degrees is required. The conversation then delves into the difference between |a> and -|a> when interfering with something else, and how their squares are equal but their combinations are not. There is a discussion about the derivation of spin vector bases in the x direction and how different books interpret the sign in the equations. In conclusion, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the difference between states represented by |a> and -|a
  • #1
I read this quote from an article and another like is is


"and we see that the half-angle appears with a rather interesting consequence. To see this consequence let’s consider a rotation of 360 degrees – 2 radians. Substituting yields

|a>2pi = -|a>

In other words, upon a rotation of 2 pi the state ket does not return to it’s original state – there is an additional factor of a minus. In order to get back to the original state ket one must rotate through 720 degrees. This is the origin of the statement that an electron is unsual in the fact that when rotated through a full circle it does not “look the same”. "

Now I thought that |a> and -|a> represented the SAME state because -1 is just exp i(pi) which has square modulus of 1. According to the postulates of QM this should represent the same state?

Can anyone put me into the right way of thinking here?
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  • #2
Think about difference between |a> and -|a> when interfering with something else.
  • #3
Not sure about this. I'm trying to understand the spin up and down states for electrons and deriving their forms. I want to understand David Alberts book "QM and experience" I can see that if you added two states like |a> + |b> with -|a> + |b> then it would affect the final state but according Albert ther is no difference between -|a> and |a> . I mean there is or there is not if it's in between then is the superposition with words? - I'm confused!
  • #4
For example in one book I have they show that one of the spin vector bases in the x dirn is

|-x> = - (1/sqrt2)(|+> - |->) where |+> is the spin base in the z direction and |-x> is one of the bases in the x dirn.

In Alberts book he gets |-x> = (1/sqrt2)(|+> - |->). The former case is derived using the rotation operator and Albert does it by using eigenvalue equation I think.

Can I ignore the sign because they both agree on the |+x> as = (1/sqrt2)(|+> + |->) ?

Many thanks for any help.
  • #5
I don't know what Albert says, but there is a difference between |a> and -|a>. However, there is no difference between their squares.
  • #6
Thanks Vanadium 50.

Can you give me an example of where and how it would make a difference? In all the books I have they seem to include in the postulates that not only is -|a> the same as |a> but so also is any c|a> where c is a complex number and |C|^2 =1.

Thanks for any suggestions.
  • #7
Yes, when interfering with something else. <a|2 and (-<a|)2 are equal, and <b|2 and (-<b|)2 are equal, but <a+b|2 and <a-b|2 are not equal.
  • #8
Vanadium 50 said:
Yes, when interfering with something else. <a|2 and (-<a|)2 are equal, and <b|2 and (-<b|)2 are equal, but <a+b|2 and <a-b|2 are not equal.

I'm not sure what you mean by <a+b| and <a-b| how are they constructed and what could they represent in terms of an electron spin example? Sorry but I'm a bit slow on this. I understand that the state of a system could be a linear combination (ie superposition ) of basis vectors like |a> and |b>, say but what do you mean when you write them together as|a+b>?
  • #9
For example if you mean

|a+b> = a|a> + b|b> and |a-b> = a|a> - b|b>

Then |<a+b|a+b>|^2 = |<a-b|a-b>|^2 just the same!

Now |a+b> + |a-b> = 2 a|a> and so expressing |a> in terms of the coposite vector will give

|a+b> + |a-b> =|a>
2 a

Is this what you meant?

FAQ: Electron Spin: 360 Degrees or 720? Understand the Difference

1. What is electron spin and why is it important?

Electron spin is a fundamental property of subatomic particles, specifically electrons. It refers to the intrinsic angular momentum of an electron, which is a measure of its rotation around its own axis. This characteristic is important because it affects how electrons behave in certain situations, such as in magnetic fields and during chemical reactions.

2. Is electron spin measured in degrees?

No, electron spin is not measured in degrees. It is described by a quantum number, "s", which can have two possible values: +1/2 or -1/2. These values cannot be converted into degrees, as they represent the direction of the electron's spin rather than an angle of rotation.

3. What is the difference between 360 degrees and 720 degrees of electron spin?

The terms "360 degrees" and "720 degrees" are often used to describe the two possible directions of electron spin, +1/2 and -1/2, respectively. However, this terminology is misleading as electron spin cannot be accurately measured in degrees. Instead, it is better to say that electron spin has two possible states, "up" or "down", which correspond to the two directions of spin.

4. How does electron spin affect the behavior of electrons?

Electron spin plays a crucial role in determining the electronic structure and properties of atoms, molecules, and materials. It influences the magnetic properties of materials, the strength of chemical bonds, and the energy levels of electrons in atoms. Understanding electron spin is essential in fields such as chemistry, physics, and materials science.

5. Is electron spin a classical or quantum phenomenon?

Electron spin is a quantum phenomenon, meaning it cannot be explained by classical mechanics. Unlike the macroscopic world, where objects have a definitive position and momentum, subatomic particles like electrons exist in a state of superposition, meaning they can have multiple values for certain properties at the same time. Electron spin is one of these quantum properties that cannot be fully described using classical physics.

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