Electron spin entanglements - time-energy uncertainty

In summary, the time taken for two electrons to entangle their spin is determined by their distance and the resulting energy released when they fall into a singlet state. The Hamiltonian for two opposite spin electrons includes two energy states, one for opposite spin and one for same spin. The triplet state is made up of four possible states, while the entangled singlet state is a combination of two. The Hamiltonian's energy is dependent on the probability amplitudes of the triplet state and these can be generated by using the energy eigenbras on the ket of the wave function for both states and then deducing relative probability amplitudes. However, this process may be confusing for beginners in quantum mechanics.
  • #1
I've been watching Susskind's lectures on quantum mechanics and he mentions that the time taken for two electrons to entangle their spin is a function of their distance, which in itself determines the energy that is released when two electrons fall into a singlet state. Does anyone here know how to derive the equations which determine what the expectated value for the time is for a given distance?
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  • #2
So I have been thinking through this. I am an amateur so bear with me but...

Two opposite spin electrons will have a hamiltonian given by p^2/2m + mu(S1.S2)

Or some equivalent constant in from of that. Clearly there are two energy states referring to opposite and same spin, in fact, the difference should be equal to 2mu(S1.S2). Now, I know a triplet state is made up of:

a[++> + b [+-> + c [-+> + d[--> s.t. the absolute value squared of all is equal to 1.

And the entangled singlet state is:

1/Sqrt(2)([-+> - [+->)

So, is it the case that the Hamiltonian's energy is depedent on the probability amplitudes of the triplet state?

And then, how does one generate the probability amplitudes of each individual state.

I know each electron can be modeled as a gaussian wavepacket in r^3, is it the case that one simply uses the energy eigenbras on the ket of the wave function for both states and then deduces relative probability amplitudes (normalised in both cases) from both?

Sorry for the confusion, I have only really started to learn this in the last week or so.
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FAQ: Electron spin entanglements - time-energy uncertainty

What is electron spin entanglement?

Electron spin entanglement is a quantum phenomenon in which the spins of two or more electrons become correlated, even when separated by large distances. This means that if one of the entangled electrons has its spin measured, the spin of the other electrons in the system will be instantly known, regardless of the distance between them.

How does electron spin entanglement relate to time-energy uncertainty?

The time-energy uncertainty principle states that the more precisely we know the energy of a system, the less precisely we can know the time at which that energy measurement was taken. This is because energy and time are conjugate variables in quantum mechanics. In the case of electron spin entanglement, the entangled electrons have their spins in a superposition of states, which means their energies are not well-defined. This leads to a corresponding uncertainty in the measurement of time.

Can electron spin entanglement be used for faster-than-light communication?

No, electron spin entanglement cannot be used for faster-than-light communication. While the entangled electrons may have a correlated spin, this does not allow for the transfer of information. Any changes in the spin of one electron will not be instantaneously reflected in the spin of the other electrons, making it impossible to use for communication.

What are some potential applications of electron spin entanglement?

Electron spin entanglement has potential applications in quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum teleportation. It could also be used for precise measurements in areas such as magnetometry and gyroscopy.

How is electron spin entanglement being studied and observed?

Electron spin entanglement is being studied and observed through various experimental techniques such as quantum optics, nuclear magnetic resonance, and electron spin resonance. These techniques allow for the manipulation and measurement of the spin states of entangled electrons in controlled laboratory settings.

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