Electron Transport in Bacterial Nanowires

In summary, electron transport in bacterial nanowires is a process where specialized protein structures called nanowires allow bacteria to transfer electrons from inside their cells to the outside environment. These conductive proteins create a pathway for the electrons to travel through and can be used for energy generation, pollutant degradation, and biotechnology applications. Bacterial nanowires are primarily found in certain types of bacteria that have adapted to low oxygen environments, but similar structures have been found in other microorganisms. Scientists study these nanowires through microscopy, genetic manipulation, and biochemical assays to understand their structure and function.
  • #1
I was reading through a paper about the first case of experimentally proving that electron transfer can occur over the length of a bacterial nanowire. The paper mentioned that, previously, electron transfer was only measured across the thickness of the wire.

"Thus far, there has been no evidence presented to verify electron transport along the length of bacterial nanowires, which can extend many microns, well beyond a typical cell's length. Here we report electron transport measurements along individually addressed bacterial nanowires derived from electron-acceptor limited cultures of the DMRB S. oneidensis MR-1."

Is it not implied by the fact that electron transfer occurs across the thickness of the wire that transport must occur across the length? My reasoning would be if an electron can be transported a finite distance on the wire on the order of the thickness of the wire, then shouldn't it necessarily be able to travel greater distances? It transfers that finite length, then as long as the same voltage is being applied, repeat.

I might be getting caught up in the concept of electron transport where the major breakthrough in the paper was developing a set up that was able to show that this happened when we had no reason to believe that it wouldn't. In other words, it didn't blow anyone's mind that this process occured. It was a big deal THAT it was measured along with some value of resistivity.

Note: The bulk of my academic background is in Physics.

Here is the full paper.
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2

Thank you for your question and for sharing your thoughts on this topic. I would like to clarify and expand upon some points in the forum post.

First of all, it is important to note that while previous experiments have shown electron transfer across the thickness of bacterial nanowires, this new study is the first to directly measure electron transport along the length of the wire. This is significant because it provides evidence that the electrons are not simply hopping from one electrode to another, but are actually traveling along the length of the wire. This is an important distinction and adds to our understanding of how these nanowires function.

Additionally, while it may seem logical that if electrons can travel a certain distance across the thickness of the wire, they should also be able to travel a greater distance along the length, this is not always the case. The properties of materials and their behavior can vary greatly in different directions. For example, a material may have a high conductivity in one direction but a low conductivity in another direction. This is why it was important for this study to directly measure electron transport along the length of the wire, rather than assuming it would happen based on previous observations.

Furthermore, the concept of electron transport is not as simple as just repeating the same process over and over again. There are many factors that can affect electron transport, such as the voltage applied, the properties of the material, and the environment in which the experiment is conducted. This study was able to measure the resistivity of the nanowires, which provides valuable information about how easily electrons can travel along the wire.

In summary, while it may seem like a given that electrons can travel along the length of a wire if they can travel across the thickness, this new study provides direct evidence and further understanding of the process of electron transport in bacterial nanowires. Thank you for your interest in this topic and for promoting discussion and critical thinking in the scientific community.

Related to Electron Transport in Bacterial Nanowires

1. What is electron transport in bacterial nanowires?

Electron transport in bacterial nanowires is a process by which bacteria are able to transfer electrons from the inside of their cells to the outside environment. This is achieved through the use of specialized protein structures known as nanowires, which act as conduits for electron transfer.

2. How do bacterial nanowires work?

Bacterial nanowires are made up of conductive proteins that are able to transfer electrons from the inside of the cell to the outside environment. These proteins are arranged in a chain-like structure, creating a pathway for the electrons to travel through. The electrons are then able to be used for various biological processes or transferred to other organisms.

3. What are the benefits of electron transport in bacterial nanowires?

Electron transport in bacterial nanowires allows bacteria to generate energy and survive in environments with low oxygen levels, such as deep-sea sediments. It also plays a role in the degradation of pollutants and can be used in biotechnology applications such as biofuel production.

4. How are bacterial nanowires studied?

Scientists study bacterial nanowires through a variety of techniques, including microscopy, genetic manipulation, and biochemical assays. These methods allow researchers to understand the structure and function of these nanowires and how they are involved in electron transport.

5. Are bacterial nanowires found in all types of bacteria?

No, bacterial nanowires are not found in all types of bacteria. They are primarily found in certain types of bacteria, such as shewanella and geobacter, which have adapted to thrive in environments with low oxygen levels. However, similar structures have also been found in other microorganisms, such as archaea and fungi.

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