Electron's movement due to electric forces

In summary, the electrons are moving due to electric forces and their velocity is calculated when they are far away from each other.
  • #1

Homework Statement

4 electrons are moving due to electric forces. Find their velocity when they are very far away from each other, if initially they were on a square's (side length a = 20 cm) vertexes.

Homework Equations

[itex]F = \frac{kq_1q_2}{r^2}[/itex]
[itex]k = \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Firstly, each electron is pushed by the other three electrons. Let the forces be [itex]\vec{F_1}, \vec{F_2}[/itex] and [itex] \vec{F_3}[/itex], and [itex]\vec{F_1}, \vec{F_2}[/itex] are the forces exerted by adjacent electrons. Since those two vectors are right-angled, the scalar sum of those vectors will equal to [itex] F_{12} = \sqrt{F_1^2 + F_2^2}[/itex]. Both those forces are [itex]F_1=F_2=\frac{kq^2}{x^2}[/itex], where q is electron's charge and x is distance between two electrons at some point of time. So [itex] F_{12} = \sqrt{2\frac{k^2 q^4}{x^4}} = \frac{k q^2}{x^2}\sqrt{2}[/itex] The opposite electron's (to the first one) force vector is in the same direction as the force [itex]F_{12}[/itex], so [itex]F_{123} = F = F_3 + F_{12}[/itex]. Since we have a square here: [itex]F_3 = \frac{kq^2}{ (\sqrt{2}x )^2 } = \frac{kq^2}{2x^2}[/itex]. Now we know that [itex]F=ma[/itex], so [itex] ma = \frac{kq^2}{x^2}(\sqrt{2} + \frac{2}{2})[/itex]. Now what's really confusing me is that the accelerations seems to be a variable here, since x is changing. I have found that [itex] v = \frac{d^2 x}{dt^2}t + \frac{d^3x}{dt^3}t^2[/itex], but that doesn't really help me a lot ( I don't know how to solve such differential equations).

Any help appreciated!
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  • #2
Have you considered an energy conservation approach? What's the total PE in the initial configuration?
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  • #3
Would it be an idea to think of this in terms of energies? Because of the symmetry I would expect each electron to fly off into infinity, thereby converting electrostatic potential energy into kinetic energy.

Ah, again, even quick replies cross. Well, the hints are alike, so there you go...
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  • #4
Oh, that's right! Not so difficult as I thought :) thank you!
  • #5

I would like to clarify a few things about the scenario described in this problem. Firstly, it is important to note that the movement of electrons is not solely due to electric forces. Electrons also have their own inherent motion due to their mass and energy. Additionally, the electric forces between electrons are constantly changing as they move, so it is not accurate to assume a constant force between them.

That being said, let's assume that the problem is asking for the velocity of the electrons when they are very far away from each other, such that the electric forces between them can be considered negligible. In this case, we can use the equations provided to solve for the velocity.

Firstly, we can find the total force acting on each electron by summing up the forces exerted by the other three electrons. This can be done using vector addition, as described in the problem attempt. However, it is important to note that the distance between the electrons will be changing as they move, so we cannot use a fixed distance value in our calculations.

Next, we can use the equation F=ma to find the acceleration of the electrons. Again, we must use the total force and the mass of a single electron in this calculation.

Finally, to find the velocity, we can use the equation v=u+at, where u is the initial velocity (which we can assume to be zero) and t is the time it takes for the electrons to reach the point where the electric forces can be considered negligible. We can find this time by using the equation d=ut+0.5at^2, where d is the distance between the electrons at the starting point (20 cm) and at the point where the forces are negligible (very far away).

In summary, the velocity of the electrons when they are very far away from each other will depend on the initial conditions (such as their initial velocities and positions) and the time it takes for them to reach a point where electric forces can be considered negligible. This problem can be solved using the equations provided, but it is important to consider the limitations and assumptions made in the solution.

FAQ: Electron's movement due to electric forces

What is an electron?

An electron is a subatomic particle that carries a negative charge and is found in the outer shells of atoms.

How does an electron move?

Electrons move due to electric forces, which can be either attractive or repulsive. These forces are generated by electric fields, which are created by differences in electric charge.

What is the role of an electric force in an electron's movement?

The electric force acts as a guiding force on the electron, causing it to move in a specific direction. This force is responsible for the movement of electrons in electrical circuits and the movement of electrons within atoms.

How does the strength of the electric force affect an electron's movement?

The strength of the electric force is directly proportional to the acceleration of an electron. This means that a stronger electric force will cause an electron to move faster, while a weaker electric force will result in slower movement.

How does an external electric field affect an electron's movement?

An external electric field can either increase or decrease the speed of an electron's movement, depending on the direction of the field. A field that is parallel to the electron's movement will increase its speed, while a field that is opposite to its movement will decrease its speed.

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