Electrostatic energy with gauss' law

In summary, the problem involves a solid sphere with a uniform volume charge density and the task is to find the electric field inside the sphere using Gauss's law. The solution includes finding the electric field using the given equation, integrating E^2 over spherical shells inside and outside the sphere, and determining the fraction of electrostatic energy contained within the sphere. The concept of symmetry is also discussed, with an example problem from a textbook provided for reference. The solution ultimately involves integrating over volume using spherical shells for a spherically symmetrical setup.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A solid sphere contains a uniform volume charge density (charge Q, radius R).
(a) Use Gauss’s law to find the electric field inside the sphere.
(b) Integrate
E^2 over spherical shells over the volumes inside and outside the sphere.
(c) What fraction of the total electrostatic energy of this configuration is contained within the sphere?

Homework Equations

Qenclosed = r^3/R^3
flux= 4pi*r^2*E

The Attempt at a Solution

a) E=(Q*r)/(4*pi*(epsilon0)*R^3)
b) So I am thinking for this one that I need to integrate E^2 with upper limits being inside and lower limits being the outside of the sphere. what I'm not sure is if its intergral(E^2 dE) or if a value inside of E is being integrated. R or r would make sense to intergrate as well hence intergral(E dr)
c) since I can't solve b, I can't solve c either.
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  • #2
I'm not entirely sure how to prove it with gauss's law as it was a common assumption made when I use it but there is no electrical field inside a solid conductor.
  • #3
Can you explain why? I don't think that's right. Heres why. A solid sphere has a point of symmetry where the distance from this point gives you a charge density called r. In the question it states that the charge is uniform so I expect the electric field at a distance r within a sphere to be Q (as given with the problem) given that its symmetrical. if R is the full radius of the sphere than R-r does not affect electric field due to symmetry.

Also I've found an example problem similar to this one with a given E inside a solid uniformly charged sphere within Essential University Physics by Richard Wolfson? Now I'm confused :)
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  • #4
it doesn't have a field only if its a conductor in which case all charge resides on the surface. This is easy to see if you consider the following: say you put some charge on one point of a sphere. The charge will immediately flow due to coulomb forces and it will flow until all charges are furthest from each-other and all forces are balanced. This happens when you have charge distributed evenly on the surface of the conductor.

However, you can have a sphere with charge density that is an insulator which will have a field in its interior.
  • #5
Forget what I wrote here earlier (if you read it) i was thinking capacitors. But if they want you to integrate over volume using spherical shells the generic set up for something spherically symmetrical will be:

Int(4*pi r^2)dr from 0 to R.
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  • #6
Thanks man. Solved it with your advice.

FAQ: Electrostatic energy with gauss' law

1. What is electrostatic energy?

Electrostatic energy is the potential energy stored in an electric field due to the separation of positive and negative charges. It is the energy required to bring two charges together or to keep them separated.

2. What is Gauss' law?

Gauss' law is a fundamental law of electromagnetism that relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the charge enclosed by that surface. It states that the electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the net charge enclosed by that surface divided by the permittivity of free space.

3. How does Gauss' law relate to electrostatic energy?

Gauss' law can be used to calculate the electrostatic energy in a system by taking the integral of the electric field squared over the entire volume of the system. This is known as the energy density and can be used to determine the total electrostatic energy in a particular region.

4. What is the unit of electrostatic energy?

The unit of electrostatic energy is joules (J). However, it is often expressed in electron volts (eV) in the field of particle physics.

5. How is electrostatic energy with Gauss' law applied in real-world situations?

Electrostatic energy with Gauss' law is applied in a variety of real-world situations, such as in the design of electronic devices, the study of atmospheric electricity, and the understanding of the behavior of electric charges in materials. It is also used in the development of technologies like capacitors and insulators.
