Electrostatic potential using method of images

In summary, the homework statement is about finding the potential drop between two points using Ohm's law and integrating over a line.
  • #1

Homework Statement

There is a charge q, at a distance d from an infinite conducting plane (z=0).
Determine the electrostatic potential drop between the z=0 and z=d.

Homework Equations

Ohm's Law
DeltaV=-integral (E.dl)

The Attempt at a Solution

I know how to do this problem, using J = sigma E, Ohm's law, model the situation with a charge -q at z=-d, find the electric field, then integrate over the line to find an expression for the potential function V(z). I know I can integrate this potential function over the line now to find the potential drop, using the boundary condition that V=0 on the conducting plane.
The one thing I don't understand is the units. If I have a potential in Volts, and I integrate over a line, how can it result in a potential drop? Wouldn't it be V m?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
Wouldn't the potential drop (or difference) just be V(d)-V(0)? Integrating the electrostatic potential V(z) from z=0 to z=d, would give you the change in electrostatic energy (sometimes confusingly referred to as electrostatic potential energy).
  • #3
I thought that too, but from the worked solutions I get the potential as:

$$V(z) = \frac{I}{4\pi \sigma z} - \frac{I}{4\pi \sigma (2d - z)}$$

Where sigma is conductivity.
It goes on to say: "by integrating this expression between the real source and the metal boundary, we could obtain an expression for the potential drop deltaV, and dividing this by the currnt would give resistance."

I thought it was a mistake, but this online source says the same (para three):

Is this all just wrong?
  • #4
tomwilliam2 said:
I thought that too, but from the worked solutions I get the potential as:

$$V(z) = \frac{I}{4\pi \sigma z} - \frac{I}{4\pi \sigma (2d - z)}$$

Where sigma is conductivity.
It goes on to say: "by integrating this expression between the real source and the metal boundary, we could obtain an expression for the potential drop deltaV, and dividing this by the currnt would give resistance."

Looking up worked solutions is not the same as solving a problem yourself. You'll get much more out of doing the latter.

In any case, the beginning of the statement "by integrating this expression" is ambiguous without context that allows one to determine which expression they are talking about integrating. I suspect it is the electric field they are integrating to get the potential drop or difference.

I thought it was a mistake, but this online source says the same (para three):

Is this all just wrong?

Here they are definitely talking about integrating the electric field, not the potential. This should be clear from the equation in the middle of the paragraph.

[tex]V(b) - V(a) = -\int_a^b \mathbf{E} \cdot d\mathbf{l}[/tex]
  • #5
Thanks for the help.
I think my textbook has a mistake in it...that's why when it uses the final expression to calculate resistance it comes out in Ohm metres.

It was worth going through the worked example with a fine toothcomb after all!

FAQ: Electrostatic potential using method of images

1. What is the method of images in electrostatic potential?

The method of images is a mathematical technique used to solve problems in electrostatics. It involves creating a mirror image of a charge or a distribution of charges in order to calculate the electric potential at a point.

2. How does the method of images work?

The method of images works by using the principle of superposition, where the electric potential at a point is the sum of contributions from all the charges in the system. By creating a mirror image, the total potential can be calculated using the known potential due to the original charges and the potential due to the images.

3. What are the assumptions made in the method of images?

The method of images assumes that the charges are stationary and that the conducting surfaces are perfect conductors. It also assumes that the medium between the charges and the conducting surfaces is homogeneous and isotropic.

4. When is the method of images useful?

The method of images is useful in solving problems involving a point charge near a conducting surface, a point charge between two conducting surfaces, and a point charge inside a conducting sphere. It can also be used to calculate the potential due to a dipole near a conducting surface.

5. What are the limitations of the method of images?

The method of images is limited to problems with simple geometries and does not account for the effects of non-uniform charge distributions or the boundary conditions of the system. It also cannot be used for problems involving moving charges or changing electric fields.
