Electrostatics/Electroscope Correct Answers Feedback

  • Thread starter pugfug90
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concepts of electrostatics, specifically regarding the transfer of electrons between objects and the resulting net charges. The conversation also touches on the direction of electron flow and the role of protons and electrons in electroscopes. The purpose of the conversation is to clarify and understand these concepts, rather than to question the teacher's grading.
  • #1
Edit: Electrostatics/Electroscope Correct Answers Feedback

I have the multiple choice part of my electrostatics test back and I'll be sure to update the other thread once I get that part up:smile:

1.*When electrons are transferred from one object to another, positive and negative charges are _____. "created", "reversed", "separated", "canceled" I put "separated" but his answer is "created".. I thought energy is neither made nor destroyed.. Hmm.. And by electrons transferring from one object to another, don't "neutral" objects have a certain # of electrons and protons.. eventually one object has more electrons, one has more protons if they're transferring.. Or maybe.. A "created" charge doesn't mean new protons/electrons, but that 2 neutral objects have suddenly "earned" a positive or negative charge, therefore, "created"?

2.*What isn't true about a charged object? I'm sure his answer is right, but just to make sure.. If it's not true "that electrons always flow from negative to positive"..
Basing of that pic, would it be true that "positive goes to negative"? But from the electroscope things we did, I thought protons were too "heavy" and only electrons moved..

3.*When neutral objects are rubbed together, there is a transfer of electrons. The resultant net charges on the two materials are His answer is "unlike and equal". I kind of get it now.. If an object A loses 50 electrons to object B.. Object B becomes -50 ?coulombs? [correct term here?] and object A becomes +50.. So yeah, basically, I'd like to know the correct terminology here.

^&$*A conductor which is connected to a negatively charged electroscope is touched with a glass rod having a positive charge. Which will occur?
We have diagrams for these problems. The correct diagram is a neutral diagram..

*A rubber rod becomes negatively charged when rubbed with fur. After rubbing the rubber rod, the fur is touched to an initially uncharged electroscope.. Which will occur? The answer is a positive electroscope with the leaves separating because of positives.. Umm..? I'm pretty sure that the answer should be a negative electroscope, with separating leaves as a result of the negatives..

*An insulator which is connected to a positively charged electroscope is touched with a negatively charged rod. What will happen?His answer is a positive electroscope with dividing positive leaves.. If ^&$ is neutral.. Isn't this just the exact same thing, kind of?

Yellow parts understood now, still up for reference.
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  • #2
pugfug90 said:
I have the multiple choice part of my electrostatics test back and I'll be sure to update the other thread once I get that part up:smile:

1.*When electrons are transferred from one object to another, positive and negative charges are _____. "created", "reversed", "separated", "canceled" I put "separated" but his answer is "created".. I thought energy is neither made nor destroyed.. Hmm.. And by electrons transferring from one object to another, don't "neutral" objects have a certain # of electrons and protons.. eventually one object has more electrons, one has more protons if they're transferring.. Or maybe.. A "created" charge doesn't mean new protons/electrons, but that 2 neutral objects have suddenly "earned" a positive or negative charge, therefore, "created"?

Your second part is correct. The question doesn't say that protons and neutrons are created, but that each object receives a net charge (i.e. a charge is "created" since it changes from no net charge to some net charge)

2.*What isn't true about a charged object? I'm sure his answer is right, but just to make sure.. If it's not true "that electrons always flow from negative to positive"..
Basing of that pic, would it be true that "positive goes to negative"? But from the electroscope things we did, I thought protons were too "heavy" and only electrons moved..
I don't really know what you want me to say here!
3.*When neutral objects are rubbed together, there is a transfer of electrons. The resultant net charges on the two materials are His answer is "unlike and equal". I kind of get it now.. If an object A loses 50 electrons to object B.. Object B becomes -50 ?coulombs? [correct term here?] and object A becomes +50.. So yeah, basically, I'd like to know the correct terminology here.

If an atom loses an electron it will have a charge of +1, or 1.6x10-19C. The "+1" would have units "e" where e denotes the elementary charge (the charge on a proton)

As for the rest of your questions, I don't really know anything about electroscopes, so can't really help.

Just out of interest, what is the point of this thread? Do you really not trust your teacher to mark your test correctly?
  • #3
"Do you really not trust your teacher to mark your test correctly?"
I wouldn't say "not trust".. Just making sure:D One time, I corrected this one answer of his on a quiz..and everyone who got the same answer as me got a +3 or something:smile:

"I don't really know what you want me to say here!"
*What isn't true about a charged object?
a)it may attract another charged aobject
b)it may repel another charged objects
c)it always attracts a neutral object
d)electrons always flow from the negative to the positive

The answer he says is "right", as in not true about charged objects is "d )electrons always flow from the negative to the positive"
Then what does this image mean?
"Positives" are flowing to negatives.. But learning about electroscopes, I thought that proton's mass makes them can't move, and it is the electrons that do all the busy work..
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  • #4
bump? =+=+=+=+=+=

FAQ: Electrostatics/Electroscope Correct Answers Feedback

What is electrostatics?

Electrostatics is the study of electric charges at rest. It involves understanding the behavior of stationary electric charges and their interactions with each other and with electric fields.

What is an electroscope?

An electroscope is a scientific instrument used to detect the presence of an electric charge. It typically consists of a metal rod with a thin metal leaf or needle at the top that can move freely. When an electric charge is present, the leaf or needle will be repelled or attracted, indicating the presence of the charge.

How does an electroscope work?

An electroscope works by using the principle of electrostatic repulsion. When a charged object is brought near the electroscope, it induces a charge in the metal rod, causing the leaf or needle to also become charged. Like charges repel each other, causing the leaf or needle to move away from the rod and indicating the presence of an electric charge.

What is the correct way to use an electroscope?

The correct way to use an electroscope is to first discharge it by touching the metal rod with your finger. Then, bring the object you want to test for electric charge near the electroscope. If the leaf or needle moves, it indicates the presence of an electric charge. To determine the type of charge, you can use a charged rod to induce an opposite charge in the electroscope and observe the direction of the leaf or needle movement.

What is the purpose of providing feedback in electrostatics experiments?

The purpose of providing feedback in electrostatics experiments is to ensure accuracy and consistency in the results. Feedback allows for adjustments to be made to the experiment setup or procedure in order to obtain more reliable data. It also helps to identify any potential sources of error and improve the understanding of electrostatics concepts.

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