Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition (problem setting up boundaries)

In summary, an #a*b*c box is given in x,y,z (so it's length #a along the x axis, etc.). Every face is kept at #V=0 except for the face at #x=a , which is kept at #V(a,y,z)=V_o*sin(pi*y/b)*sin(pi*z/c). We are to, solve for all possible configurations of the box's potential.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An #a*b*c box is given in x,y,z (so it's length #a along the x axis, etc.). Every face is kept at #V=0 except for the face at #x=a , which is kept at #V(a,y,z)=V_o*sin(pi*y/b)*sin(pi*z/c). We are to, "solve for all possible configurations of the box's potential"

Homework Equations

Differential equation solutions (Method of assuming V(x,y,z) = X(x)Y(y)Z(z) and then solving for each.

#X''/X + Y''/Y + Z''/Z = 0

--> X'' - (Cx)*X = 0, etc.

Cx+Cy+Cz=0 (same as the first)

The Attempt at a Solution

I first tried to limit how many possible XYZ configurations I had to check. Because V(a,y,z) is in the form of sines of y and z, I thought I could safely choose Y, Z to be of trigonometric form (i.e. the constants they equal are negative). However if they are both of this form, then X is confined to only be of exponential solutions form (because the three constants need to add to zero) which means "all possible configurations" would only be one configuration. I tried looking at other forms but there are so many I feel as though I must be missing some key point to eliminate all but a few (i.e. "Oh, well actually you can still have a f(sin(z)) solution even if Z is linear!". I believe I can successfully solve for the Fourier coefficients and ultimately the solution(s), but I'm stuck on the boundary conditions for now.
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  • #2
Sorry about the formatting, my post seems unable to be edited now.

Boundaries:All faces $$V=0$$ except for $$V(a,y,z)=V_o sin(\frac{\pi y}{b}) sin(\frac{\pi z}{c})$$ at x=a

Dimensions: ##a*b*c##

Relevant Equations: ##\frac{X''}{X} + \frac{Y''}{Y} + \frac{Z''}{Z }= 0##
implies ##C_x + C_y + C_z = 0##

The differential equation solutions for each case are very standard so to save time I won't type them out (I have no issue with how to solve them)
  • #3
dcnairb said:
Sorry about the formatting, my post seems unable to be edited now.
implies ##C_x + C_y + C_z = 0##

First of all, sorry if this post does not help you

I tried to solve this and I got exponents in the ##X(x)##, the solution looked like this:

##A exp(\sqrt{C_x}x)+B exp(-\sqrt{C_x}x)##


##A= \frac{V_o cosh(Ka)}{2}## and ##B=-A##

I think you should have ##C_x = C_y + C_z## right?

Is this what you need?
  • #4
hanley93 said:
First of all, sorry if this post does not help you

I tried to solve this and I got exponents in the ##X(x)##, the solution looked like this:

##A exp(\sqrt{C_x}x)+B exp(-\sqrt{C_x}x)##


##A= \frac{V_o cosh(Ka)}{2}## and ##B=-A##

I think you should have ##C_x = C_y + C_z## right?

Is this what you need?

Well, kind of. I already know how to solve for every form of ##X(x), Y(y), Z(z)## but my trouble is discerning how I can get rid of certain combinations of ##V(x,y,z)=XYZ##. There are 27 total combinations, but the constant equation limits to I think 18. I was hoping I could reason, "well, we need Y,Z to be sines..." or "Well, X can never be a linear function" to rule out more possibilities, but I'm having trouble coming up with sufficient reasoning.
  • #5
I think an easy to see answer (that I worked out explicitly, even using the orthogonality method of finding ##C_n## just to be sure) I got $$V(x,y,z)=V_o \frac{sinh(\frac{- \pi (b+c) x}{bc})}{sinh(\frac{- \pi (b+c) a}{bc})} sin(\frac{\pi y}{b}) sin(\frac{\pi z}{c})$$ which like I said is pretty intuitive, but here's my problem: the wording of the problem implies there are more solutions, but I can't see any. I first thought maybe it would work for any arbitrary constant inside of the ##sinh(C_\Re x)## but I believe that would violate some BC's placed upon the values allowed inside the sinh term. So I'm stuck at trying to figure out other configurations that could solve this problem.
  • #6
There is a uniqueness theorem about the potential within a volume with given boundary conditions so if you find a solution it is the only one. Your solution is not completely correct however (try differentiating your X(x) to find ##C_x##).
  • #7
I think you need the summation sign because the sines of y and z solutions should have integer term inside them
  • #8
hanley93 said:
I think you need the summation sign because the sines of y and z solutions should have integer term inside them

The boundary condition is only compatible with the first term in the series expansion, where the integers multiplying the arguments are equal to one.
  • #9
Orodruin said:
There is a uniqueness theorem about the potential within a volume with given boundary conditions so if you find a solution it is the only one. Your solution is not completely correct however (try differentiating your X(x) to find ##C_x##).

I wasn't sure if the uniqueness theorem applied here. Usually you solve for all but one boundary condition and then do a Fourier sum to find one that satisfies all boundary conditions--is that sum the unique solution?

As for the incorrect constant, I see what you mean: I have ##C_x = k^2## where k is what I solved for later in the form ##X = C_1 \sinh{k x}##. I think what I did incorrectly was ##k + l + m = 0## where instead I should have done ##k^2 + l^2 + m^2 = 0 = C_x + C_y + C_z##. Thanks for pointing that out!

FAQ: Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition (problem setting up boundaries)

1. What is Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition?

Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition is a mathematical technique used to analyze and solve problems involving electrostatic fields in a given region. It involves breaking down a complex electrostatic field into simpler components using Fourier series, which allows for easier calculation and analysis.

2. How is the problem setting up boundaries related to Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition?

The problem of setting up boundaries is an essential step in applying Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition. It involves defining the boundaries of a given region where the electrostatic field exists. This step is necessary to determine the appropriate boundary conditions and find the appropriate Fourier series that will accurately describe the electrostatic field in that region.

3. What are some common challenges in setting up boundaries for Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition?

One of the main challenges in setting up boundaries for Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition is determining the appropriate boundary conditions. These conditions must be defined accurately to ensure that the Fourier series accurately describes the electrostatic field in the given region. Additionally, choosing the correct coordinate system and coordinate axes can also be challenging.

4. What are some examples of problems that can be solved using Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition?

Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition can be used to solve a wide range of problems involving electrostatic fields. Some examples include finding the electric potential and field of a charged object, analyzing the behavior of conductors and dielectrics in an electrostatic field, and solving Laplace's equation for a given region.

5. Are there any limitations to using Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition?

While Electrostatics Fourier Decomposition is a powerful tool for solving electrostatic problems, it does have limitations. It is most effective for solving problems with simple geometries and uniform boundary conditions. It may not be suitable for more complex problems with irregular boundaries or non-uniform boundary conditions.
