Elementary questions about fibre bundles

In summary, the conversation discusses the definition of a vertical subspace in a principal bundle, which is tangent to the fiber at a point and the fundamental vector field, which is defined using the left invariant vector field on the group. It is then asked to show that the pushforward of a fundamental vector field is zero and the intersection of the horizontal and vertical subspaces is also zero. The conversation also touches on the action of the group on the bundle and how it preserves the fibers, leading to the projection of a fundamental vector field onto the base manifold tangent space being zero.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Insights Author
Hi, I'm a little stuck on Nakahara's treatment about fibre bundles. I hope someone can give me a clear answer on this; they are quite elementary questions, I guess.

We have:

* A principal bundle P(M,G)
* A fibre [itex]G_{p}[/itex] at [itex]p= \pi(u)[/itex]

Then the vertical subspace [itex]V_{u}P[/itex] is defined as a subspace of the tangent space [itex]T_{u}P[/itex] which is tangent to the fibre [itex]G_{p}[/itex] at u. An element [itex]X[/itex] of this vertical subspace is called the fundamental vector field, and is defined as

X f(u) = \frac{d}{dt}f(ue^{tA})|_{t=0}

in analogy with tangent vectors on a manifold M. Here f is a curve from P to the real line and A is an element of your left invariant vector field on G. It is then asked to show that (ex. 10.1)

\pi_{*}X = 0

for a fundamental vector field X. I don't see this, and it's probably because I don't grasp the meaning of this vertical space. Is it only tangent to the fibre but not to the base manifold M? Is that the reason for the pushforward vector (which is defined on M) is zero (because vectors on M are only defined in the tangent space [itex]T_{p}M[/itex])?

It is further claimed on page 378 that if you act with the Ehresmann connection on a fundamental vector field, you can use

d_{P}g_{i} = \frac{dg(ue^{tA})}{dt}|_{t=0}

where d is the exterior derivative on P. Where does this come from? I hope my questions are clear and that someone can help me with this.
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  • #2
So my first question can be put as: why is

T_{u}(P_{\pi(u)}) = ker[\pi_{*}|_{u}:T_{u}P \rightarrow T_{\pi(u)}M]


Another question which rises then is why the intersection of the horizontal subspace and the vertical subspace is zero.
  • #3
  • #4
The action of the group on the bundle preserves the fibers. A fundamental vector field corresponds to (the derivative of) such an action and the vector field is along the fibers. It follows that the projection to the base manifold tangent space of a fundamental vector field is zero.

For your second question, an Ehresmann connection [itex]\omega[/itex] fulfills
[tex]\omega (\sigma (X)) = X[/tex]
where X is in g and [itex]\sigma (X)[/itex] is a fundamental vector field. Since no fundamental vector field is in the kernel of [itex]\omega[/itex], the vertical and horizontal vector spaces do not intersect.
  • #5
I think I'm missing something very trivial here, but why is this projection then zero? Why can't a vector in the bundle lie in the tangent space of the fiber AND the tangent space of the basis manifold?
  • #6
Let [itex]\gamma(t)[/itex] be an integral curve of a fundamental vector field. The whole curve is then contained in a single fiber [itex]F_p[/itex]. The image of the curve when projecting down to the base manifold is a point [itex]\pi(\gamma)\subset \pi(F_p)=p[/itex]. A velocity vector of the curve projects down to a veclocity vector of the point. But the point does not move and the velocity vector is zero.

[tex]\tilde{\gamma}(t) = \pi(\gamma(t)) = p[/tex]
[tex]\pi^*(\gamma'(t)) = \tilde{\gamma}'(t) = \frac{d}{dt}\, p = 0[/tex]

FAQ: Elementary questions about fibre bundles

What is a fibre bundle?

A fibre bundle is a mathematical object that describes the relationship between a base space and a family of spaces that are attached to each point of the base space. It is commonly used to study topological and geometric properties of spaces.

What are the main types of fibre bundles?

There are three main types of fibre bundles: trivial, non-trivial, and locally trivial. A trivial bundle is one where the total space is simply the Cartesian product of the base space and the fibre. A non-trivial bundle is one where the total space is not a Cartesian product, and a locally trivial bundle is one that is locally isomorphic to a trivial bundle.

What is the difference between a fibre bundle and a vector bundle?

A fibre bundle is a more general concept that encompasses vector bundles. A vector bundle is a fibre bundle where the fibres are vector spaces and the bundle has additional structure, such as a smooth or continuous structure. In other words, a vector bundle is a special type of fibre bundle.

What is the significance of fibre bundles in physics?

Fibre bundles are used extensively in physics, particularly in theories such as general relativity and quantum field theory. They are used to describe the geometric structure of spacetime and the behaviour of physical fields, and have been instrumental in the development of these theories.

How are fibre bundles used in real-world applications?

Fibre bundles have numerous applications in various fields, including engineering, computer graphics, and data analysis. In engineering, they are used to model complex systems and structures, while in computer graphics, they are used to create realistic visual effects. In data analysis, they are used to study complex data sets and identify underlying patterns and structures.

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