Elementary Topology Course: Texts, Resources & Suggestions

In summary, for a course on elementary topology, some useful texts to consider are John G. Hocking's "Topology", James Munkres' "Topology", and Allen Hatcher's "Algebraic Topology". All three books cover topics such as set theory, metric spaces, general topology, compactness, connectedness, and the Baire Category and Tychonoff theorems. Hocking's book is a classic text, but may be considered outdated in terms of modern mathematical thinking. Munkres' and Hatcher's books are more modern and comprehensive, with Hatcher's book also covering functors and algebraic topology. Other suggested resources include lecture notes from MIT's OpenCourseWare website.
  • #1
I have a course on this in the following year and was just wondering what kind of texts are useful for a course on elementary topology. The course description is this:

"Set Theory, metric spaces and general topology. Compactness, connectedness. Urysohn's Lemma and Tietze's Theorem. Baire Category Theorem. The Tychonoff Theorem. Homotopy and covering spaces. Primarily intended for third and fourth year students with a good background in Mathematics."
Suggested text: John G. Hocking's Topology

Any suggestions as to added resources would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
A classic topology text is Munkres' "Topology".
  • #3
I would read Munkres with the lecture notes on ocw.mit.edu. This helped me in my topology course. It covers everything in your list very well. Be warned, Munkres is a book for mathematicians. If it is one of your first classes outside of calc, linear algebra and the like, then rejoice! It is a phenomenal book. Don't get discouraged and remember it is a tough book but you will understand topology very well with work. Have fun in topology it was one of my favorites.
  • #4
I thought Hocking's book that you mentioned was actually very good. It's also a dover book so it could be about 1/10 the price of Munkres depending on where you look.
  • #5
Yea, it was the fact that it was a Dover book that put me off unfortunately. I had a bad experience with a couple of Dover's books on Tensor Analysis.. It was actually a combination of those books with a terrible prof that made the experience bad in all. Perhaps then, this is just worry that I'll be put in a similar situation for topology.

Thanks for all the suggestions. We'll see how the class goes based off of those two texts and those online course notes.
  • #6
the classic book on topology by hocking and young is an example of a good standard text that is totally out of date. th material is correct and important, but one does nbot learn there to think in mapping theoretic or categorical terms, which is ubiquitous today in virtually every field.

if hiockings book is similarly old fashioned i would supplement it with a more modern book.
  • #7
I think we are talking about the same book, My post referred to Hocking and Young's book at least...
  • #8
well its a good old book, but it is definitely old. for example, after they define singular homology, or maybe homotopy, and prove it is a functor, they prove it is a topological invariant.

but this is trivial from the modern point of view, i.e., all functors preserve isomorphisms.
  • #9
Ah well, I have only a rather sketchy understanding of category theory anyway... Hopefully that will change next semester when I will (probably) take algebraic topology, I believe that class uses Hatcher's book, which I've heard good things about.

I see here that Hatcher's book is free online!

I see he starts the first chapter talking about functors in that book...
  • #10
however most of the point set topics in your syllabus are probably not covered by hatcher. hocking is a good book for that stuff, just old.

FAQ: Elementary Topology Course: Texts, Resources & Suggestions

1. What is elementary topology?

Elementary topology is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of geometric objects such as points, lines, and shapes. It focuses on the study of topological spaces, which are mathematical structures that capture the notion of continuity and closeness.

2. What are some recommended texts for an elementary topology course?

Some recommended texts for an elementary topology course include "Introduction to Topology" by Bert Mendelson, "Topology" by James Munkres, and "Topology: A First Course" by James R. Lee. These texts provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject with clear explanations and helpful examples.

3. Are there any online resources available for studying elementary topology?

Yes, there are many online resources available for studying elementary topology. Some notable ones include "Topology Atlas" by John M. Lee, which provides interactive visualizations of topological concepts, and "Math Insight" by David Austin, which offers interactive demonstrations and explanations of key concepts.

4. What are some key topics covered in an elementary topology course?

Some key topics covered in an elementary topology course include topological spaces, continuity, connectedness, compactness, and separation axioms. Other important topics may include completeness, metric spaces, and topological properties of familiar spaces such as the real line and the plane.

5. Do you have any suggestions for approaching an elementary topology course?

One suggestion for approaching an elementary topology course is to focus on understanding the definitions and theorems, rather than simply memorizing them. It is also helpful to work through examples and practice problems to solidify your understanding. Additionally, it can be beneficial to study with a group or seek out a tutor for extra support and guidance.

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