Elements 113 & 115: Uses & Benefits

  • Thread starter Mackay1011
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In summary, the conversation discusses the search for super heavy elements and their potential uses. While these elements may have interesting decay modes and can be used to test our understanding of nuclear physics, they are currently not useful for any practical purposes due to their short half-lives and high costs. The discovery of element 113 and 115 was achieved through collaboration between scientists in Russia and the USA. There is also mention of element 117 and potential names for these elements.
  • #1
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Others might feel differently, but my opinion is that the search for super heavy elements is not about chemistry or technology, at least not now, it is about understanding the nuclei structures, binding potentials, ... test the models somehow.
  • #3
I am with Humanino on this. While these super heavy elements can have interesting decay modes that can lead to interesting isotopes for use in chemistry, from a fundamental viewpoint, I find interest in their ability to test our understanding of structure and physics far from stability.
  • #4
I don't actually understand anything you to have said hehe, i mean in the periodic table, every element or whatever you call them has a use, so what COULD 113 & 115 be used for? a ruff guesses are more then welcome, please don't say i don't no lol
  • #5
Mackay1011 said:
I don't actually understand anything you to have said hehe, i mean in the periodic table, every element or whatever you call them has a use, so what COULD 113 & 115 be used for? a ruff guesses are more then welcome, please don't say i don't no lol

Most likely these new nuclei are very short-lived. Moreover, it seems that just a few of them were actually prepared in the experiment. So, they are not useful for any practical purpose at this moment. Maybe in 50 years someone will find a method to stabilize these nuclei. Maybe then...
  • #6
Thanks meo.. I don't want to go off topic to much but for example how would you stabilize an element? mix it with other atom, compounds or whatever lol, don't know much about this sort of stuff, but i do find it interesting
  • #8
Mackay1011 said:
Thanks meo.. I don't want to go off topic to much but for example how would you stabilize an element? mix it with other atom, compounds or whatever lol, don't know much about this sort of stuff, but i do find it interesting

I don't know. Currently there is no way to do that. Who knows, maybe some stabilization methods will be invented in 50 years. Without such a stabilization, there is no way to use these elements in practical life.
  • #9
It does not seem likely to me that any time in the near future, anybody can even give sens to the concept of "stabilizing an element". You would need to change the potential, the forces, which would drastically affect the nucleus structure, thus probably changing the electronic structure as well, and eventually getting different chemical properties. My point is that, if you somehow "stabilize" an unstable element, can you still call it the same name ? It would be very different from the original one.
  • #10
Norman said:
You may be interested in this link Mackay1011:


According to that link [itex]^{293}_{118}Uuo[/itex] decays via alpha emission in about one tenth of a millisecond. ([itex]10^{-4}[/itex] seconds)

Decays? so its un-usable when its decayed, and it decays in 1 tenth of a millisecond, how will scientists be able to conduct any kind of experiment on it?
  • #11
You do it very quickly! :biggrin:

Seriously, though, high-energy particle physicists also do experiments involving very short-lived particles. Basically, you don't study the particle directly while it is in flight. Instead, you study it by way of its decay products, by applying various conservation laws to deduce its properties.
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  • #12
humanino said:
Others might feel differently, but my opinion is that the search for super heavy elements is not about chemistry or technology, at least not now, it is about understanding the nuclei structures, binding potentials, ... test the models somehow.
That's exactly the case.

Transuranics heavier than Cm do not have long half-lives and therefore are of use only as humanino stated - in understanding nuclear physics and nuclear stability. The hope had been to find stable isotopes, i.e. isotopes with half-lives on the order of centuries, millenia or longer.

Cm-247 has a half-life of ~16 million years, and is one of the more stable transuranics. However, the transuranics have significant radiotoxicity, so their applications are extremely limited. They are also very expensive!

Heavy elements are 'heavy' so they have no practical use for most material applications. They are a potential energy storage system, but creating, storing and using them is rather impractical because of the cost and the fact that they have short half-lives. There are much better (and much less expensive) ways to store or produce energy.
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  • #13
About The Cost

im a high school student, and I am doing a report on the discovery of element 113 and 115, can some1 tell me the cost of this discovery??thnx,please send me a pm if you know.:smile:
  • #14
  • #15
I remember reading somewhere, or hearing from someone that element 117 is supposedly supposed to be stable enough for us to be able to do something with it, but we havn't been able to get anything that will decay into making it yet. \

Am i right?
  • #16
Planckium, Feynmanium, Darwinium, Newtonium, Lavoisium or Diracium seem likely candidates for names if you ask me.

FAQ: Elements 113 & 115: Uses & Benefits

What are elements 113 and 115?

Elements 113 and 115 are two elements that were recently discovered and added to the periodic table. They are also known by their temporary names, ununtrium (Uut) and ununpentium (Uup).

What are the potential uses of elements 113 and 115?

The potential uses of elements 113 and 115 are still being researched, but they could have applications in nuclear energy, medicine, and material science. They may also have uses in creating new superheavy elements.

What are the benefits of elements 113 and 115?

The benefits of elements 113 and 115 are still being studied, but they could have significant impacts in various industries and fields. They could potentially lead to advancements in technology, energy production, and medical treatments.

How were elements 113 and 115 discovered?

Elements 113 and 115 were discovered by a team of researchers at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, USA. They used a particle accelerator to fuse two lighter elements together and create the new elements.

What challenges were faced in discovering elements 113 and 115?

Discovering elements 113 and 115 was a challenging process that required advanced technology and collaboration between scientists from different countries. The researchers had to overcome obstacles such as creating the right conditions for fusion and accurately detecting and identifying the new elements.
