Eleven Dimensions: Hidden Names & Discovery

  • Thread starter drme19811
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In summary: So the theorists took an idea from Kalusza and Klein of the old days and imagined the 4 extra dimensions are "compacted" into tiny shapes that are too small to detect. At every point around us, according to this theory, is such a compacted set of higher dimensions; they go around the tiny shape like little circles. When you go from superstring theory to M-theory you add another space dimension for a total of 11. So you have 11 dimensions in our world, plus the 4 dimensions of compacted space. But this theory (
  • #1
what are the hidden dimensions? what are their names?
how did scientests discover them?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Read "The Universe in a Nutshell" by Stephan Hawking. This will help explain multiple universes. But honestly, I still really don't get it. And always remember, it's all hypothetical.
  • #3
I think by hidden dimensions he means the compacted dimensions of string theory, not multiple universes.

String theory requires more than three space dimensions to be consistent. Superstring theory requires 10 dimensions (1 time, 3 "normal space", and 4 "hidden space" dimensions). They have to be hidden because we don't see them, and they can't be eliminated without abandoning string theory. So the theorists took an idea from Kalusza and Klein of the old days and imagined the 4 extra dimensions are "compacted" into tiny shapes that are too small to detect. At every point around us, according to this theory, is such a compacted set of higher dimensions; they go around the tiny shape like little circles.

When you go from superstring theory to M-theory you add another space dimension for a total of 11.

Randall-Sundrum theory (a particular theory within superstring theory) has a different idea. They say our 3-D world is a "brane", a kind of boundary of the higher dimensional world, which they call the bulk. All the forces except one spread out only in our brane. But gravity can spread out into the bulk as well. They use this to explain why gravity is so much weaker than the other forces; it's because its strength is spread out among 4 or 5 extra dimensions.
  • #4
How about 26 dimensions? IIRC, mathematics in those theories show that only either 11 dimensions or 26 dimensions exists.
Is there any qualitative explanation of what the 26 dimensions are, besides dimensions of time and space ?
  • #5
Originally posted by selfAdjoint
I think by hidden dimensions he means the compacted dimensions of string theory, not multiple universes.

String theory requires more than three space dimensions to be consistent. Superstring theory requires 10 dimensions (1 time, 3 "normal space", and 4 "hidden space" dimensions).

Don't you mean 6 "hidden" space dimensions?

Randall-Sundrum theory (a particular theory within superstring theory) has a different idea. They say our 3-D world is a "brane", a kind of boundary of the higher dimensional world, which they call the bulk. All the forces except one spread out only in our brane. But gravity can spread out into the bulk as well. They use this to explain why gravity is so much weaker than the other forces; it's because its strength is spread out among 4 or 5 extra dimensions.

I've wondered about this; does the Randall-Sundrum theory fit in with M-Theory...I mean, M-Theory was the way to unify the 5 previous superstring theories, but the Randall-Sundrum approach seems like a different idea altogether.
  • #6
Originally posted by selfAdjoint
I think by hidden dimensions he means the compacted dimensions of string theory, not multiple universes.

That's what I ment, Sorry dude.
  • #7
26 dimensions??

Originally posted by KL Kam
How about 26 dimensions? IIRC, mathematics in those theories show that only either 11 dimensions or 26 dimensions exists.
Is there any qualitative explanation of what the 26 dimensions are, besides dimensions of time and space ?

what is that theory that shows that there is 26 dimensions??
is it a really or a fiction??
what r these dimensions?
  • #8
Originally posted by Stryker
Read "The Universe in a Nutshell" by Stephan Hawking. This will help explain multiple universes. But honestly, I still really don't get it. And always remember, it's all hypothetical.

do u mean by (hypothetical) that it is just a theory , a fiction or doesn't have practical uses??
  • #9
i was meaning (the compacted dimensions of string theory), but is there a difference between this & multiple universes??

is there difference between
(multiple universes) & (paralel universes)??
  • #10
Originally posted by drme19811
do u mean by (hypothetical) that it is just a theory , a fiction or doesn't have practical uses??

Stronger than a made up fiction, because it's part of a strong theory. But the theory has no experimental support yet. So we respect the theory, but don't yet grant it the status of relativity or quantum mechanics, which have tons and tons of expeimental verification.
  • #11

Originally posted by drme19811
what is that theory that shows that there is 26 dimensions??
is it a really or a fiction??
what r these dimensions?

The oringinal "bosonic" string theory required 26 dimensions. It was an exciting theory in its day because it didn't require renormalization and predicted a graviton, which had been a holy grail for physicsts for generations. But it only did bosons, not fermions (the photon is a boson, the electron is a fermion. A physics with only photons and no electrons would be pretty feeble).

So supersymmetry was aded to string theory to make superstring theory, and this one could do both fermions and bosons. Also the supersymmetry "ate up" some of the original degrees of freedom and reduced the required dimensions from 26 to 10.
  • #12
Elven dimensions

That's where they hide with the pixies and such. :P

Related to Eleven Dimensions: Hidden Names & Discovery

What are the eleven dimensions?

The eleven dimensions are a theoretical concept in physics that proposes the existence of eleven dimensions in our universe. These dimensions are thought to go beyond the three dimensions of space (length, width, and height) and the fourth dimension of time.

What is the significance of the hidden names in eleven dimensions?

The hidden names in eleven dimensions refer to the different ways in which physicists and mathematicians have labeled and described these dimensions. These names, such as branes, strings, and membranes, represent different theories about the nature of these dimensions.

How were the eleven dimensions discovered?

The concept of eleven dimensions was first proposed in the 1990s by theoretical physicist Edward Witten. It was based on previous theories such as supergravity and string theory. Since then, many scientists have explored and expanded on this concept, leading to the development of the M-theory which incorporates eleven dimensions.

What is the role of eleven dimensions in our understanding of the universe?

The existence of eleven dimensions is still a theoretical concept and has not been proven. However, many scientists believe that understanding these dimensions could help explain some of the mysteries of the universe, such as gravity and the origin of the universe.

What are some potential implications of the discovery of eleven dimensions?

If eleven dimensions are proven to exist, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and could potentially lead to groundbreaking discoveries and technologies. It could also open up new avenues for research and further our understanding of fundamental physics principles.

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