Elite scientists can hold back science

  • Thread starter Ovolo
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In summary, the conversation is about a forum member who had their posts deleted and is expressing their distrust towards the forum. The forum administrators explain that their mission is not to advance new scientific truth, but to educate people about current science. The conversation ends with the forum member's posts remaining deleted and the thread being closed.
  • #1

Interesting article here about how :

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." - http://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2015/12/15/10219330/elite-scientists-hold-back-progress

Just posting this here out of surprise because today a couple of my posts got deleted by the administrators of the 'High Energy, Nuclear, Particle Physics' section of this PhysicsForum, in a topic about the new findings at the LHC, after asking questions if a 'new particle' could be a due superposition, and related to that asking if the Higgs Field could be conductive for transmitting waves of the oscillating particles.

It was just a rotten thing to do, and fits perfectly in with the article.


Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Come back after the mentor who deleted it is dead.
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Likes Student100 and OmCheeto
  • #3
zoobyshoe said:
Come back after the mentor who deleted it is dead.
No I won't. I don't trust this place.
  • #4
We've heard this all before. Yes, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at the Three Stooges.
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Likes Doc Al, Student100, OmCheeto and 3 others
  • #5
Ovolo said:
No I won't. I don't trust this place.

Yet, you trust an article written on Vox. You pick and choose who you trust that somehow aligned with your prejudices. It is just that you don't realize that is what you are doing and only find faults in everyone else's actions, not yours.

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Likes billy_joule, OmCheeto, Ryan_m_b and 2 others
  • #6
Ovolo said:
No I won't. I don't trust this place.
It takes more time than 2 post to gain trust IMO
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Likes OmCheeto
  • #7
Ovolo said:

Interesting article here about how :

"A new scientific truth ...
Please review the forum rules that you agreed to when you signed up.

We are very up-front and clear that our mission is not to advance "new scientific truth" here. That is the mission of the professional scientific literature. Our mission is to educate people about current science.

Ovolo said:
Just posting this here out of surprise because today a couple of my posts got deleted
We are very clear about our mission, our rules, and our methods of enforcing them, so your surprise is unjustified.

Your posts will remain deleted and this thread is closed.
Last edited:
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Likes OmCheeto and Ryan_m_b

FAQ: Elite scientists can hold back science

1. What does it mean when elite scientists hold back science?

When we say that elite scientists hold back science, it means that the top researchers in a particular field are not open to new ideas or are resistant to change. This can prevent progress and innovation in that field.

2. Why would elite scientists hold back science?

There are several reasons why this may happen. One possibility is that these scientists have invested a lot of time and effort into a particular theory or idea, and are not willing to let go of it. They may also feel threatened by new ideas that challenge their work, or they may simply be biased towards their own beliefs.

3. How does the holding back of science affect progress?

Holding back science can have a significant impact on progress. By not being open to new ideas and perspectives, elite scientists may hinder the development of new theories and technologies. This can lead to a stagnation of research and limit our understanding of the world around us.

4. Can the holding back of science be beneficial in any way?

While it is important to have critical and skeptical scientists who challenge new ideas, holding back science can also have negative consequences. It can limit collaboration and hinder the sharing of knowledge, which are crucial for scientific progress. Additionally, it can create a barrier for young and upcoming scientists who may have fresh and innovative ideas.

5. How can we encourage elite scientists to be more open to new ideas?

One way to encourage elite scientists to be more open-minded is by promoting a culture of collaboration and diversity in the scientific community. This can help to challenge ingrained beliefs and encourage the exchange of ideas. Additionally, funding agencies could also incentivize researchers to work together and explore new areas of study, rather than sticking to their established fields.
