Elliptic trigonometric functions as basis for function expansion ?

In summary: Any thoughts on the subject will be much appreciated,thank you!In summary, Stephen has started reading in depth about Fourier transforms and has begun to understand what they are and how they relate to linear algebra. He has discovered that there are many ways to express a function as a sum of other functions, and that this concept is similar to understanding a vector as a sum of basis vectors. He is curious about whether it is possible to decompose a signal or function using elliptic trigonometric functions, and wonders if anyone has heard of such a thing before.
  • #1
Hey everyone .
So I've started reading in depth Fourier transforms , trying to understand what they really are(i was familiar with them,but as a tool mostly) . The connection of FT and linear algebra is the least mind blowing for me 🤯! It really changed the way I'm thinking !

So i was wondering whether it could be possible to go even further and decompose a signal or function f(x) ,if you prefer, using elliptic trigonometric functions like Sn,Cn . Has anyone heard of such thing before ? I tried to search it myself but i didn't find anything relevant . I would be really interested knowing possible applications or even discovering more cool connections and meanings . Any thoughts on the subject will be much appreciated,thank you!
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  • #2
What are these "elliptic trigonometric functions like Sn, Cn"?
  • #3
Avaro667 said:
Has anyone heard of such thing before ? I tried to search it myself but i didn't find anything relevant .

Many ways of expressing functions as a sum of other functions have been studied. The situation is analagous to expressing a vector as a sum of basis vectors. Different basis vectors can be used. It is convenient if the basis vectors are orthogonal. With an orthogonal basis the coefficent that is used for each basis vector can be found by projecting the vector onto that basis vector. In dealing with functions, projecting function ##f(x)## on basis function ##b_i(x)## is done by ##\int f(x)b_i(x) dx##. For othogonal basis functions ##b_i, b_j##, ##\int b_i(x) b_j(x) = 0##. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthogonal_functions

I don't know if there is an often used basis consisting of elliptic functions. A quick web search turns up http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kyodo/kokyuroku/contents/pdf/1838-07.pdf section 5.5, but I don't understand that paper.

Simpler types of functions have been studied - for example, orthogonal polynomials https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthogonal_polynomials
  • #4
Infrared said:
What are these "elliptic trigonometric functions like Sn, Cn"?

I'm sure you will find a more strict definition than i can give right now. But the main idea is I'm talking about like ordinary trigonometric functions but instead of being defined on a circle they're defined on an ellipse .
  • #5
Stephen Tashi said:
Many ways of expressing functions as a sum of other functions have been studied. The situation is analagous to expressing a vector as a sum of basis vectors. Different basis vectors can be used. It is convenient if the basis vectors are orthogonal. With an orthogonal basis the coefficent that is used for each basis vector can be found by projecting the vector onto that basis vector. In dealing with functions, projecting function ##f(x)## on basis function ##b_i(x)## is done by ##\int f(x)b_i(x) dx##. For othogonal basis functions ##b_i, b_j##, ##\int b_i(x) b_j(x) = 0##. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthogonal_functions

I don't know if there is an often used basis consisting of elliptic functions. A quick web search turns up http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kyodo/kokyuroku/contents/pdf/1838-07.pdf section 5.5, but I don't understand that paper.

Simpler types of functions have been studied - for example, orthogonal polynomials https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthogonal_polynomials

Thank you Stephen i will try to take a look on this paper ! I'm surprised it doesn't seem like people have even tried this .Of course there's a good chance this transform just make things worse,but my intuition right now says to confirm it .

FAQ: Elliptic trigonometric functions as basis for function expansion ?

1. What are elliptic trigonometric functions?

Elliptic trigonometric functions are a type of mathematical functions that are used to describe the behavior of elliptic curves. They are closely related to the standard trigonometric functions, but they have a more complex behavior due to the presence of a third parameter, known as the modulus.

2. How are elliptic trigonometric functions used as a basis for function expansion?

Elliptic trigonometric functions can be used as a basis for function expansion by expressing any function in terms of a series of these functions. This is similar to how we can express any function in terms of the standard trigonometric functions using a Fourier series. However, in the case of elliptic functions, we need to include the modulus as a parameter in the expansion.

3. What are the advantages of using elliptic trigonometric functions for function expansion?

Using elliptic trigonometric functions for function expansion allows us to accurately represent a wider range of functions compared to using only standard trigonometric functions. This is because the modulus parameter allows for more flexibility in the shape and behavior of the functions being represented.

4. Are there any real-world applications of using elliptic trigonometric functions for function expansion?

Yes, there are several real-world applications of using elliptic trigonometric functions for function expansion. Some examples include signal processing, image compression, and cryptography. These functions also have applications in physics, particularly in the study of periodic motion and vibrations.

5. Are there any limitations to using elliptic trigonometric functions as a basis for function expansion?

While elliptic trigonometric functions have many advantages, they also have some limitations. One major limitation is that the expansion can become very complicated and difficult to work with when the modulus is close to 1. Additionally, the convergence of the expansion may also be slower compared to using standard trigonometric functions.
