Elliptical orbits double velocity

In summary, the conversation discusses a rocket ship in circular orbit around a planet with a given velocity. After a sudden engine burst that doubles the velocity, the furthest distance from the planet on the new trajectory is calculated using the elliptical energy equation. However, it is determined that the total energy after the boost is positive, indicating an unbounded hyperbolic orbit and an infinite furthest distance from the planet.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A rocket ship is in circular orbit of radius R around a planet. Its velocity is doubled by a sudden engine burst. Calculate the furthest distance from the planet on the new trajectory.

Homework Equations

Elliptical energy equation: E = Ek +Ep = -GMm/2a (a=semi major axis)

With Ek = (1/2)mv^2 and Ep = -GMm/R

The Attempt at a Solution

Sorry for not being very user friendly.

From applying the elliptical energy equation to the initial circular orbit, I deduced

(1) v^2 = GM/R where v = initial velocity, M = mass of planet.

After the impulse, I have:

(2) E = (1/2)*m*(2v)^2 -GMm/R = -GMm/2(r+R)
where r = length to planet from furthest distance

Combining (1) and (2) gives r = -2R

I have two questions in regards to this:

1) Is the method correct?

2) If the answer is right, how is it possible that I get a negative value? Does this just mean it is taken in the 'negative' direction to the original 'R'?

Thanks, and sorry for the lack of friendliness in the equations again.
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  • #2
Hello, brijmohan3. Welcome to PF!

It might help to consider whether the total energy is positive, negative, or zero after the engine boost.
  • #3
Thank you TSny.

I think the total energy after the impulse should still be negative due to the half potential at average distance: -GMm/2a?

Zero doesn't make sense to me as we are providing it with a positive impulse thus increasing the total energy in the process, but not equal to the original energy the rocket originally had.

I considered the total energy being positive [GMm/(r+R)] but that would tell me r=0, which is clearly not right since I believe the path of the orbit would increase in distance, not decrease. Unless my understanding is flawed and that is not the correct total energy.
  • #4
Here's one way to think about it.

In your first post you stated that you found v2 = GM/R for the circular orbit (before the engine burn).

So you can express the kinetic energy K in terms of G, M, m, and R before the burn.

If you double the speed, by what factor does K increase? Thus, you can easily express K immediately after the burn in terms of G, M, m, and R.

Then find the total energy just after the burn in terms of G, M, m, and R.
  • #5

I'm pretty sure that's what I did when I combined equations (1) and (2) -v2 = GM/R and E = (1/2)*m*(2v)2 -GMm/R = -GMm/(r+R) -------> AH sorry, I had "= -GMm/2(r+R)" in my original post as opposed to "= -GMm/(r+R)"

But just to share what I did:

So K (before impulse) = GMm/2R

Leads to K (after impulse) = 4* K (before impulse) = 2GMm/R

So total E (after impulse) = K (after impulse) + V (after impulse), but V (after impulse) = V (before impulse)

Therefore E = 2GMm/R + (-GMm/R) = GMm/R (which is what I had before from my equations)

So then by elliptical orbit equations, E = -GMm/(r+R) as before :/

I'm still not sure what I am doing wrong :(
  • #6
brijmohan3 said:
Therefore E = 2GMm/R + (-GMm/R) = GMm/R (which is what I had before from my equations)

OK. So, after the boost the total energy is positive.

So then by elliptical orbit equations, E = -GMm/(r+R) as before

As you can see, any elliptical orbit must have a negative total energy.

So, the ship is not in an elliptical orbit after the boost. The trajectory will be some other conic section.
  • #7
Ah! I didn't think about that. Thank you.

Does that mean that the furthest distance from the planet is therefore infinity since, with a positive total energy the ship is in an unbounded hyperbolic orbit?
  • #8
brijmohan3 said:
Ah! I didn't think about that. Thank you.

Does that mean that the furthest distance from the planet is therefore infinity since, with a positive total energy the ship is in an unbounded hyperbolic orbit?

  • #9
brijmohan3 said:
Does that mean that the furthest distance from the planet is therefore infinity since, with a positive total energy the ship is in an unbounded hyperbolic orbit?

Yes, that's right.
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  • #10
Thank you!

Related to Elliptical orbits double velocity

1. What is an elliptical orbit?

An elliptical orbit is a type of orbital path that is shaped like an ellipse, with the object orbiting around one focus of the ellipse.

2. How does an object's velocity change in an elliptical orbit?

In an elliptical orbit, an object's velocity changes as it moves closer to or farther away from the object it is orbiting. As it gets closer, its velocity increases, and as it moves away, its velocity decreases.

3. Why does the velocity double in an elliptical orbit?

The velocity doubles in an elliptical orbit because of the law of conservation of angular momentum. This means that as the object gets closer to the object it is orbiting, its velocity increases to conserve the total angular momentum of the system.

4. How does an elliptical orbit differ from a circular orbit?

In a circular orbit, the object maintains a constant distance from the object it is orbiting, resulting in a constant velocity. In an elliptical orbit, the distance varies, causing the velocity to also vary.

5. What are some real-life examples of objects in elliptical orbits?

Some real-life examples of objects in elliptical orbits include comets, planets, and artificial satellites. For example, Earth's orbit around the Sun is an elliptical orbit.

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