EM Radiation oscillating charged mass

In summary, we calculate the intensity of radiation hitting the floor as a function of the distance from the point directly below the charged particle. We find that the power that goes through the ring is proportional to a^2*sin^3(theta)*d(theta) and that the relationship between dR and d(theta) can be found from our drawing.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle of mass m and charge q is attached to a spring with force constant k, hanging from the ceiling. Its equilibrium position is a distance h above the floor. It is pulled down a distance d below equilibrium and released, at time t = 0;

Under the usual assumptions (d << lambda << h) calculate the intensity of the radiation hitting the floor as a function of the distance R from the point directly below q.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I see that this is a harmonic oscillator that could be described by x(t) = d cos(wt)
and a = -w*w*dcos(wt)

I would like to use Larmor's formula: P = u_0 q^2 a^2 / ( 6 pi m c) but I believe that I may need to revert back the to Poynting vector because we are only trying to find intensity [W/area] so: S = u_0 q^2 a^2 / ( 32 pi m c).

I think I'm having a hard time determining how to draw the picture to visualize this situation. How do I handle finding the intensity on the floor? I see that the distance from the mass to the floor is (R^2 + (h+delta)^2)^1/2.

Does anyone have any tips on how to get started with this? Do I need to rewrite the electric and magnetic fields and recalculate the Poynting vector from scratch (re-derive the electric dipole equations essentially?)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Draw the charge at a height h above a plane. Draw a ring of radius R and thickness dR in said plane centered on the charge. Draw the angles theta and theta + d(theta) that the ring makes.

From http://www.phy.duke.edu/~rgb/Class/phy319/phy319/node146.html

We find the differential power, dP, into a solid angle d(omega) goes as:

dP/d(omega) is proportional to a^2*sin^2(theta) eq. 18.35

d(omega) = sin(theta)*d(theta)*d(phi) See solid angle:


Convince your self that the power that goes through the ring is proportional to:


There is a geometric relationship between dR and d(theta) that you should be able to find from your drawing.

You know dP/d(omega) but you want dP/dA where dA is the area of the ring.

But dP/dA = dP/d(omega)*d(omega)/dA

All you need is the relationship between d(omega) and dA.

Corrections welcome, hope this helps!
  • #3
Hello Spinnor,

Thanks for your excellent response, I've almost figured it out.

From the picture I see that: dR2 = 2(h2 + R2) + dR2 + 2RdR - 2 sqrt(h2 +R2) sqrt( h2 + (R+dR)2) cos( d(theta) )

I decided that this was a mess but we could probably simplify it to where (R+dR)2 ~= R2 so I get: dR = (h2 + R2) d(theta).

Then using the solid angle d(omega) = sin(theta) d(theta) d(phi) I re-arrange and plug it in.

d(omega) = sin(theta) dR d(phi) / sqrt(h2 + R2)

Now there is where I've struggled. I can't seem to translate that into a useful d(omega)/dA expression. Is my approximation for dR correct? Or am I missing something else?
  • #4
I think we want dA = R*d(phi)*dR

d(omega)/dA =[sin(theta)*d(theta)*d(phi)]/ R*d(phi)*dR

dR is related to d(theta)

[h^2+R^2]*d(theta)/h = dR , so

d(omega)/dA = [sin(theta)*d(theta)]/R*dR



So it looks like dP/dA goes as


We want to get sin(theta) in terms of R. Let straight down be theta = 0, then R/[h^2+R^2]^.5 = sin(theta)

This was pretty sloppy. Better next time, hope it helps.
  • #5

I would approach this problem by first understanding the physical situation described. Based on the information provided, it seems that a charged particle attached to a spring is oscillating and releasing electromagnetic radiation. The intensity of this radiation is being measured at a certain distance from the point directly below the particle.

To calculate the intensity at a distance R from the point below the particle, we can use the formula for the Poynting vector, which represents the energy flux density of electromagnetic radiation. This vector is given by S = (1/μ0)E x B, where E is the electric field and B is the magnetic field.

In this case, we can use the equations for the electric and magnetic fields of a dipole to calculate the Poynting vector at a distance R. We can then use the Poynting vector to calculate the intensity of the radiation at that distance.

It is important to note that the assumptions given in the problem (d << λ << h) refer to the distance d being much smaller than the wavelength of the radiation and the distance h being much smaller than the distance between the particle and the floor. These assumptions allow us to simplify the equations and make calculations easier.

In summary, to calculate the intensity of the radiation hitting the floor at a distance R from the point directly below the particle, we can use the Poynting vector formula and the equations for the electric and magnetic fields of a dipole. We can also use the given assumptions to simplify the calculations.

FAQ: EM Radiation oscillating charged mass

What is EM Radiation oscillating charged mass?

EM radiation oscillating charged mass refers to the phenomenon of electromagnetic radiation being produced when a charged particle accelerates or oscillates. This radiation includes visible light, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays, and is characterized by its electric and magnetic fields that oscillate perpendicular to each other and the direction of the radiation.

How is EM Radiation oscillating charged mass different from other forms of radiation?

EM radiation oscillating charged mass is different from other forms of radiation, such as nuclear radiation, because it is caused by the movement of charged particles rather than nuclear processes. Additionally, EM radiation oscillating charged mass does not have the potential to cause radioactive contamination or harm living organisms.

What are the applications of EM Radiation oscillating charged mass?

EM radiation oscillating charged mass has numerous applications in everyday life, including communication technologies such as radio, television, and cell phones. It is also used in medical imaging techniques such as X-rays and MRI scans. In addition, EM radiation oscillating charged mass is used in industrial processes like welding and in scientific research.

Can EM Radiation oscillating charged mass be harmful to humans?

In general, the EM radiation produced by oscillating charged masses is not harmful to humans. However, exposure to high levels of certain types of EM radiation, such as X-rays, can be damaging to our cells and tissues. That is why protective measures, such as lead shielding, are used in medical settings where X-rays are frequently used.

How is EM Radiation oscillating charged mass studied and measured?

Scientists study EM radiation oscillating charged mass by using instruments and techniques such as spectrometers, which can analyze the frequency and intensity of the radiation. The behavior and properties of EM radiation oscillating charged mass can also be studied through experiments, simulations, and mathematical models.
