Embedding Complex Matrices into Real Spaces

In summary, the conversation discusses the different methods of embedding the space of n x n matrices over complex numbers, M_n(\mathbb{C}), into the real matrix space, M_{2n}(\mathbb{R}). The preferred methods involve preserving the multiplication and ring structure of complex numbers, rather than defining nonstandard multiplication on a higher dimensional space. This transformation is useful in reducing matrix dimensions and simplifying computations in certain physical problems.
  • #1
Hey all,

I have a quick question that should hopefully be simple to answer.

Consider a the space of [itex] n \times n [/itex] matrices over [itex] \mathbb C[/itex] given by [itex] M_n(\mathbb C) [/itex]. In order to properly consider this as a real matrix, we have to embed [itex] M_n(\mathbb C) \to M_{2n}(\mathbb R) [/itex], and I can give some books that cite this. In order to do this, we use one of the following methods:

Method 1
Define the map [itex] \rho: \mathbb C \to M_2(\mathbb R) [/itex] by
[tex] \rho(x+iy) = \begin{pmatrix} x & -y \\ y & x \end{pmatrix} [/tex]
which actually gives an identification of the complex numbers with a subspace of [itex] M_2(\mathbb R) [/itex]. Let [itex] Z \in M_n(\mathbb C) [/itex] be given by the components [itex] Z=[Z]_{ij}[/itex]. Then define [itex] \rho_n: M_n(\mathbb C) \to M_{2n}(\mathbb R) [/itex] as [itex] \rho_n(Z) = [\rho(Z_{ij})]_{ij} [/itex]. That is, we have just made each complex entry of Z into a 2x2 matrix.

Method 2

Similar to above, let [itex] Z = X+iY \in M_N(\mathbb C) [/itex] where [itex] X,Y \in M_n(\mathbb R) [/itex] and define [itex] \rho': M_n(\mathbb C) \to M_{2n}(\mathbb R) [/itex] by
[tex] \rho'(Z) = \begin{pmatrix} X & -Y \\ Y & X \end{pmatrix} [/tex]
where this is done in block-matrix form.

Now both of these methods are related, and the reason for the relation comes from the two different definitions of symplectic structures. However, this is not what I'm interested in. We notice that [itex] M_{2n}(\mathbb R) [/itex] is a [itex] 4n^2 [/itex] dimensional space and in particular we can identify it with [itex]\mathbb R^{4n^2} [/itex]. What if instead of using one of these embeddings, we instead wrote [itex] Z = X + i Y [/itex] and visualized it as an element of [itex] M_{n,2n}(\mathbb R) [/itex] with
[tex] Z = \begin{pmatrix} X \\ Y \end{pmatrix} [/tex]
which has dimension [itex] 2n^2 [/itex] and so we identify it with [itex] \mathbb R^{2n^2} [/itex]. Why do we prefer using one of the previous two methods if they give a higher dimensional space? Is it for some reason like "multiplication is properly preserved" or something along those lines?

Edit: Something in my head says that from a topological point of view, there's probably not a big difference. However, it would be something like "We want to preserve the ring structure of [itex] \mathbb C [/itex]."
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  • #2
As you suspect, it is to preserve multiplication. After all, you can't even multiply two n×2n matrices together, so the mapping you suggest certainly won't preserve the product of the two matrices. So to get a ring homomorphism, we have to take [itex]\mathbf{M}_{n}(\mathbb{C}) \rightarrow \mathbf{M}_{2n}(\mathbb{R})[/itex]
  • #3
Would it not be possible to "vectorize" the [itex] n \times 2n [/itex] matrices and define some sort of really weird multiplication on [itex] \mathbb R^{2n^2} [/itex] that would preserve the ring structure?
  • #4
Sure you could, just take the injective linear map from [itex]\mathbf{M}_{n}(\mathbb{C}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{2n^2}[/itex] and transfer the multiplication from [itex]\mathbf{M}_{n}(\mathbb{C})[/itex] to [itex]\mathbb{R}^{2n^2}[/itex]. However, having to define such nonstandard multiplication defeats the purpose of finding real matrix representations (which is to embed them in the real matrix ring with its usual multiplication).
  • #5
Kreizhn said:
Hey all,
Why do we prefer using one of the previous two methods if they give a higher dimensional space? Is it for some reason like "multiplication is properly preserved" or something along those lines?

From a computational point of view, that is back to front. The advantage of transforming from real variable to complex (when it is possible) is to reduce the matrix dimensions, and also reduce the amount of computation by doing everything only once, rather than twice.

If you are going to define something that doesn't actually behave like a matrix, then it's not a matrix. (If something doesn't look like a duck or quack like a duck, then it's not a duck).

The "double sized" real formulation arises naturally in some physical problems, for example in the dynamics of an object with "cyclic symmetry" like a fan with a number of identical equally spaced blades. You can represent the motion of the complete fan as a Fourier series of the degrees of freedom of one blade. If the fan is in the XY plane with its axis along z = 0, by symmetry the equatons of motion of the complete fan are the same in X and Y directions if you replace X by Y and Y by -X.

Putting those two facts together is equivalent to the matrix transformation between n complex variables and 2n real ones.
  • #6
So if I get what you're both saying, it's essentially that there is no theoretical issue with embedding [itex] M_n(\mathbb C) [/itex] into [itex] \mathbb R^{2n^2} [/itex]. However, for the purpose of keeping matrices as matrices, the only way to maintain the "matrix" structure is the transformation into [itex] M_{2n}(\mathbb R) [/itex].

Edit: Keep in mind that the quotation marks around "matrix" structure is meant to be entirely colloquial. I figure someone might get pedantic and say something like "the matrix structure and the ring structure are the same" so I just wanted to avoid that.

FAQ: Embedding Complex Matrices into Real Spaces

1. How do you define a complex matrix?

A complex matrix is a rectangular array of complex numbers that can be represented as a combination of real and imaginary numbers. It is typically denoted by capital letters, such as A, B, or C.

2. What is the purpose of making complex matrices real?

Making complex matrices real involves converting the complex numbers into real numbers. This is often done for simplification purposes, as it is easier to perform calculations and interpret results with real numbers.

3. What are the steps for making a complex matrix real?

The steps for making a complex matrix real include separating the complex numbers into their real and imaginary parts, replacing the imaginary unit (i) with the square root of -1, and simplifying the resulting expression by combining like terms.

4. Can all complex matrices be made real?

No, not all complex matrices can be made real. This is because some complex matrices have certain properties or structures that cannot be represented using only real numbers. However, many complex matrices can be simplified and made real using mathematical techniques.

5. What are some applications of making complex matrices real?

Making complex matrices real has numerous practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. For example, in quantum mechanics, complex matrices are used to represent physical properties such as spin and energy levels, and making them real can help simplify calculations and interpretations. In economics, real matrices can be used to model complex systems, such as supply and demand dynamics.

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