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mathwonk said:We can get some insight about the relation between second cohomology of a manifold M and subspaces of codimension two in M, from the situation in algebraic geometry. As lavinia has explained, not all 2-cohomology classes occur as poincare dual to embedded oriented sub manifolds, but we could ask which ones do. We could also ask which ones are poincare dual to the fiber of a map to a 2-sphere. But we know that all classes are pullbacks via maps to infinite dimensional projective space, although for a given class on a given manifold, presumably the map can be chosen as going into a specific finite dimensional projective space, although possibly of high dimension, i.e. not only greater than 2, but greater than the dimension of the given manifold M.Thus it seems the right way to get a subspace of M from a map on M, is to look at the pullback, not of a point, but of a subspace of codimension 2 in the target space, e.g. of a hyperplane in projective space, in case our map goes into a projective space of any dimension. Thus given a map f:M—>P^r, for any r, we choose a hyperplane (this mathematically naive spell checker prefers hydroplane) of P^r that does not contain the full image f(M), and we pull back that hyperplane H to its inverse image f^-1(H) in M.In algebraic geometry, an algebraic map, or in complex geometry an analytic map, from M to P^r is defined by sections of a line bundle L on M, which has a chern class c, in H^2(M;Z), and under some hypotheses, which I am embarrassed to say I cannot state explicitly at the moment, (perhaps that the space of global sections of L has no "base divisor"), this chern class equals the pullback of the unique distinguished generator of H^2(P^r;Z) = Z, i.e. of the cohomology class of a hyperplane.Now it is a famous theorem of Lefschetz that a cohomology class c in H^2(M;Z), where M is a compact complex manifold, is the chern class of some line bundle if and only if it has “type (1,1)”, i.e. if under the Hodge decomposition of H^2(M;C) = H^(0,2) + H^(1,1) + H^(0,2), the class c maps into the component of type (1,1), by the map H^2(M;Z)—>H^2(M;C).In sheaf cohomology language, in which line bundles are classified up to isomorphism by classes in the group H^1(M;O*), this says that c goes to zero under the map H^2(Z)—>H^2(O), induced by the sheaf sequence 0—>Z—>O—>O*—>0 and the following map from the corresponding long exact sequence H^2(Z)—>H^2(O). I.e. we have
H^1(O*)—>H^2(Z)—>H^2(O), where the first map is the chern class map.Now for a “very ample” line bundle L, the corresponding map to projective space f:M—>P^r given by a basis of the space of global sections of L, is an embedding, and the standard generator of P^r does pull back to the chern class of L. But it seems that the corresponding maps to projective spaces of lower dimensions g:M—>P^s, s ≤ r, given by subspaces of the space of global sections of L, may also pull back the standard generator to the chern class of L, at least under some conditions.In particular, if we project down to P^1, that is CP^1 ≈ S^2 the usual 2-sphere, we may get a map with fiber poincare dual to the chern class. The catch is that projection tends not to be well defined when the center of projection meets the embedded manifold. Still it becomes well defined on a “blowup” of that manifold. In particular every pair of independent global sections of L defines a map M’—>P^1, where M’ is the blowup of M along the (complex) codimension 2 intersection in m of the zero loci of the 2 sections.
So we are getting, at least for certain 2 diml cohomology classes, some geometric realization via a map to both P^r for large r, and in some sense also via a map to P^1 ≈ S^2.
In the category of smooth topology, given a smooth map M-->P^r, presumably we want to choose our hyperplane to satisfy some transversality condition wrt the map f. No doubt a generalization of Sard guarantees existence of such, perhaps see Guillemin and Pollack.
Is the Algebraic Geometric map you refer to the Lefschetz Hyperplane Theorem?