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Massimo Teodorani, Ph.D.
CNR – Istituto di Radioastronomia
Via Fiorentina – Medicina (BO) – North ITALY
E-mail : mteodorani@ira.cnr.it and mteodorani@libero.it
CNR – Istituto di Radioastronomia
Via Fiorentina – Medicina (BO) – North ITALY
E-mail : mteodorani@ira.cnr.it and mteodorani@libero.it
2000The EMBLA 2000 Mission in Hessdalen
... ABSTRACT. In August 2000 a team of italian physical scientists, working in collaboration with Norwegian colleagues from Østfold College, carried out an instrumental expedition in Hessdalen (Norway), which was just the first of a series of future scientific missions planned by the joint italian-norwegian EMBLA Project. The expedition was aimed at studying unexplained anomalous atmospheric luminous phenomena occurring in the Hessdalen valley since about 20 years, and it was particularly focussed to the study of the radio spectrum in the UHF, VLF and ELF wavelength ranges. The employed radio spectrum analyzers, which were automatically in function all the time for 25 days, permitted to discover highly anomalous periodic signals which were caracterized by a spike-like and a doppler-like morphology and which were mostly detected in the VLF radio range. Moreover, during the many planned skywatching sessions, it was possible to sight repeatedly luminous atmospheric phenomena of both plasma-like and structured types in varius points of the Hessdalen valley; some photographs were also taken and subsequently analyzed. This paper represents a preliminary report on this mission, in which both radio and visual phenomena are described. Some speculative physical models explaining some aspects of the recorded anomalous radio signals are discussed. [continued]
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