Energy Balance Equation for Diffusion of Specimens Across a Membrane

In summary, the conversation discusses the diffusion of two specimens, A and B, separated by a wall with different concentrations and temperatures. The energy balance equation for this scenario is mA*(hA(TA)-hA(TB)) + mB*(hB(TB)-hB(TA)), where mA and mB are the diffusion flux of specimens A and B, and hA(TA) and hB(TB) are the specific enthalpies of the specimens at their respective temperatures.
  • #1
Imagine a wall (membrane). Concentration of a specimen A on one side of the wall is cA and it has the temperature TA. The concentration of a specimen B on another side of the wall is cB and it has the temperature TB. Specimen A nad B diffuse against each other (assume steady state). Can somebody write the energy balance equation for this case?
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  • #2
The specimen A diffuses from the side of the membrane with the concentration cA (side 1) to the other side (side 2) and specimen B diffuses in the opposite direction. Because the temperature at the side 1 is TA and the temperature at the side 2 is TB is heat flux in both directions:

mA, mB - diffusion flux of specimen A/B
hA(TA) - specific enthalpy of specimen A at TA
hA(TB) - specific enthalpy of specimen B at TB
  • #3
Is that correct?

FAQ: Energy Balance Equation for Diffusion of Specimens Across a Membrane

1. What is the energy equation diffusion?

The energy equation diffusion is a mathematical representation of how energy is transferred and distributed through a medium, such as a gas or liquid. It takes into account various factors such as temperature, pressure, and concentration gradients to describe the movement of energy.

2. How is the energy equation diffusion used in science?

The energy equation diffusion is used in various scientific fields, such as physics, chemistry, and engineering, to study and understand the transfer of energy in different systems. It is particularly useful in studying heat transfer, mass transfer, and fluid dynamics.

3. What is the governing equation in the energy equation diffusion?

The governing equation in the energy equation diffusion is the second law of thermodynamics, which states that heat flows from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature. This law is the basis for the diffusion of energy in a system.

4. How does the energy equation diffusion differ from other diffusion equations?

The energy equation diffusion differs from other diffusion equations, such as Fick's law of diffusion, in that it takes into account the transfer of energy rather than just mass. It also considers other variables, such as pressure and temperature, which can affect the diffusion of energy.

5. Can the energy equation diffusion be solved analytically?

In most cases, the energy equation diffusion cannot be solved analytically and requires numerical methods for finding solutions. This is because the equation is highly nonlinear and has complex boundary conditions, making it difficult to find exact solutions.
