Energy changes of a ball thrown up

In summary, a hollow ball is thrown vertically upwards with a mass of 0.310 kg and radius of 0.0340 m. It rises through a height of 1.40 m before dropping down again. When released, it has a linear speed of 5.24 m/s and rotational speed of 2.70 revolutions per second. When not rotating, the total kinetic energy decreases and the height reached will be less than 1.40 m. When solid, the rotational inertia decreases and more energy is converted into linear kinetic energy, resulting in the same height reached. The rotational kinetic energy does not contribute to the gravitational potential energy gained.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A hollow ball has a mass of 0.310 kg and radius 0.0340 m. The ball is thrown vertically upwards from rest. It rises through a height of 1.40 m then drops down again. When it is released, it is moving upwards at 5.24 m s−1 and rotating at 2.70 revolutions per second.

For the following two situations, explain whether the height to which the ball rises will be less than, greater than, or the same as 1.40 m.
1) The ball is not rotating, but is given the same linear speed when it is released
2) The ball is solid instead of hollow, but has the same mass and radius. The same amount of total work is done to give the ball its linear and rotational motion, and it has the same angular speed.

Homework Equations

Ek(lin) = 1/2mv^2
Ek(rot) = 1/2Iw^2
Ep = mgh
I = [itex]\sum[/itex]mr^2

The Attempt at a Solution

1) Since ball is not rotating, Ek(rot) = 0. Ek(lin)=1/2mv^2, so if speed (v) same, Ek(lin) same. Total Ek has decreased.
2) Since ball is solid (mass distributed closer to center) and has same mass, rotational inertia (I) is smaller (I = [itex]\sum[/itex]mr^2). Since Ek(rot) = 1/2Iw^2, less Ek(rot) is gained. Since work done is the same, same total Ek gained. More of this Ek will be as Ek(lin) than Ek(rot) compared to before.

Where I am stuck is about energy conversion between Ep and Ek. At first I thought that since Ep gained = Ek lost, it won't matter what form that Ek is in (so for Q1, since total Ek is less Ep gained will be less and height is less, and for Q2 since total Ek is same, Ep gained will be same and height is the same).
But when you think about it intuitively, it seems like only Ek(lin) contributes to the gravitational Ep gained, since that's the actual movement of the ball upwards? The Ek(rot) is just the ball spinning.
The only solution I can think of to that is that the Ek(rot) is converted into some other form of Ep which isn't gravitational?
If this is the case (only Ek(lin) contributes to Ep(grav)), then for Q1 it will reach the same height and for Q2 it will reach a higher height?
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  • #2
Yes, "Ep gained= Ek lost" and the other way around. As the ball rises it will gain potential energy so will lose kinetic energy. However, there is no force that will cause the ball to rotate faster or slower. THAT energy will stay the same so does not even have to be considered.

FAQ: Energy changes of a ball thrown up

What is the concept of energy changes in a ball thrown up?

The concept of energy changes in a ball thrown up refers to the transformation of energy from one form to another as the ball is thrown into the air. This involves potential energy, kinetic energy, and gravitational potential energy.

What is potential energy and how does it relate to a ball being thrown up?

Potential energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its position or state. In the case of a ball being thrown up, potential energy is stored in the ball as it is lifted against the force of gravity.

What is kinetic energy and how does it relate to a ball being thrown up?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. As the ball is thrown up, its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as it gains speed and moves upwards.

What is gravitational potential energy and how does it relate to a ball being thrown up?

Gravitational potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position in a gravitational field. As the ball is thrown up, it gains gravitational potential energy as it moves away from the surface of the Earth.

What factors affect the energy changes of a ball thrown up?

The energy changes of a ball thrown up are affected by factors such as the initial velocity of the ball, the mass of the ball, the angle at which it is thrown, and the properties of the medium through which it is moving, such as air resistance.

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