Energy Conservation and Kinetic, Wind Energies

In summary, Jane and Tarzan need to swing across a river filled with man-eating crocodiles. Jane needs to swing into a constant horizontal wind force of 126N in order to reach the other side. She must have a minimum speed of 16.0356 m/s to just make it to the other side. Once the rescue is complete, they must swing back with a minimum speed of 12.856 m/s. This can be calculated using the equations for work, potential energy, and kinetic energy.
  • #1
1. Jane, whose mass is 49.0 kg, needs to swing across a river filled with man-eating crocodiles in order to rescue Tarzan, whose mass is 80.0 kg. However, she must swing into a constant horizontal wind force F on a vine that is initially at an angle of with the vertical. (See Fig. P5.73.) In the figure, D = 50.0 m, F = 126 N, L = 40 m, and theta = 50.0°.

Figure P5.73

(a) With what minimum speed must Jane begin her swing in order to just make it to the other side? (Hint: First determine the potential energy that can be associated with the wind force. Because the wind force is constant, use an analogy with the constant gravitational force.)

(b) Once the rescue is complete, Tarzan and Jane must swing back across the river. With what minimum speed must they begin their swing?

2. Homework Equations
W = KE + PE
KE = 0.5mv^2
PE = mgh
W = Fcos(theta)*d
Ei = Ef

I first used:
Ei = Ef
PE(gravity) + KE(motion) = W(wind)
mgh + 0.5mv^2 = F(wind)*cos(theta)*d
49*9.81*(40-40*sin40) + 0.5*49*v^2 = 126*cos(50)*50
v = (2*((126*cos(50)*50)-(49*9.81*(40-40*sin40)))/49)^0.5
I got a number of different v:
using different formula and substitutions but they are ALL incorrect by at least 10%!

Line of reason:
Jane needs to move against a force field of wind which exertes 126N, when multiplied by 50m the distance the work needed to go against the wind is 126*50 J multiplied by an angle of 50 degrees? Here is where it gets confusing, if she is moving in an arc wouldn't the energy of the wind change also? W = Fcos(theta)*d
So she obviously needs a KE equal to W in order to overcome it, also in the diagram I am unsure if there is a height change, but if there is it is negative energy with respect to the y axis? Should I break up the question into an x and y part then say v = ((vx)^2 + (vy)^2)^0.5?
height difference between starting point and ending point:
h = L - Lsin40
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  • #2
= 40 - 40sin40 = 25.624(a) With what minimum speed must Jane begin her swing in order to just make it to the other side? Ei = EfPE(gravity) + KE(motion) = W(wind)mgh + 0.5mv^2 = F(wind)*cos(theta)*d49*9.81*25.624 + 0.5*49*v^2 = 126*cos(50)*50v = (2*((126*cos(50)*50)-(49*9.81*25.624))/49)^0.5v = 16.0356 m/s(b) Once the rescue is complete, Tarzan and Jane must swing back across the river. With what minimum speed must they begin their swing?Ei = EfPE(gravity) + KE(motion) = W(wind)mgh + 0.5mv^2 = F(wind)*cos(theta)*d129*9.81*25.624 + 0.5*129*v^2 = 126*cos(50)*50v = (2*((126*cos(50)*50)-(129*9.81*25.624))/129)^0.5v = 12.856 m/s
  • #3
, but the height difference should be the same as the height change in the y axis, so:
h = Lcos40 - L
h = L(cos40 - 1)
h = 50(cos40 - 1)
h = 31.04m

(a) In order to determine the minimum speed required for Jane to make it to the other side, we need to calculate the work done by the wind force and equate it to the kinetic energy of Jane. The work done by the wind can be calculated using the formula W = Fcos(theta)*d, where F is the wind force, theta is the angle between the wind and the direction of motion, and d is the distance travelled. In this case, F = 126 N, theta = 50 degrees, and d = 50 m. Therefore, the work done by the wind is W = 126*cos(50)*50 = 4155.6 J. This work must be equal to the kinetic energy of Jane, which can be calculated using the formula KE = 0.5mv^2, where m is Jane's mass and v is the minimum speed required. So, we have 4155.6 = 0.5*49*v^2, which gives us v = 16.04 m/s. Therefore, Jane must begin her swing with a minimum speed of 16.04 m/s in order to just make it to the other side.

(b) Once the rescue is complete, Tarzan and Jane must swing back across the river. The same principle applies here, where the work done by the wind must be equal to the kinetic energy of both Tarzan and Jane. Since they have a combined mass of 129 kg, the minimum speed required for them to begin their swing can be calculated using the same formula as before, but with a mass of 129 kg. So, we have 4155.6 = 0.5*129*v^2, which gives us v = 9.06 m/s. Therefore, Tarzan and Jane must begin their swing with a minimum speed of 9.06 m/s in order to make it back to the other side.

Related to Energy Conservation and Kinetic, Wind Energies

1. What is energy conservation?

Energy conservation is the practice of reducing the amount of energy used for a certain purpose, without sacrificing the quality of the outcome. This can be achieved by using energy-efficient technologies and behaviors, such as turning off lights when not in use, insulating buildings, and using renewable energy sources.

2. What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. The amount of kinetic energy an object has depends on its mass and velocity. For example, a moving car has more kinetic energy than a stationary car.

3. How is wind energy harnessed?

Wind energy is harnessed by using wind turbines. These turbines have large blades that rotate when the wind blows, converting the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is then converted into electricity by a generator, which can be used to power homes and businesses.

4. What are the benefits of wind energy?

Wind energy is a renewable and clean source of energy. It does not produce any pollutants or greenhouse gases, making it environmentally friendly. It is also a cost-effective source of energy, as the wind is free and does not require any fuel to generate electricity.

5. How can individuals contribute to energy conservation?

Individuals can contribute to energy conservation by making small changes in their daily habits, such as turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and choosing to walk or bike instead of driving. They can also support the use of renewable energy sources, such as wind energy, by advocating for policies and investing in renewable energy projects.

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