Energy Conservation and Time-Dependent Potentials

In summary: The EMF is added to the source voltage and adds up to the voltage on the secondary side.In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of energy conservation in classical physics and how it applies to the Schrodinger Equation and Newton's second law. It is explained that in cases where all external forces are conservative, energy is conserved if the potential is not a function of time. However, in cases where non-conservative forces exist, such as friction or induced EMF, the total energy of the system can change. The difference between power and the time-derivative of total energy is also explained. Finally, a physical example of a time-dependent potential and its implications for energy conservation is discussed.
  • #1
In my intro to Quantum Mechanics course, my professor gave a little aside while exploring the analogy between the Schrodinger Equation and Newton's second law: in classical physics, energy is conserved when the potential energy is not a function of time.

I wanted to try to answer this my self, and I thought I had arrived at an answer but then I got stuck again. Can someone explain why this is true? Here is my thought process (for the sake of the question, I leave the velocity as only a function of time and explore its position dependence when its relevant).

If energy is to be conserved, then its time-derivative must be zero, i.e

\frac{\partial E}{\partial t}&=mv\frac{dv}{dt}+\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}\frac{dx}{dt}+\frac{\partial V}{\partial t}\\
&=mv\frac{dv}{dt}+\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}v+\frac{\partial V}{\partial t}\\
&=v(m\frac{dv}{dt}+\frac{\partial V}{\partial x})+\frac{\partial V}{\partial t}\\
##If all external forces are conservative, then so is the net force, and the potential would be time-independent, so the energy rate would be zero since ##m\frac{dv}{dt}=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}##.
But, in the general case, if non-conservative forces exist, then would the above statement be true, or would the net force have to be split up as ##m\frac{dv}{dt}=F_{cons}+F_{non}## and then cancel?

\frac{\partial E}{\partial t}&=v(F_{cons}+F_{non}+\frac{\partial V}{\partial x})+\frac{\partial V}{\partial t}\\
&=vF_{non}+\frac{\partial V}{\partial t}

It looks like the non-conservative force is a source (sink, I guess) of power, and it's somewhat obvious that the potential energy changing would affect the total energy. But what is the nature of the potential? Like, how is it changing? Can you give me a simple physical example?

Also, a little bonus question: What's the difference between power, and the time-derivative of the total energy?

Thanks in advance for your answer! Sorry if it was lengthy.
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  • #2
Actually,all your calculation and derivation are right.The wrong is your understanding.Your derivation analyzes the force and the energy of one thing.But conservation of energy is for the system which has no energy exchange with others.

So why you are wrong is the non-conservative forces.When they change the energy you considered,they also change others.For example,considering a falling body,there are two forces--gravity and air friction.When the non-conservative force--air friction--makes the body slower,it also generates heat.

Thats all.

Tips:so sorry that my English is not good enough.If can not understand what I said,you can connect me
  • #3
Your math is correct. Potential is only defined for conservative forces but there are other forces that are non-conservative. One example mentioned is friction. The force is given by
F = - f* v
If you plug this into your equation (6) you will see it lead to dissipation of energy (into heat).
Another example of non-conservative force is a force on a charge in the presence of an induced EMF. This is realized in all the transformers in the world. The induced EMF sources energy to the secondary winding of the transformer.

But your question is an example of a time-dependent potential. Here is one: Imagine a charge between two capacitor plates with voltage applied between the plates. At a given instance, there is an electrostatic field between the plates with a well defined potential. Now, instead of a constant voltage, apply a time-varying voltage to the capacitor and you have a time-dependent potential energy. Again, there are devices which use the concept of a charge in a time-dependent potential, they are called quadruple mass spectrometers.

Power is the time derivative of the total energy applied to a system. Consider a plane with engines providing certain power. This power is converted into a sum of kinetic energy of the plane (mV2/2) plus potential energy (mgh) as the plane climbs plus friction losses.
  • #4
Henryk said:
Another example of non-conservative force is a force on a charge in the presence of an induced EMF. This is realized in all the transformers in the world. The induced EMF sources energy to the secondary winding of the transformer.

But your question is an example of a time-dependent potential. Here is one: Imagine a charge between two capacitor plates with voltage applied between the plates. At a given instance, there is an electrostatic field between the plates with a well defined potential. Now, instead of a constant voltage, apply a time-varying voltage to the capacitor and you have a time-dependent potential energy.

When you say the induced EMF sources energy, do you mean it's adding energy to the system? I find that pretty neat, since I've only encountered energy-eating non-conservative forces so far (I haven't taken E&M yet).

In your example of the time-varying voltage, is there a force responsible for this? I would guess it's the electric field, but wouldn't that implicitly be in ##m\frac{dv}{dt}## and cancel with ##-\frac{\partial V}{\partial t}##? Or am I missing something else entirely?
  • #5
Potential is defined only for conservative fields. The definition of the conservative field is ∫F⋅dl = 0 for any integral along a closed loop. The induced EMF is non-conservative. In integral form, the equation is ∫E⋅dl = d/dt∫∫B⋅ds where magnetic field is integrated over the area enclosed by the loop, and it is non-zero for the EMF to develop.
In the transformer, the RHS is the change of the magnetic field of the core. The electric field integral is the induced EMF per turn.

Related to Energy Conservation and Time-Dependent Potentials

1. What is energy conservation and why is it important?

Energy conservation is the principle that states energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. It is important because it helps us understand and predict the behavior of systems and processes, and allows us to make informed decisions about resource usage and sustainability.

2. How does energy conservation relate to time-dependent potentials?

Time-dependent potentials refer to changes in potential energy over time. Energy conservation still applies in these situations, as the total energy of a system remains constant. The changes in potential energy are often related to the motion or position of objects, and conservation of energy allows us to calculate and predict these changes.

3. How does energy conservation impact our daily lives?

Energy conservation plays a crucial role in our daily lives, as it allows us to understand and harness energy for various purposes. It also helps us make more sustainable choices in terms of resource usage, which can have a positive impact on the environment and our overall well-being.

4. Can energy be lost or wasted?

No, according to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be lost or wasted. It can only be transformed from one form to another. However, some forms of energy may be less useful or more difficult to harness, leading to inefficiencies and perceived losses.

5. How can we conserve energy in our daily lives?

There are many ways to conserve energy in our daily lives, such as turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and reducing our overall energy consumption. We can also make conscious choices to use renewable energy sources and support sustainable practices in our communities.

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