Energy conversion in a hydroelectric dam

In summary: Let's consider how much GPE a given volume of water has at some height. It is simply mgh. If you were to let that water fall freely, it would gain KE. But we don't let it fall freely. Instead we accelerate it through a turbine. That means we're transferring the energy in the water to the turbine. The water may have KE, but the turbine gains KE. The water may have GPE, but the turbine gains KE. The turbine is just converting the energy from the water into something else. The textbook is correct in saying that the movement of the turbine blades is driven by the pressure difference, but that doesn't mean that there isn't any KE involved. It just means that the work done
  • #1
(this is the first time I post. hope this is in the correct board)

So I want to know about how the internal energy of water has been converted into electrical energy when the turbine is rotating at a steady speed.

I have read several textbooks and they all give me several answers:
1. GPE of water ==> KE of water ==> KE of turbine ==> electrical energy
2. GPE of water ==> work done again electromagnetic force (force from water pressure) ==> electrical energy

I know that if the turbine is starting up, then answer 1 makes sense, but it does not seem valid when the turbine is rotating steadily (since it not gain KE). answer 2 makes more sense in that case, but I am just not sure whether GPE of water will turn into KE of water before becoming the work done against electromagnetic force.

So which one is correct? thank you

PS. in case the abbreviation is different, GPE refers to gravitational potential energy
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  • #2
Both are correct. The water pressure forces water through the dam's turbines at a certain velocity, performing work on them and producing electrical energy. The whole process converts the gravitational potential energy of the water into electrical energy. Note that for water to enter the damn it MUST be accelerated, turning GPE into KE.
  • #3
Thanks Drakkith.

Just to clear things up, the energy conversion is
(when turbine starting up) GPE of water ==> KE of water ==> KE of turbine ==> electrical energy
(when turbine running at steady speed) GPE of water ==> KE of water ==> work done against electromagnetic force ==> electrical energy

Am I correct?
  • #4
Not entirely. Both answers are simply parts of a more detailed answer. It goes like this:

1.Water with certain GPE falls down accelerated by the gravitational field, losing GPE and gaining KE.
2.High-speed water hits the turbine blades, performing work on them. It loses KE and the turbine gains KE(work is the transfer or change of energy in a system).
3.The rotating blades are slowed down by the generator. They perfom work(transfer the KE) on the generator, which gains(produces) electrical energy.


GPE of water =(work by gravity)=> KE of water =(pressure forces do work on the turbine)=> KE of turbine =(work by EM forces)=> electrical energy

Each of the two original answers skips some details, possibly because the authors thought the omissions to be obvious or unimportant. After all, if you simply wrote:
GPE of water =(some work is done here)=>electrical energy
it'd still be correct, if not entirely informative.
  • #5
Thanks bandersnatch, that clear things a lot. But still I have a little bit more to ask. This is the complete paragraph from one of the textbooks I read:

textbook said:
The movement of the turbine blades is explained by the pressure difference between the two sides of a turbine - the inlet has an extra pressure due to water, while the outlet is at atmospheric pressure. This pressure difference gives rise to a force which drives the turbine blades. The work done becomes electrical energy.

It is incorrect to say that electrical energy is converted from KE of water in a turbine! In fact, the speed of water through a turbine is unchanged. The correct description is: the GPE of water is mainly used as work done on the turbine when the water pushes the turbine blades. A small amount of the GPE is lost as KE of water. A turbine is not a water wheel which is an old and highly inefficient technology - only water wheel makes use of the KE of water

One of the end-of-chapter exercises also stress again on that the conversion "loss of GPE of water ==> gain in KE of water (or turbine blades) ==> Electric potential energy" is INCORRECT (it should be "Loss in GPE of water ==> work done against friction ==> electric potential energy" according to what they say).

So according to what you mentioned, does the textbook make a mistake here? or just because they are playing with the wording? (they explanation to the answer is that since there is no "gain" in water or turbine blades during the process)

Thanks again.
  • #6
Drakkith said:
... Note that for water to enter the damn it MUST be accelerated, turning GPE into KE.

Bandersnatch said:
1.Water with certain GPE falls down accelerated by the gravitational field...

I'm not sure I like the wording surrounding "accelerated", when in steady state mode. If one were to model the river as a pipe, with the same diameter as the turbine inlet, I'm pretty sure you'd get the same power output. The fact that water flows faster through the turbines, than the river flows, is just an artifact of the design.

hmmm... That's weird. In my system, the kinetic energy of the fluid doesn't change, until it reaches the turbine blades. So where did this extra energy at the turbine come from?

Elevation head is due to the fluid's weight, the gravitational force acting on a column of fluid.

So there is more energy available at the turbine, simply because there is a column of water sitting above it.

I suppose the horizontal flow of the river becoming more vertical is a change in direction, which implies an acceleration, but not a change in speed, nor mass flow rate.
  • #7
kimau79 said:
Thanks bandersnatch, that clear things a lot. But still I have a little bit more to ask. This is the complete paragraph from one of the textbooks I read:

One of the end-of-chapter exercises also stress again on that the conversion "loss of GPE of water ==> gain in KE of water (or turbine blades) ==> Electric potential energy" is INCORRECT (it should be "Loss in GPE of water ==> work done against friction ==> electric potential energy" according to what they say).

So according to what you mentioned, does the textbook make a mistake here? or just because they are playing with the wording? (they explanation to the answer is that since there is no "gain" in water or turbine blades during the process)

Thanks again.

I would guess that no one has made any mistakes. It is simply difficult to describe in words, which can only be described mathematically.

P = ρhrgk
  • #8
OmCheeto said:
I'm not sure I like the wording surrounding "accelerated", when in steady state mode. If one were to model the river as a pipe, with the same diameter as the turbine inlet, I'm pretty sure you'd get the same power output. The fact that water flows faster through the turbines, than the river flows, is just an artifact of the design.

I was taking the water as standing still in the lake and being accelerated when it enters the dam.
  • #9
Drakkith said:
I was taking the water as standing still in the lake and being accelerated when it enters the dam.

Ok. That makes sense.

I think there are too many ways to model this problem in ones head. I've gone from hydraulic levers, to stacked bowling balls, to bicycle chains on a frictionless surface, to a tarp collecting rainwater in my back yard.

And now I've got your model in my brain... :mad:
  • #10
Well, there you go. In my head I was envisioning something closer to a waterwheel design, hence the acceleration of water as it falls.

FAQ: Energy conversion in a hydroelectric dam

1. How does a hydroelectric dam convert energy?

A hydroelectric dam converts energy by using the force of flowing water to turn turbines. The water is stored in a reservoir and then released through pipes, which spin the turbines. The spinning turbines then power a generator, which converts the mechanical energy into electricity.

2. What is the source of energy in a hydroelectric dam?

The source of energy in a hydroelectric dam is water. It can come from various sources, such as rivers, lakes, or man-made reservoirs. The energy is harnessed from the potential energy of the water at a higher elevation, usually created by a dam.

3. How efficient is a hydroelectric dam?

The efficiency of a hydroelectric dam depends on various factors, such as the design of the dam, the quality of the turbines and generators, and the amount of water flow. On average, a hydroelectric dam has an efficiency of 90%, which means that 90% of the energy from the water is converted into electricity.

4. What are the environmental impacts of a hydroelectric dam?

Hydroelectric dams have both positive and negative environmental impacts. On the positive side, they produce clean and renewable energy without emitting greenhouse gases. However, they can also disrupt the natural flow of water, affect wildlife habitats, and alter the water quality downstream. The construction of a dam can also lead to displacement of communities and loss of cultural and historical sites.

5. Can a hydroelectric dam be used as a reliable source of energy?

Yes, a hydroelectric dam can be a reliable source of energy. As long as there is a consistent supply of water, the dam can continuously generate electricity. However, its reliability can be affected by factors such as droughts or changes in water flow patterns, which can impact the amount of energy that can be produced. Proper maintenance and management of the dam are also important for ensuring its reliability as a source of energy.
