Energy Density of Blackbody Radiation

In summary, the total energy density of blackbody radiation in all frequencies less than v0 can be derived by integrating the Planck's Law from 0 to v0, simplifying for the given limit, and applying the Rayleigh-Jeans formula. The final expression is p(<v0) = (8πKT/3c^3)ν0^3.
  • #1

Homework Statement

[tex]\mbox{Let} \ p(< \nu_{0}) \mbox{be the total energy density of blackbody radiation in all frequencies less than} \ \nu_{0}, \mbox{where} \ h \nu_{0} << kT. \mbox{Derive an expression for} \ p (< \nu_{0})[/tex]

Homework Equations

[tex] p(v) dv = \dfrac{8 \pi h} {c^3} \dfrac {\nu^3}{e^\frac{h\nu}{kT} -1} dv [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

We want to find the total energy density, so that means we'll have to integrate the Planck's Law. The limits of integration will be from 0 to v-knot.

[tex] h \nu < h \nu_{0} << KT \Rightarrow h \nu << KT [/tex]

Which if we simplify for this limit gives:

[tex] p(v) dv = \dfrac{8 \pi h} {c^3} \dfrac {\nu^3}{e^\frac{h\nu}{kT} -1} dv [/tex]

[tex] p(v) dv = \dfrac{8 \pi h} {c^3} \dfrac {\nu^3}{\dfrac{h\nu}{kT} +1 -1} dv [/tex]

[tex] p(v) dv = \dfrac{8 \pi h} {c^3} \dfrac {\nu^3}{\frac{h\nu}{kT} } dv [/tex]

[tex] p(v) dv = \dfrac{8 \pi KT}{c^3} \nu^2 dv \ \mbox{Rayleigh-Jeans Formula} [/tex]

[itex]p(<v_{0}) = \dfrac{8 \pi KT}{c^3}\int _ {0} ^{\nu_{0}} \nu^2 dv[/itex]

[itex]p(<v_{0}) = \dfrac{8 \pi KT}{3 c^3}\nu_{0}^3[/itex]

Is there anything wrong? Thank you very much!
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  • #2
Looks good to me.

FAQ: Energy Density of Blackbody Radiation

1. What is the definition of energy density of blackbody radiation?

The energy density of blackbody radiation is the amount of energy per unit volume that is emitted by a blackbody at a certain temperature. It is measured in joules per cubic meter (J/m^3).

2. How is the energy density of blackbody radiation calculated?

The energy density of blackbody radiation can be calculated using the Stefan-Boltzmann law, which states that the energy emitted per unit area per unit time is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature of the blackbody. The constant of proportionality is known as the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

3. Does the energy density of blackbody radiation depend on the temperature of the blackbody?

Yes, the energy density of blackbody radiation is directly proportional to the temperature of the blackbody. This means that as the temperature increases, the energy density also increases.

4. What is the significance of the energy density of blackbody radiation?

The energy density of blackbody radiation is important because it helps us understand the amount of energy that is emitted by a blackbody at a certain temperature. It also has many applications in fields such as astronomy, where it is used to calculate the amount of energy emitted by stars and other celestial bodies.

5. How does the energy density of blackbody radiation relate to the color of an object?

The color of an object is determined by the wavelengths of light that it reflects or emits. The energy density of blackbody radiation is directly related to the wavelengths of light emitted by a blackbody at a certain temperature. Therefore, the color of an object can be affected by the energy density of blackbody radiation at that temperature.
