Energy dissipated by a nuclear fission

In summary, when uranium undergoes nuclear fission, about 0.1 percent of its mass is converted into energy. This energy is mainly in the form of kinetic energy of the daughter nuclei, but also includes neutrons and gamma ray photons. In a nuclear explosion or criticality accident, this energy is released as heat, gamma rays, and fast neutrons. In a nuclear reactor, the majority of this energy remains as low-temperature heat. The extent to which this energy is used to accelerate the products varies based on the specific scenario.
  • #1
In a nuclear fission of the uranium for example, the uranium atom can be subdivided in Kr and Ba + 2 neutrons + energy dissipated. This energy comes from the mass defect of the uranium in relation to Kr+Ba+2 neutrons. Is this energy full released in the form of photons? Is this energy full used to accelerate (increase kinetic energy) of the products? Or is it used by both processes? In this case, what will be the more significant one ?
Physics news on
  • #2
From here:

When a uranium nucleus fissions into two daughter nuclei fragments, about 0.1 percent of the mass of the uranium nucleus[6] appears as the fission energy of ~200 MeV. For uranium-235 (total mean fission energy 202.5 MeV), typically ~169 MeV appears as the kinetic energy of the daughter nuclei, which fly apart at about 3% of the speed of light, due to Coulomb repulsion. Also, an average of 2.5 neutrons are emitted, with a mean kinetic energy per neutron of ~2 MeV (total of 4.8 MeV).[7] The fission reaction also releases ~7 MeV in prompt gamma ray photons. The latter figure means that a nuclear fission explosion or criticality accident emits about 3.5% of its energy as gamma rays, less than 2.5% of its energy as fast neutrons (total of both types of radiation ~ 6%), and the rest as kinetic energy of fission fragments (this appears almost immediately when the fragments impact surrounding matter, as simple heat). In an atomic bomb, this heat may serve to raise the temperature of the bomb core to 100 million kelvin and cause secondary emission of soft X-rays, which convert some of this energy to ionizing radiation. However, in nuclear reactors, the fission fragment kinetic energy remains as low-temperature heat, which itself causes little or no ionization.

FAQ: Energy dissipated by a nuclear fission

1. What is nuclear fission?

Nuclear fission is a process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation.

2. How is energy dissipated during nuclear fission?

During nuclear fission, the energy is dissipated in the form of heat and radiation. This energy is produced by the splitting of the atom's nucleus into two smaller nuclei, which results in the release of a large amount of energy.

3. What factors affect the amount of energy dissipated by a nuclear fission reaction?

The amount of energy dissipated by a nuclear fission reaction can be affected by several factors, including the type of fuel used, the rate of the reaction, and the design of the reactor. The type of fuel used can affect the amount of energy released, as different types of atoms have different levels of energy stored in their nuclei. The rate of the reaction can also impact the amount of energy released, as a faster reaction can result in a larger amount of energy being released in a shorter amount of time. Additionally, the design of the reactor can play a role, as some designs are more efficient at capturing and utilizing the energy released during fission.

4. What happens to the energy that is not dissipated during nuclear fission?

The energy that is not dissipated during nuclear fission is typically harnessed and used for various purposes. In nuclear power plants, the heat energy is used to create steam, which then turns turbines to generate electricity. In nuclear weapons, the energy is used to create a powerful explosion. In both cases, the remaining energy is then dispersed into the surrounding environment.

5. What are the potential risks and benefits of using nuclear fission as an energy source?

The use of nuclear fission as an energy source has both potential risks and benefits. On the positive side, nuclear fission can produce large amounts of energy without emitting greenhouse gases, making it a clean source of energy. However, the handling and disposal of nuclear waste is a major concern, as it can be hazardous to both human health and the environment. Additionally, the potential for accidents or misuse of nuclear technology also poses a significant risk. Proper safety measures and regulations must be in place to ensure the safe use of nuclear fission as an energy source.

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