Energy expended during magnetic levitation?

In summary, two magnets with like poles facing each other can "levitate" and remain in that position indefinitely without using any energy. This is similar to a helicopter hovering, but without consuming energy. The speaker is struggling to think about this concept without being influenced by their everyday experiences. They ask for help in understanding how this works and if it is similar to a yogi levitating by standing on one leg. The key difference is that other examples of hovering involve accelerating mass, while magnets do not. However, this also means that magnets cannot be used for propulsion.
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Two magnets, like poles facing, will "levitate". And they seem happy to do that forever.

In common experience, it takes energy to jump, an airplane to generate thrust to convert to lift, or a helicopter to hover. "Hovering" for the local TV newscopter, or a SpaceX rocket is an energy intensive endeavor. Two doughnut shaped magnets on a stick, hovering, counteracts gravity like the helicopter, but unlike the helicopter does not "consume energy."

In my case, my "everyday experience" is interfering with my ability to consider the problem without bias..

Can someone set me on the proper track? What am I overlooking?
Physics news on
  • #2
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Is this like a yogi that can levitate by standing on one leg, then folding up the other one? He does not move. When you say movement, how does that apply? to my question?
  • #4
Jbunn said:
Can someone set me on the proper track? What am I overlooking?

All those examples, other than the magnets, require that mass be accelerated, either in the form of expelled exhaust or air projected downwards. Magnets do not. Though that also means that permanent magnets cannot be used for propulsion.

FAQ: Energy expended during magnetic levitation?

1. How is energy expended during magnetic levitation?

Energy is expended during magnetic levitation through the use of electromagnets. These magnets require electricity to produce a magnetic field, which is used to push against the opposing magnetic field of the track or surface. This energy is then converted into kinetic energy, allowing the levitating object to remain suspended.

2. Is magnetic levitation energy efficient?

Yes, magnetic levitation is considered to be a very efficient mode of transportation. Compared to traditional methods such as trains or cars, it requires much less energy to move objects using magnetic levitation. This is because there is no friction between the levitating object and the track, resulting in less energy loss.

3. Can energy be recovered during magnetic levitation?

Yes, energy can be recovered during magnetic levitation through regenerative braking. This technology allows the kinetic energy of the levitating object to be converted back into electrical energy, which can then be stored and reused for future use.

4. How does the weight of the levitating object affect the energy expended during magnetic levitation?

The weight of the levitating object does have an impact on the energy expended during magnetic levitation. Heavier objects will require more energy to overcome the force of gravity and remain suspended, while lighter objects will require less energy.

5. Are there any potential drawbacks or limitations to the energy expended during magnetic levitation?

One potential limitation of magnetic levitation is the need for a constant power source, as the electromagnets require electricity to function. Additionally, the initial cost of building a magnetic levitation system may be higher compared to traditional transportation methods. However, the long-term energy savings and environmental benefits make it a promising technology for the future.
