Energy in spring (slingshot problems)

In summary, a 6.50kg bowling ball is placed in a sling and pulled down 2.90 meters. The only vertical movement is the bowling ball's descent. The spring constant, k, is 380N/m. The total energy when the bowling ball is ready to be fired is 1597.9 J. The kinetic energy when the ball leaves the sling is 1413.17 J. The maximum height the ball reaches is 22.184 meters.
  • #1
**Sorry I just noticed I posted this is the wrong forum, I don't see any delete button could a moderator move this to coursework/homework forum?

This is a problem that I kept getting wrong and never understood why. I'm not asking for answers just help on tackling the question. I have tried it before and I only got a. right. I am paraphrasing the question by the way.

11. There is a slingshot. It can be stretched 2.00 meters from its rest position with a force of 760N. They place a 6.50kg bowling ball in the sling and pull it down 2.90 meters from rest position. There is only vertical movement.

A)Find spring constant.
I got k=380N/m.

B)What is the total energy stored in the sling when the bowling ball is ready to be fired.
I tried Energy=0.5(k)(x)^2 where k is from A) and x is 2.90 meters. I got 1597.9 J

C)Total energy of bowling ball when it leaves the slingshot.
I tried Energy stored in spring. 1597.9 J

D)What is the kinetic energy when the ball leaves the sling?
I tried Energy stored in spring - potential energy used to gain 2.90 meters. 1413.17 J

F)Ignoring air Resistance what is maximum height.
I tried kinetic energy = potential energy (Solving for height in potential energy) ~22.184m + 2.9m from rest point.
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  • #2
What other form of potential energy is operating here?
  • #3
I think gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy are the two I have to work with. Are you hinting at me missing one in my calculations? Would it happen to deal with what my x=0 is set at?
  • #4
it seems right to me, but i think its probably easier to go right from elastic potential to graviational potential instead of converting your energy twice. is it possible that the question wants you to use g = Gmm/(r+h) as your gravitational acceleration, or wants you to take into account drag forces?
  • #5
Can you define the difference between the "total energy" of part C and the "kinetic energy" of part D? Since the question did not specify zero references for the potential energies involved, it's a bit ambiguous.

FAQ: Energy in spring (slingshot problems)

1. What is the concept of energy in spring (slingshot problems)?

The concept of energy in spring (slingshot problems) is based on the principle of conservation of energy. It states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred from one form to another. In a slingshot, the potential energy stored in the stretched spring is converted to kinetic energy when the slingshot is released, propelling the object forward.

2. How does the spring constant affect the energy in a slingshot?

The spring constant, also known as the stiffness of the spring, directly affects the amount of potential energy stored in the spring. A higher spring constant means a stiffer spring, which can store more potential energy and therefore launch the object with more force. Conversely, a lower spring constant will result in a weaker launch.

3. Can the angle of release affect the energy in a slingshot?

Yes, the angle of release can affect the energy in a slingshot. The ideal angle for maximum energy transfer and distance is 45 degrees. When the angle is higher or lower, some of the potential energy in the spring is converted into vertical or horizontal motion, resulting in a weaker launch.

4. What factors can affect the energy in a slingshot?

Apart from the spring constant and angle of release, other factors that can affect the energy in a slingshot include the mass of the object, the strength of the person pulling the slingshot, and air resistance. A heavier object will require more energy to launch, and a stronger person can pull the slingshot further back to store more potential energy. Air resistance can also reduce the efficiency of the launch.

5. How can the energy in a slingshot be calculated?

The energy in a slingshot can be calculated using the formula E = 1/2kx^2, where E is the energy in joules, k is the spring constant in newtons per meter, and x is the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position in meters. This formula applies to both potential and kinetic energy in the slingshot. Additionally, the gravitational potential energy of the object can also be calculated using the formula E = mgh, where m is the mass of the object in kilograms, g is the acceleration due to gravity in meters per second squared, and h is the height of the object in meters.
