Energy is borrowed from the vacuum /Virtual Particles

In summary, according to quantum field theory, virtual particles do not borrow energy from the vacuum. They only violate the usual constraint p² - m² = 0.
  • #1
"Energy is borrowed from the vacuum"/Virtual Particles

I know that there are countless threads on virtual particles (some of which I have participated in), but I don't think that this issue has been adressed yet.

One common handwaving argument for the existence of virtual particles is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. It is said that virtual particles exist shortly enough so that the uncertainty principle applies and let's them "borrow energy from the vacuum".
My question is now: Does this argument have any actual theoretical/mathematical backing within the framework of quantum field theory? Because I don't see how this emerges as a consequence of anything in the theory. Virtual particles emerge as internal lines of Feynman diagrams, it is not clear to me how the uncertainty principle could be related to them.
Let's for now ignore the fact that energy/time uncertainty is a little different from other uncertainties (time does not have a corresponding hermitian operator). Don't let this grow into a "real vs not" discussion, please simply adress my specific question.
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  • #2

I think the whole "borrowing" picture exists entirely in pop science stuff since, as you pointed out, virtual particles are just a mathematical artifact of perturbation theory and the energy-time uncertainty relation isn't really as fundamental as the x,p one.
  • #3

Polyrhythmic said:
I know that there are countless threads on virtual particles (some of which I have participated in), but I don't think that this issue has been adressed yet.

One common handwaving argument for the existence of virtual particles is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. It is said that virtual particles exist shortly enough so that the uncertainty principle applies and let's them "borrow energy from the vacuum".
My question is now: Does this argument have any actual theoretical/mathematical backing within the framework of quantum field theory? Because I don't see how this emerges as a consequence of anything in the theory. Virtual particles emerge as internal lines of Feynman diagrams, it is not clear to me how the uncertainty principle could be related to them.
Let's for now ignore the fact that energy/time uncertainty is a little different from other uncertainties (time does not have a corresponding hermitian operator). Don't let this grow into a "real vs not" discussion, please simply adress my specific question.

you cannot borrow energy from a vacuum
if you can, then its not a vacuum...;)
  • #4

you cannot borrow energy from a vacuum
if you can, then its not a vacuum...;)

Quantum Electrodynamic (QED) Vacuum :)
  • #5

Let's define 'virtual particle' as internal lines in a Feynman diagram, i.e. lines with two ends at two vertices.

In a Feynman diagram energy-momentum (and everything else like angular momentum, charge etc.) is conserved at every vertex; for virtual particles this means that they don't 'borrow energy from the vacuum'; all what they do is to violate the usual constraint p² - m² = 0 where p is the energe-momentum four vector.

So for a virtual photon energy-momentum conservation holds, but it represents something (attention: it's not a Fock-state!) with m² ≠ 0.

Related to Energy is borrowed from the vacuum /Virtual Particles

1. What is meant by "energy is borrowed from the vacuum?"

According to quantum field theory, the vacuum is not actually empty but is filled with constantly fluctuating virtual particles. These particles are created and destroyed in pairs so quickly that they cannot be directly observed. However, they still have energy associated with them and can interact with other particles. This energy is referred to as "borrowed" because it is only temporary and must eventually be returned to the vacuum.

2. How do virtual particles contribute to energy being borrowed from the vacuum?

Virtual particles are constantly popping in and out of existence in the vacuum, creating a sea of energy. When a particle and its antiparticle pair are created, they can briefly interact with other particles and transfer some of their energy. This energy is then considered to be "borrowed" from the vacuum.

3. Can energy be created from nothing through the borrowing of virtual particles?

No, the energy is not being created from nothing. It is being borrowed from the vacuum, which already contains this energy in the form of virtual particles. The total energy of the system remains constant.

4. How is the energy borrowed from the vacuum returned?

The borrowed energy is returned when the virtual particle pair annihilates each other and disappears back into the vacuum. This can happen either spontaneously or through interactions with other particles.

5. What is the significance of energy being borrowed from the vacuum in terms of our understanding of the universe?

The concept of energy being borrowed from the vacuum plays a crucial role in our understanding of quantum field theory and the behavior of particles at a subatomic level. It also has implications for the energy density of the universe and the expansion of space. Further research and experimentation in this area could lead to a deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of our universe.

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