Energy levels and the Aufbau Principle

In summary, the energy levels of the hydrogen atom, given by En=-me4/(32\pi2\epsilonohbarn2), are independent of the orbital angular momentum quantum number l. However, the Aufbau principle implies that the energies of s, p, and d orbitals are different, leading to an apparent paradox. This can be explained by considering the shielding and penetration effects of the electron, which are neglected in the nonrelativistic Schrodinger equation used to derive the energy levels. This is supported by experimental evidence, such as the fine structure of the hydrogen atom.
  • #1
The energy levels of the hydrogen atom are given by En=-me4/(32[tex]\pi[/tex]2[tex]\epsilon[/tex]ohbarn2, and are independant of the orbital angular momentum quantum number l, yet the Aufbau principle clealry implies that the energies of s, p, and d orbitals are different. Explain this apparent paradox and provide an example of experimental evidence that supports your conclusion.

I feel like I'm on the right track if I go about it from a shielding/penetration standpoint. But I could use the additional help! Thanks!
Physics news on
  • #2
There are certain approximations - things you neglected - that a more careful treatment will not neglect. Consider: the electron is actually a relativistic particle, yet you used the nonrelatavistic schrodinger equation to derive those energy levels.

Look up the fine structure of the hydrogen atom.

FAQ: Energy levels and the Aufbau Principle

What are energy levels?

Energy levels refer to the specific energy states of an atom or molecule. These states are determined by the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus and can be thought of as "shells" or "orbitals" where electrons can exist within an atom.

How are energy levels related to the Aufbau Principle?

The Aufbau Principle is a rule that governs the filling of energy levels in an atom. It states that electrons will fill the lowest energy levels first before moving to higher energy levels. This principle helps to explain the electronic configuration of atoms and their chemical properties.

What is the significance of the Aufbau Principle?

The Aufbau Principle is significant because it allows us to predict the electronic configuration and properties of elements based on their position in the periodic table. It also helps to explain the stability and reactivity of elements and their ability to form chemical bonds.

How does the Aufbau Principle apply to the periodic table?

The Aufbau Principle is closely related to the periodic table as it follows the pattern of increasing atomic number. Each row in the periodic table corresponds to a new energy level being filled with electrons, and elements in the same group have similar electron configurations due to their similar energy levels.

Are there any exceptions to the Aufbau Principle?

While the Aufbau Principle is generally a reliable rule, there are some exceptions to it. For example, elements in the transition metals have a slightly different filling pattern due to the presence of inner energy levels. Additionally, certain elements may have a higher energy level partially filled before a lower energy level is completely filled, due to the stability of having half-filled or fully-filled orbitals.
