Energy levels for two particles in infinite potential well

In summary, the problem is that the spatial or orbital for two-non interacting particles, with the same mass, in a one dimensional well, where the potential energy is zero for 0<x<2a and infinite anywhere else.
  • #1
problem is:

(a)write down the spatial or orbital for two-non interacting particles, with the same mass, in a one dimensional well, where the potential energy is zero for 0<x<2a and infinite anywhere else.

(b)What are the energies of the four lowest energy levels for the system in units of [tex]E_{0}=\frac{\pi^{2}\hbar^{2}}{8ma^{2}}[/tex]

My trouble is with part (b) of the question:

as the particles are identical, I can solve for particle 1, say and then clearly particle 2 will have same EVs:

energy levels for particle 1:


and so can immediately infer that energy levels for particle 2 are:


and now I think to find enerfy levels of the system, simply use superposition of energy levels for particle 1 and energy levels for particles 2, so for example the lowest energy level of the system is when n=1 and nbar=1:


however, I am not sure if degenerate cases like when n=nbar are acceptable.

Also as I think the particles are identical, is it considered a different energy level when nbar=2 and n=1 to when n=2 and nbar=1? if these are two different energy levels and also degenerate levels such as when n=nbar are acceptable I think the four lowest energy levels in terms of E_0 are:





and to clarify again - I am assuming that degenerate cases are OK and also that it is a different energy state when n=1 and nbar=2 than when nbar=2 and n=1 and so on..
so for E_1system,n=1,nbar=1 E_2system,n=1,nbar=2 E_3system,n=2,nbar=1 E_4system,n=2,nbar=2.

are these assumptions valid?
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  • #2
No, they're not valid. An energy level is just that: a definite energy. It doesn't matter how that energy was achieved or what the components of the system look like; the only thing that matters is the value of the energy.

In this case:


where N^2=n^2+n_bar^2, and the lowest energy levels correspond to the lowest values of N.
  • #3
OK using this: N^2=n^2+n_bar^2 and it is not allowed that n is equal to nbar?
  • #4
AStaunton said:
OK using this: N^2=n^2+n_bar^2 and it is not allowed that n is equal to nbar?

It is allowed. Every possible value of N^2 corresponds to one energy level. It doesn't matter what values n and n_bar take, or whether they're the same.
  • #5
OK, so in that case weren't my assumptions that I stated at the bottom of my first post valid?
it seems that you are saying the same thing... unless I'm not understanding you properly...

ie. would you agree that the four energy levels I stated E_1system to E_4system are indeed the four lowest energies?
  • #6
I wouldn't agree because you posted:


Those represent the same energy level, because they have the same energy.
  • #7
ideasrule said:
It is allowed. Every possible value of N^2 corresponds to one energy level. It doesn't matter what values n and n_bar take, or whether they're the same.

However, this is only true if the particles are identical bosons, right? If they're fermions we have to take the Pauli principle into account.

(Although I see now that it was stated in the OP that degenerate levels are allowed, implying that we're dealing with bosons.)

FAQ: Energy levels for two particles in infinite potential well

What is an infinite potential well?

An infinite potential well is a theoretical system in quantum mechanics where a particle is confined to a specific region with infinite potential energy. It is often used as a simplified model to study the behavior of particles in a confined space.

How do energy levels for two particles in an infinite potential well differ from one particle?

In an infinite potential well, the energy levels for two particles are different from those of a single particle. This is because the presence of the second particle alters the potential energy around it, leading to a change in the allowed energy states.

What determines the energy levels for two particles in an infinite potential well?

The energy levels for two particles in an infinite potential well are determined by the shape and size of the well, as well as the distance between the two particles. These factors affect the potential energy of the particles and thus their allowed energy states.

Can two particles occupy the same energy level in an infinite potential well?

No, according to the Pauli exclusion principle, two particles cannot occupy the same energy level in an infinite potential well. Each particle must have a unique set of quantum numbers, including energy level, spin, and angular momentum.

How do the energy levels for two particles in an infinite potential well change with increasing distance between the particles?

The energy levels for two particles in an infinite potential well increase with increasing distance between the particles. This is because as the particles move further apart, the potential energy around each particle decreases, allowing for higher energy states to be occupied.
