Energy of an electron with Schrodinger's equation

In summary, the conversation discusses creating a model of an electron tunneling through potential barriers and determining the energy and potential values. The energy of the incoming electron is related to the potential difference in the circuit, but the absolute energy is meaningless and only the relative energy to the potential is important. This potential will also decrease towards the exit.
  • #1
Hello, I was trying to make a simple model of an electron tunneling through several potential barriers. The electron will flow through a conductor to a heterojunction of possibly semiconductor/oxide layers. I assume the electron is coming as a plane wave from the left with some energy E. We know that k = sqrt(E - V) for each layer, but my question is, how do you determine E and V? Is E the fermi level in the conductor? Is V half of the band gap, which is the distance something at the fermi level would have to tunnel to reach the conduction band of the semiconductor/insulator? This problem is likely more complicated than this, but I just need somewhere to start.
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  • #2
That expression doesn't have to work in solids. There will be a k(E) relation (dispersion relation), but it doesn't have to be a square root function. It depends on details of your material.

E is simply the energy of your incoming electron.
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  • #3
mfb said:
That expression doesn't have to work in solids. There will be a k(E) relation (dispersion relation), but it doesn't have to be a square root function. It depends on details of your material.

E is simply the energy of your incoming electron.

Thanks for the reply. For the energy of the incoming electron, is there a simple way to relate it to say the voltage on the circuit? I don't think applying 1 V on a circuit actually gives the electron 1 eV of energy, because the electron isn't freely accelerating in vacuum.
  • #4
The absolute energy is meaningless, you need the energy relative to the potential only, and that will probably be less than 1 eV.
  • #5
mfb said:
The absolute energy is meaningless, you need the energy relative to the potential only, and that will probably be less than 1 eV.

Ah I think I finally understand. So if I had a voltage drop of 1 V across the entire structure, the electron's energy is 1 V, because I can call the exit the zero of energy, so the electron is 1 V higher (i.e. the Fermi level of the entrance side is 1 eV higher than at the exit). The potential that the election sees will also slope downward towards the zero.
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FAQ: Energy of an electron with Schrodinger's equation

1. What is the Schrodinger's equation?

The Schrodinger's equation is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior and properties of quantum particles, such as electrons. It was developed by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger in 1926.

2. How does the Schrodinger's equation relate to the energy of an electron?

The Schrodinger's equation includes a term called the Hamiltonian, which represents the total energy of a quantum particle, including its kinetic and potential energy. By solving the Schrodinger's equation, we can determine the energy levels and wavefunctions of an electron in an atom.

3. Why is the energy of an electron important?

The energy of an electron determines its behavior and properties, such as its position and momentum. It also plays a crucial role in chemical reactions and the formation of chemical bonds, as well as in the functioning of electronic devices.

4. How is the energy of an electron calculated using Schrodinger's equation?

The energy of an electron is calculated by solving the Schrodinger's equation for the wavefunction of the electron. This involves using mathematical techniques, such as separation of variables and boundary conditions, to find the allowable values of energy for the electron in a given system.

5. What factors affect the energy of an electron in an atom?

The energy of an electron in an atom is affected by several factors, including the charge of the nucleus, the distance between the electron and the nucleus, and the presence of other electrons in the atom. These factors all contribute to the potential energy term in the Schrodinger's equation and can result in different energy levels for the electron.

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