Energy of Particle: How to Calculate Joules from Temp

In summary, to find out the energy of a particle in joules, given its temperature, it is important to note that a single particle cannot have a temperature. However, in a theoretical scenario where a mono-energetic group of particles are gathered together, the energy/temperature relationship is 1eV=~11605K. The equation for this can be found in the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. For extreme states of matter, there may be variations to this distribution. To calculate heat at low temperatures, Planck's constant may be used.
  • #1
Gold Member
How 2 find out the energy of a particle in joules, given it's temperature?
Physics news on
  • #2
*A* particle cannot have a temperature, as temperature is a property of an ensemble of particles.

However, if you were to, theoretically, gather a mono-energetic bunch of particles all together, and moving in randomised directions, then the energy/temperature relationship is 1eV=~11605K, and one eV+~1.6E-19J, such that if all the particles each had 1.6E-19J then the ensemble would be at 11,605K.

As soon as you put all those particles together, however, they'd rapidly thermalise (if there were no other means to keep them mono-energetic) into a distribution of energies, but their ensemble temperature would still be 11,605K nothwithstanding any expansion or thermal transfer to a container, or whatever other radiative or absorption means is going on.

Let me know if that answer is helpful, or if there are any points I've not made clear.
  • #3
Thank you for that. Temperature is the average kinetic energy of each particle in matter isn't it? So, say you take some amount of matter and heat it to X degrees. Then each constituent particle should have a Kinetic energy equal to...
Can you give me the equation for this?
  • #4
PhysicoRaj said:
say you take some amount of matter and heat it to X degrees. Then each constituent particle should have a Kinetic energy ...

..that fits into the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution–Boltzmann_distribution

Well, that begins to break down when we start talking about plasmas and other extreme states of matter, but is your starting-point from which you can read up the variations to it, according to how interested you are at progressing your knowledge of statistical mechanics. I'll confess, beyond MB distribution I'll be struggling too, so that's about as much as I can tell you about more complex thermalising distributions.
  • #5
Well. Then I'll switch to low temperature. Is there any equation to find out the heat, given temperature, mass, and anything other important to calculate..
  • #6
Read the link, it should contain all you need.
  • #7
PhysicoRaj said:
How 2 find out the energy of a particle in joules, given it's temperature?

It should come from Planck's constant I hope. :smile: (a moving particle I mean)
  • #8
cmb said:
Read the link, it should contain all you need.

(There's no link!:biggrin:)
  • #9
The link is in post #4, which is more than two years old, by the way. :wink:
  • #10

FAQ: Energy of Particle: How to Calculate Joules from Temp

1. How do you calculate the energy of a particle?

The energy of a particle can be calculated using the formula E = kT, where E is the energy in joules, k is the Boltzmann constant (1.380649 × 10^-23 J/K), and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

2. Can you explain the relationship between temperature and energy of a particle?

The energy of a particle is directly proportional to the temperature. This means that as the temperature increases, the energy of the particle also increases. This relationship is described by the Boltzmann distribution.

3. How do you convert temperature from Celsius to Kelvin?

To convert temperature from Celsius to Kelvin, simply add 273.15 to the temperature in Celsius. This is because the Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero, which is -273.15 degrees Celsius.

4. What is the significance of calculating energy in joules?

Joules are a unit of energy commonly used in physics and other scientific fields. By calculating the energy of a particle in joules, we can compare it to other forms of energy and understand its magnitude more easily.

5. Is the energy of a particle always constant?

No, the energy of a particle can change depending on its environment and interactions with other particles. However, the average energy of a large group of particles is constant and can be calculated using the formula mentioned in the first question.
