Energy probabilities of the harmonic oscillator

In summary, the given conversation discusses a problem involving a particle in a potential with an initial wave function. The conversation covers finding the probability of certain energy values, using the time independent Schrodinger equation and the Fourier's trick to find probabilities, and the evenness and oddness of the Hermite polynomials. It is determined that the probability of finding the system in an n=odd state is zero, and the maximum value of C_{0}(1/2) = 1 indicates that the system is in the ground state.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particl of mass m in the potential V(x) (1/2)*mω[itex]^{2}[/itex]x[itex]^{2}[/itex] has the initial wave function ψ(x,0) = Ae[itex]^{-αε^2}[/itex].

a) Find out A.
b) Determine the probability that E[itex]_{0}[/itex] = hω/2 turns up, when a measuremen of energy is performed. Same for E[itex]_{1}[/itex] = 3hω/2
c) What energy values might turn up in an energy measurement?
d) Sketch the probability to measure hω/2 as a function of α and explain the maximum

Homework Equations

ψ[itex]_{n}[/itex] = (mω/πh)[itex]^{1/4}[/itex]*[1/√(2[itex]^{n}[/itex]*n!)]H[itex]_{n}[/itex](ε)e[itex]^{-(ε^2)/2}[/itex]

H(0) =1, H(1) = 2ε, H(2) = 4ε[itex]^{2}[/itex] - 2

ε = √(mω/h)*x

The Attempt at a Solution

So far I have done the normalization and have got A = (2αmω/∏h)[itex]^{1/2}[/itex] but can't think my way through part b yet. My understanding so far is that you find ψ(x,t) and consider the fact that E[itex]_{n}[/itex] = (n+1/2)hω but that case was for when you was just a linear combination of wave functions and A is a numerical fraction. Are you suppose to use the ψ[itex]_{n}[/itex](x,0) formula to find the wave function at different excited states and find the probability based off the given H values? I still don't see how you would get a probability though since if I were to apply the c[itex]_{n}[/itex] terms, they would still have one of the parameters from a normalization.
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  • #2
Hey xicor. Try using the time independent Schrodinger equation to find the eigenvalue of ψ(x,0).
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  • #3
Further hints I was given to the problem suggested I don't need to solve the Schrodinger equation and instead the problem wanted me to get the probability values of C[itex]_{n}[/itex] from the Fourier's trick which states C[itex]_{n}[/itex] = ∫ψ[itex]_{n}[/itex](x)f(x)dx where in this case f(x) = ψ(x, 0). From this I was able to find the probability function for the ground state that with respect to α. The equation I got was 2(2σ)[itex]_{1/2}[/itex]/(2α+1) which I had confirmed as being correct. However for the energy state E[itex]_{1}[/itex] = 3hω/2 I'm still trying to figure out what the correct solution is. If I plug ψ[itex]_{1}[/itex](x) into equation from the Fourier's trick, I get an integral of the form C∫xe[itex]^{Dx^2}[/itex] where a hint suggested you don't actually have to integrate and I interpreted this so far as saying you can consider the case of the derivative (d/dx)e[itex]^{Dx^2}[/itex] = Dxe[itex]^{Dx^2}[/itex] so the integral in form C∫xe[itex]^{Dx^2}[/itex] = (C/D)*e[itex]^{Dx^2}[/itex] where the direct integration will produce two values that are the same when squared and cancel out, therefore the direct integral is zero which applies to the case of C[itex]_{1}[/itex].

Therefore I got C[itex]_{1}[/itex] = 0 but I'm not sure how you would reason what would happen with higher energy probabilities. I was already told that there will be other energy states with energies probabilities that are greater then zero. Is it the case that the probability is 0 for odd energy states because of symmetries in the probability distributions? Also, it appears that for higher energy states, there would be a higher power of α in the dominator meaning that the probability will be smaller in that case then for the ground state.

I was also able to graph the ground state C[itex]_{0}[/itex](α) which had C[itex]_{0}[/itex](0) = 0 and increased until C[itex]_{0}[/itex](1/2) = 1 and then started dropping to 0 afterwards. I'm still not certain what the maximum C[itex]_{0}[/itex](1/2) = 1 means though, is this some special case in the harmonic oscillator?
  • #4
xicor said:
Further hints I was given to the problem suggested I don't need to solve the Schrodinger equation and instead the problem wanted me to get the probability values of C[itex]_{n}[/itex] from the Fourier's trick which states C[itex]_{n}[/itex] = ∫ψ[itex]_{n}[/itex](x)f(x)dx where in this case f(x) = ψ(x, 0). From this I was able to find the probability function for the ground state that with respect to α. The equation I got was 2(2σ)[itex]_{1/2}[/itex]/(2α+1) which I had confirmed as being correct. However for the energy state E[itex]_{1}[/itex] = 3hω/2 I'm still trying to figure out what the correct solution is. If I plug ψ[itex]_{1}[/itex](x) into equation from the Fourier's trick, I get an integral of the form C∫xe[itex]^{Dx^2}[/itex] where a hint suggested you don't actually have to integrate and I interpreted this so far as saying you can consider the case of the derivative (d/dx)e[itex]^{Dx^2}[/itex] = Dxe[itex]^{Dx^2}[/itex] so the integral in form C∫xe[itex]^{Dx^2}[/itex] = (C/D)*e[itex]^{Dx^2}[/itex] where the direct integration will produce two values that are the same when squared and cancel out, therefore the direct integral is zero which applies to the case of C[itex]_{1}[/itex].

Therefore I got C[itex]_{1}[/itex] = 0 but I'm not sure how you would reason what would happen with higher energy probabilities. I was already told that there will be other energy states with energies probabilities that are greater then zero. Is it the case that the probability is 0 for odd energy states because of symmetries in the probability distributions? Also, it appears that for higher energy states, there would be a higher power of α in the dominator meaning that the probability will be smaller in that case then for the ground state.
You have the basic idea. Your integral for C1 vanishes because you're integrating an odd function of x over a symmetric interval. Looking at the evenness and oddness of the Hermite polynomials, you should be able to convince yourself that the probability of finding the system in an n=odd state is zero.

I was also able to graph the ground state C[itex]_{0}[/itex](α) which had C[itex]_{0}[/itex](0) = 0 and increased until C[itex]_{0}[/itex](1/2) = 1 and then started dropping to 0 afterwards. I'm still not certain what the maximum C[itex]_{0}[/itex](1/2) = 1 means though, is this some special case in the harmonic oscillator?
You can express the state of the system as a linear combination of the eigenstates, so
$$\psi(x) = c_0\psi_0(x) + c_1\psi_1(x) + \cdots + c_n\psi_n(x) + \cdots$$ where ##|c_n|^2## is equal to the probability of finding the system in the state ##\psi_n##. If ##c_0=1##, what does that tell you about the other c's?
  • #5

I would approach this problem by first reviewing the equations and concepts involved in the harmonic oscillator system. I would make sure to understand the normalization of the wave function and the relationship between energy levels and the quantum number n.

For part a, to determine A, I would use the normalization condition to find the value of A that makes the wave function ψ(x,0) normalized. This would involve integrating ψ(x,0) over all space and setting it equal to 1.

For part b, I would use the time-independent Schrödinger equation to find ψ(x,t) at different energy levels, specifically at E_0 = hω/2 and E_1 = 3hω/2. Then, I would use the probability density formula, |ψ(x,t)|^2, to determine the probability of finding the particle at these energy levels.

For part c, I would use the formula for energy levels, E_n = (n+1/2)hω, to determine the possible energy values that could be measured in an energy measurement.

For part d, I would plot the probability of measuring E_0 = hω/2 as a function of α and explain the maximum as the point at which the probability is highest. This would likely involve discussing the effect of α on the wave function and how it affects the probability distribution.

FAQ: Energy probabilities of the harmonic oscillator

1. What is the harmonic oscillator model and how does it relate to energy probabilities?

The harmonic oscillator model is a mathematical model that describes the motion of a particle in a potential well. It is often used to understand the behavior of molecules, atoms, and other small systems. The energy probabilities of the harmonic oscillator refer to the likelihood of finding the particle at a particular energy level, which can be calculated using the harmonic oscillator model.

2. How is the energy of a harmonic oscillator quantized?

The energy of a harmonic oscillator is quantized because the particle's motion is restricted to certain discrete energy levels. This is due to the nature of the potential well, which creates a fixed set of energy levels that the particle can occupy. The energy of the particle cannot take on any value, but rather only certain specific values determined by the potential well.

3. What is the relationship between the energy probabilities and the quantum number?

The quantum number of a harmonic oscillator refers to the different energy levels that the particle can occupy. As the quantum number increases, the energy levels also increase, resulting in a higher probability of finding the particle at a higher energy state. Therefore, the energy probabilities of a harmonic oscillator are directly related to the quantum number, with higher probabilities at higher quantum numbers.

4. How does the energy probabilities change with temperature in a harmonic oscillator?

The energy probabilities of a harmonic oscillator are directly related to the Boltzmann distribution, which describes the probability of a particle being in a particular energy state at a given temperature. As the temperature increases, the energy probabilities shift towards higher energy levels, meaning that the particle is more likely to be found in a higher energy state.

5. Can the energy probabilities of a harmonic oscillator be experimentally measured?

Yes, the energy probabilities of a harmonic oscillator can be experimentally measured using techniques such as spectroscopy. By analyzing the absorption or emission of light from a sample, the energy levels and probabilities of the harmonic oscillator can be determined. This information can then be compared to the theoretical predictions based on the harmonic oscillator model.
