Energy required to remove point charges

In summary, the conversation discussed the determination of the electric field and energy required to remove a negative charge from a square configuration of four charges. The electric field was found to be (2kq/(a^2)) at the center of the square, with the x components being -(2kq/(a^2))cos 45. The energy required was calculated using qV, where V was the sum of the potentials at the other three charges. The final answer was found to be 0.64 J.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Four charges are placed at the corners of a square of side length a, as follows : -Q on the top left corner, +Q on the top right corner, -Q on the bottom left corner and +Q on the bottom right corner. Determine the electric field at the centre of the square and determine the energy required to remove one of the negative charges from this configuration for Q=10 uC and a=1 m.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

First, for the electric field, I worked out r at the center of the square using Pythagoras' theorem and found r to be (a/sqrt(2)). I then substituted that into the equation for Electric field and got (2kq/(a^2)). This is for one charge only. (I took the top left). From this configuration, I thought that the y components of the electric field would cancel due to the four charges leaving me with only the x components to deal with. The x components of the field for this particular charge is -(2kq/(a^2))cos 45 which gives -sqrt(2)kq/(a^2). So, the net electric field due to the four charges would be 4 times this. Could you please check this?

For the second part of the question, I decided to work out the potential at the negative charge location (bottom left) due to the other charges using V=kq/r. I got the three potentials as being -89 880 V, 89 880 V and 63554.76V (?). I then added the three potentials together to get 63554.76 V and so the energy required to remove one of the negative charges (bottom left in my case) equals qV. And so, I got the final answer as being -6.355x10^-11 which seems like a strange answer. I would need some help, please

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  • #2
So, the net electric field due to the four charges would be 4 times this. Could you please check this?

For the second part of the question, I decided to work out the potential at the negative charge location (bottom left) due to the other charges using V=kq/r. I got the three potentials as being -89 880 V, 89 880 V and 63554.76V (?). I then added the three potentials together to get 63554.76 V and so the energy required to remove one of the negative charges (bottom left in my case) equals qV.
Looks good.
And so, I got the final answer as being -6.355x10^-11 which seems like a strange answer. I would need some help, please
It is a strange answer as it does not have units. And I don't see how you get this numerical value and its sign.
  • #3
Sorry, I forgot to put the unit. it is the Joule (J) and I got the numerical value by using Q=10 uC and V=V1 +V2 +V3 (the three potentials added together). So, the net potential is 63554.76 V and so qV= -10*10^-6*63554.76 which gives this answer. The sign is negative because q is negative. Is this wrong?
  • #4
boiteporte said:
Sorry, I forgot to put the unit. it is the Joule (J) and I got the numerical value by using Q=10 uC and V=V1 +V2 +V3 (the three potentials added together). So, the net potential is 63554.76 V and so qV= -10*10^-6*63554.76 which gives this answer. The sign is negative because q is negative. Is this wrong?

You really want qΔV. What is the change in potential for the charge moved to infinity?
  • #5
The potential at infinity is defined to be 0, right? And the potential at the current location is 63554.76 V is it not? So, is the change in potential -63554.76 V??
  • #6
boiteporte said:
The potential at infinity is defined to be 0, right? And the potential at the current location is 63554.76 V is it not? So, is the change in potential -63554.76 V??

  • #7
I think I am almost there. The final answer is q*delta V. So, it is -10*10^-6*-63554.76. So, this equals 6.355*10^-11 J. Is this correct?
  • #8
That value is wrong. How did you calculate it?
Please use brackets:
  • #9
Ok, The answer should be 0.64 J. I got the brackets wrong. Is this correct now?

FAQ: Energy required to remove point charges

1. What is the concept of energy required to remove point charges?

The energy required to remove point charges refers to the amount of energy needed to separate two or more charged particles from each other, overcoming the attractive or repulsive forces between them.

2. How is the energy required to remove point charges calculated?

The energy required to remove point charges is calculated using the Coulomb's law, which states that the force between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

3. What factors affect the energy required to remove point charges?

The energy required to remove point charges is affected by the strength of the charges, the distance between them, and the medium through which they are separated. It also depends on the number of charges involved in the interaction.

4. What is the unit of measurement for the energy required to remove point charges?

The unit of measurement for the energy required to remove point charges is joules (J) in the International System of Units (SI). In some cases, it may also be measured in electron volts (eV) or kilocalories per mole (kcal/mol).

5. How does the energy required to remove point charges relate to the strength of the charges?

The energy required to remove point charges is directly proportional to the strength of the charges. This means that the higher the charges, the more energy is required to separate them, and vice versa.

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