Engineering crane (math problem like hell)

In summary: The tension in the chains is now 30 tonne divided by 4 = 6 tonne per chain.2. Calculate the length of each chain sling that will hold the transformer, if the safe working load in each sling is not to exceed 150 kN. (H3.1)The maximum stretch in the lifting cable when the transformer is just being lifted off the barge 40 m below the bridge deck (i.e. static load) and the boom is at 60°, using a Ø15 mm steel cable (if young’s Modulus for steel is 210 Gpa’s).The chain sling can only stretch by 6 tonne, so it will need to be at
  • #1


Determine the length of each chain sling that will hold the transformer, if the safe working load in each sling is not to exceed 150 kN. (H3.1)

Calculate the maximum stretch in the lifting cable when the transformer is just being lifted off the barge 40 m below the bridge deck (i.e. static load) and the boom is at 60°, using a Ø15 mm steel cable (if young’s Modulus for steel is 210 Gpa’s).

Calculate the maximum acceleration of the lifting operation, if the maximum breaking stress in the cable was not to exceed 1.867 Gpa’s
[Remember F = m (g + a)]

Calculate the pressure in the two hydraulic ram pistons, when the boom is stationary at 45°. The pistons are mounted 3m forward of the boom and 2.12 m up the boom and they have a diameter of Ø100 mm.
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Physics news on
  • #2
This should really be in homework questions. Also those numbers seem slightly funny to me, the breaking load is too high, but that's what the problem says let's run with it.

First of all, if this is a cable how will it be loaded? And how do you relate the breaking stress to a force.

Also is that pic posted the full question? Does it tell you what you are lifting?
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  • #3
well the load is carried by slings which each can only carry 150kN and i have no idea this is why i need help revising :S that is the info givin Calculate the maximum stretch in the lifting cable when the transformer is just being lifted off the barge 40 m below the bridge deck (i.e. static load) and the boom is at 60°, using a Ø15 mm steel cable (if young’s Modulus for steel is 210 Gpa’s). with it and its funny to u because I am from australia and it stinks here ;l ur lifting a 30 tonne transformer
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  • #4
It would help if you posted the full question. There was vital information missing from the OP that is needed to answer it.
There is also information missing about the exact lifting arrangement. Ie, how the slings carry the load into the cable.

Also as you've said this is a revision question, we can't just do the working for you, but we will go through the question step by step.
  • #5
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU saving my life I am so nervous for exams
  • #6
Can you post the full question? With ALL the relevant information you have.
  • #7
there that's everything on paper i c infront of me that is all that is givin to me
  • #8
There was nothing written about the 30 ton load on the picture you posted, there is also nothing showing how the slings carry the transformer.

EDIT: I see you've edited the original question, and added some stuff. Is that all of it?
  • #9
the 2nd url shows it srry if its a bother I am just stressing over exams like hell
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  • #10
That's ok, the 2nd link shows the rest of the information that's needed. This may take a while as I'm going to be doing it and asking you the questions i'd be asking myself.

Starting from the 1st question.

1. Determine the length of each chain sling that will hold the transformer, if the safe working load in each sling is not to exceed 150 kN. (H3.1)

The diagram shows a bridle with 4 chain members going to each corner, with a central lifting point for the main cable.

What can we assume about the load in each of those 4 members?
How must each of the members be loaded?

Hint: you can treat one side as a 2D problem because a beam is used, so there is an angle in 1 direction only.

If the lifting point are 4m apart, what would changing the length of each member alter?
  • #11
yay moments i can do that if a beam is used we could use a 2D diagram so that means because a beam is used and they have to be all equal right? o.o
  • #12
markdx777 said:
yay moments i can do that if a beam is used we could use a 2D diagram so that means because a beam is used and they have to be all equal right? o.o

Ignore the beam. It's not part of the question so we just assume it's strong enough.
Also each of the members are flexible like a rope, so we can't transfer any moments. We can only load a rope in one way - tension. Which means the load in the rope must be axial.

Correct, all the loads in the 4 chains have to be equal. This means we can divide the to total 30 tonne load into 4.

Draw a FBD/picture of the 2D problem, and from the load we worked out find the tension in the chains for a given angle.
  • #14
Yep, if you pick an angle between the two ropes. You can work out the tension in each member. (As they are symmetrical, you only need to work out one)
  • #15
if all equal then 60?
  • #16
Although the loads are equal and each length is equal, the angle doesn't have to be 60 degrees. You can have really long members, meaning the angle is less, or really short ones giving a large angle.

But try working out the tension with angle of 60 degrees. See how that compares to the maximum allowed.

How would you work it out?
  • #17
ugh help? :|
  • #18
see i need help with this part 2 :| I am so going to fail </3
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FAQ: Engineering crane (math problem like hell)

1. How does the engineering crane problem work?

The engineering crane problem involves using mathematical equations to determine the maximum weight that can be lifted by a crane without tipping over.

2. What are the key equations used in solving the engineering crane problem?

The key equations used in solving the engineering crane problem are the equations for torque, center of mass, and stability. These equations involve variables such as weight, distance, and force.

3. What are the factors that affect the stability of an engineering crane?

The stability of an engineering crane is affected by several factors, including the weight of the load being lifted, the distance of the load from the crane's center of mass, the angle of the crane's boom, and the strength and stability of the crane's base.

4. How do you determine the maximum weight that can be lifted by an engineering crane?

To determine the maximum weight that can be lifted by an engineering crane, you must first calculate the crane's maximum torque and then use this value to find the maximum force that the crane can withstand. This force can then be converted into weight using the acceleration due to gravity.

5. Are there any safety precautions to consider when using an engineering crane?

Yes, there are several safety precautions to consider when using an engineering crane. These include ensuring that the crane is properly set up and stable, following weight limits and load distribution guidelines, and regularly maintaining and inspecting the crane for any potential issues.

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