Engineering Degree for Robotics, AI, Supercomputers, & More

In summary: Plus, in the real world, you often end up working on something you know nothing about, so, your physics background would be useful for picking up things quickly.In summary, for designing robots, artificial intelligence, cluster computing, programming, missiles, any devices, smart weapons, automation, and RC humanoid robots, a degree in mechatronics with computer science would cover the basics of most of these fields. Mechanical engineering is also a good choice as it allows for a wide range of opportunities. While a physics degree covers some topics in both mechanical and electrical engineering, it may not provide enough practical skills for engineering work. It is also important to keep in mind the ethical implications of developing certain technologies, such as weapons, and to consider
  • #1
what engineering (or science) field in university would be suitable for:

-designing robots (mechanical and electrical components)
-Artificial intelligence
-Clustercomputing (supercomputers)
-Missiles (I also like to work in defence after i finish university)
-Any devices (such as exoskeleton, pacemaker)
-smart weapons (integrated weapons system in navy or air force)
-RC humanoid robots (because I love sumo humanoid sumo robots from japan)
-and more

So what do you suggest for my university degree?

Also can physicists do most of these things??
Physics news on
  • #2
The Cool Toys Degree!

In all seriousness though, if you're interested in engineering my advice would be to find out what different programs you're more inclined to by finding out what topics are covered, what you might learn, and what are the different things people with that degree end up doing.

I understand that you might be interested in working on the latest cutting-edge technologies, but I don't think this is a good way to choose a major, because a) no program will ever cover all of those things, and b) some of those "fields" you listed are so far apart from each other, theoretically it would probably take you different PhD to be able to do serious work in them (though that wouldn't likely work either).
  • #3
Hi, thanks for comment. I understand that no program will cover all of these things. but what engineering field will cover most of these things? Do you suggest electrical engineering with physics major? or mechanical and physics major? or electrical engineering and computer science major? or what combination? <by the way, I want double major after I finish my associate degree in engineering>
  • #4
I'm not going to give you advice because if I do, I'm afraid you will become some evil weapons of mass destruction developer, and because of your future actions, the Earth will become uninhabitable.
  • #5
Sounds like you want electrical engineering. But if I may make a personal plea, please don't become another feeder of the military-industrial complex.. I mean, c'mon...
  • #6
Sorry if my ambitions sound like war freaks' dream. Ok just forget the military part. So what engineering field will cover the other things?

and btw, I want to make this kinds weapons cause I hate terrorists, personally. I know this looks a violent way to protect peace, but I really have no choice.
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  • #7
Mechatronics with computer science will probably give you the basics to study most of above.
  • #8
Saim: I can see that you are doing ME. Are mechanical engineers allowed to design circuit or any electronics for their product/devices (such as robots, exoskeleton and etc.)?To all viewers, do you think electrical/physics engineers can design a complete product such as exoskeleton, pacemaker, robots?? I mean without the help of other engineering fields like ME??
  • #9
mechanical is an all-around good choice. You can go pretty much anywhere.
  • #10
general_ebisu said:
Saim: I can see that you are doing ME. Are mechanical engineers allowed to design circuit or any electronics for their product/devices (such as robots, exoskeleton and etc.)?
I don't know about "allowed" but sure you can do it if you want to. For course projects we are occasionally required to design some electronic circuits. At most places if you are doing any engineering study you have to take some electrical or electronics courses and if you have taken logic design, basic electronics and some computer architecture I'm sure you can design the basic circuits and do some programming but this is all for small projects. Any sizeable and well designed project will require input from several fields and its virtually impossible for one person to be proficient in all of the fields required for designing cutting edge technology. Take pacemakers for example; you cannot hope to design an optimized working pacemaker without input from biologists, physiologists, material scientists, electrical engineers and mechanical engineers. There is just too much to consider for one person.
  • #11
Ok, I will rephrase my question. who do you think contribute more (lets say in exoskeleton suit and robot devices), EE or ME??

about 'allowed', i mean "qualified or required" (although you are a mech engineer) to design electronics for any professional companies.
  • #12
Im also considering physics as an alternative for University. I have totally no idea what physicists can do.

So my question about that is, can physicists design the things I mentioned?

Also physics covers some of the topics in ME and EE...
  • #13
general_ebisu said:
Sorry if my ambitions sound like war freaks' dream. Ok just forget the military part. So what engineering field will cover the other things?

and btw, I want to make this kinds weapons cause I hate terrorists, personally. I know this looks a violent way to protect peace, but I really have no choice.

Oh 'terrorists' rarely pack anything more advanced than AK-47's. I think our stealth bombers, laser guided bombs and long range, highly accurate artillery are more than enough to defeat the evil 'terrorists'.

Is that really why you want to become an engineer?
  • #14
general_ebisu said:
Ok, I will rephrase my question. who do you think contribute more (lets say in exoskeleton suit and robot devices), EE or ME??
If more is what you ask, then I think its ME for both of those things.
general_ebisu said:
about 'allowed', i mean "qualified or required" (although you are a mech engineer) to design electronics for any professional companies.
No, you wouldn't be qualified enough exactly, but, there is no strict line there. Of course someone hiring a person as a mechE wouldn't expect him to do EE's work, but, if, for example, you have previously shown exceptional skill in electronics and have just a mechE degree you maybe handed over some EE related responsibilities where you work. As a senior professional you may even be consulted on all matters engineering, even those outside your field. However, in research, in developing cutting edge stuff, a mechE's input in a EE related matter would quite worthless.

All engineering is applied physics. A general degree in physics wouldn't give you enough practical skills to work as an engineer but you know the basic theory of almost all fields of engineering. Normally physicists wouldn't be involved in designing the things you mentioned however all the underlying theory of everything above comes from physics.
  • #15
If you want to make money and come home to your wife and kids at the end of the day, be a civil engineer. Work on the downtown bridge.
  • #16
Wait I got you. DeVry University. check it out.
  • #17
crocque said:
If you want to make money and come home to your wife and kids at the end of the day, be a civil engineer. Work on the downtown bridge.
Look at OP's first post. It seems he never wants to get out of lab! :P
  • #18
crocque said:
If you want to make money and come home to your wife and kids at the end of the day, be a civil engineer.

I'm pretty sure this is just as true with any engineering. And Civil certainly wouldn't be the best fit for what the OP is interested in working on.
  • #19
Angry Citizen said:
Oh 'terrorists' rarely pack anything more advanced than AK-47's. I think our stealth bombers, laser guided bombs and long range, highly accurate artillery are more than enough to defeat the evil 'terrorists'.

Is that really why you want to become an engineer?

  • #20
crocque said:
If you want to make money and come home to your wife and kids at the end of the day, be a civil engineer. Work on the downtown bridge.

Civil Engi. = NEVER! I just want to design and invent small devices NOT buildings and houses...
  • #21
*sigh* I just have few months before graduation! I really don't know what engineering field I want! T_T

maybe Ill just go to EE major and physics minor (or double major)

and btw... I am not exactly going straight to university, I am actually going to do associate degree first before going to university,, but still, I need to choose atleast 1 engineering degree in college!

also, i live in australia not in america. -_-

but i want to work there :)

Related to Engineering Degree for Robotics, AI, Supercomputers, & More

1. What is an engineering degree for robotics, AI, supercomputers, and more?

An engineering degree for robotics, AI, supercomputers, and more is a specialized degree program that focuses on the design, development, and implementation of advanced technologies in the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence, supercomputing, and related areas. This degree equips students with the knowledge and skills to create innovative solutions for complex problems using cutting-edge technologies.

2. What are the job opportunities for graduates with an engineering degree for robotics, AI, supercomputers, and more?

Graduates with an engineering degree for robotics, AI, supercomputers, and more have a wide range of job opportunities in various industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, finance, defense, and more. Some common job roles include robotics engineer, artificial intelligence specialist, supercomputing systems analyst, automation engineer, and research scientist.

3. What skills are needed to pursue an engineering degree for robotics, AI, supercomputers, and more?

To pursue an engineering degree for robotics, AI, supercomputers, and more, students should have a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and computer science. They should also possess critical thinking, problem-solving, and programming skills. Additionally, knowledge of electrical and mechanical engineering principles is beneficial.

4. What are the core courses in an engineering degree for robotics, AI, supercomputers, and more?

The core courses in an engineering degree for robotics, AI, supercomputers, and more may vary depending on the specific program and university. However, some common courses may include robotics systems, artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning, supercomputing architecture, and control systems. Students may also have the opportunity to specialize in a specific area of interest.

5. What are the benefits of pursuing an engineering degree for robotics, AI, supercomputers, and more?

Pursuing an engineering degree for robotics, AI, supercomputers, and more offers numerous benefits. Graduates are in high demand in various industries, and the job market for these fields is expected to grow in the coming years. Additionally, this degree equips students with valuable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and advanced technological knowledge, making them well-suited for a variety of careers. Furthermore, working in these fields allows individuals to be at the forefront of innovation and contribute to the advancement of technology.

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