Engineering Major: Can I Still Pursue My Dream?

In summary, if you have a good understanding of basic arithmetic and algebra, you have a good starting point for calculus. However, it is important to have a strong foundation in math before attempting calculus, as it can be challenging.
  • #1
Hi everyone, I am currently a first year undergraduate student. I have recently decided to follow my passion which is Space Exploration so I've decided to get a Mech. Engineering degree (my school doesn't have Aerospace) I am an Undeclared major at the moment and hope to apply to the School of Engineering next fall. The only problem is math is not my best subject I'm not a genius when it come to it but I am willing to work my ass off to get to where I need to be. Would it even be possible for me to get in if I'm not all that good at math? And btw I plan to get my masters in Aerospace or Astronautical Engineering.
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  • #2
Starcrossed97 said:
Hi everyone, I am currently a first year undergraduate student. I have recently decided to follow my passion which is Space Exploration so I've decided to get a Mech. Engineering degree (my school doesn't have Aerospace) I am an Undeclared major at the moment and hope to apply to the School of Engineering next fall. The only problem is math is not my best subject I'm not a genius when it come to it but I am willing to work my ass off to get to where I need to be. Would it even be possible for me to get in if I'm not all that good at math? And btw I plan to get my masters in Aerospace or Astronautical Engineering.
An engineering major is difficult to tackle if math is not your best subject. The coursework in any engineering major, particularly the basic undergrad curriculum, is chock full of math courses and courses whose successful completion depend on the student's having a good knowledge of math.

If your math skills across the board are lacking, it's hard to advise you. My best advice is start with the basics, arithmetic and algebra, work until you understand those, then move up the math ladder into more advanced topics.

If there are only one or two things you are having difficulty with, then extra study can help.
  • #3
My math skills are just average, nothing spectacular. I know that I want to help build/design anything and everything that goes into space and I'm willing to work for it even if it takes me 5 years to get my degree. I want this, I've never taken Calc so I'm not sure how Id do, I took Trig my senior year and got a B if that gives you an idea of how my math skills are. Should I pursue it if I've never had a chance to take any upper level math like Calc?
  • #4
Starcrossed97 said:
My math skills are just average, nothing spectacular. I know that I want to help build/design anything and everything that goes into space and I'm willing to work for it even if it takes me 5 years to get my degree. I want this, I've never taken Calc so I'm not sure how Id do, I took Trig my senior year and got a B if that gives you an idea of how my math skills are. Should I pursue it if I've never had a chance to take any upper level math like Calc?
If you got a B in trig, that's not too shabby.

The engineering undergrad curriculum will take a HS graduate who has studied only algebra and trig and teach him the necessary calculus and other higher level math in order to complete an engineering degree.

If you have the opportunity to take calculus in HS, I would recommend that you do so, if for no other reason but to expose yourself to high level math before you get to college.
  • #5
Starcrossed97 said:
My math skills are just average, nothing spectacular. I know that I want to help build/design anything and everything that goes into space and I'm willing to work for it even if it takes me 5 years to get my degree. I want this, I've never taken Calc so I'm not sure how Id do, I took Trig my senior year and got a B if that gives you an idea of how my math skills are. Should I pursue it if I've never had a chance to take any upper level math like Calc?

It's still impossible to judge how you will do. What we can tell you, however, is that you need a strong foundation in math before beginning calculus. The calculus is typically easy in a computational setting, you'll learn about new operators. With that said, math is cumulative, so it's typically the algebra and trig skills that get most people-you can't apply the calculus without first properly setting up the problem.

So take SteamKing's advice and brush up on your algebra and trigonometry.
  • #6
I would say go for it, and keep true to yourself that you want to get a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Math, for the most of us, is an acquired skill. It doesn't matter if it's Statistics, Linear Algebra, Calculus or Trigonometry, I can tell you that most of us only got good by practicing and spending time on problem sets. That's the key... and I would say it's the same as well for most freshman- and sophomore-level engineering courses.

I was the same in college, and, I spent many hours getting help from tutors so that I can grasp concepts and solutions to problems (quizzes, tests, homework). I later became a tutor myself and have since earned my Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering and about a few years ago my Professional License.

One final word of advice, most bachelor's program is designed to "weed out" non-engineers in the first year or two, and I only say this since I went to a State school. You may learn something similar at your college.

Best of luck!

FAQ: Engineering Major: Can I Still Pursue My Dream?

1. Can I still pursue my dream of becoming an engineer if I didn't take advanced math and science courses in high school?

Yes, it is possible to still pursue an engineering major even if you didn't take advanced math and science courses in high school. Many universities offer prerequisite courses for students who may not have a strong background in math and science. Additionally, there are also alternative pathways such as community college or online courses that can help you build a strong foundation before starting your engineering major.

2. Is it too late to switch to an engineering major if I am already in college?

No, it is not too late to switch to an engineering major if you are already in college. Many universities have a specific process for students who wish to change their major. It may require taking additional courses or extending your graduation timeline, but it is definitely possible to switch to an engineering major if you have a passion for it.

3. Do I have to be good at math and science to succeed in an engineering major?

While having a strong foundation in math and science can certainly be helpful in an engineering major, it is not the only factor for success. Many engineering students also possess strong critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that are essential in this field. With hard work and dedication, anyone can succeed in an engineering major regardless of their initial math and science abilities.

4. Can I specialize in a specific type of engineering within my major?

Yes, most engineering majors offer a variety of specializations or concentrations within the field. Some common specializations include civil, mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineering. It is recommended to research and explore different specializations to find the one that aligns with your interests and career goals.

5. What type of job opportunities are available for engineering majors?

There are a wide range of job opportunities available for engineering majors. Some common career paths include working in industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, energy, and technology. Many engineering majors also go on to pursue graduate studies or research opportunities. The skills and knowledge gained from an engineering major can also be transferable to other fields such as business, consulting, and management.
